Exercícios de recuperação de Inglês

NOME: _________________________________________________
Nº _____
DATA: 04 /12/2012
VALOR: 10,0
Prof(a): Vanilce Balista
Observações: Nome completo. Evite rasuras. Permitido apenas caneta azul ou preta.
Boa Prova!
_____ Ano _____
Ensino Fundamental I
Data: ____/____/2011
(Each 0.2 - Total – 1,2)
1) Complete the text with the Simple Past Tense of the verb TO BE (was / were):
David Beckham is a famous footballer. He _______________ born in England. He ______________a soccer player for
Manchester United for thirteen years, but now he plays soccer for Real Madrid in Spain. In June 2003 he ____________
not at the World Cup, because he_____________ in Japan with his wife. The Japanese people ______________very
happy because they love David Beckham. The Beckhams _________________on a tour of many Asian countries.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
2) Complete the text with the SIMPLE PAST TENSE of the verbs in parentheses: (Each 0.2 - Total – 2,0)
Bristol is a singer. Yesterday she was very busy. At 6 o’clock she __________________________ (to get up), she
___________________ (to take) a shower and ____________________(to get ) dressed. After that she ____________
(to have) breakfast and _________________________ (to read) her last interview for POP STAR Magazine. From 8:00
to 10:00 she _____________________ (to sit) in the living room and _____________________(to write) some lyrics. At
1:00 she _________________________ (to have) lunch. In the afternoon she __________________ (to sing) all the
songs she is going to sing in her new show. After that, she ___________________ (to go ) to her bedroom to watch TV.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
3) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
(Each 0.2 – Total – 1.0)
a) loved / She / boyfriend / her / much / very _________________________________________________________
b) to / They / moved / London /October / in_____________________________________________________________
c) sister / studied / English /My / in / Canada / __________________________________________________________
d) played / school / I / soccer/ at / week / last ___________________________________________________________
e) meet /friends / their / They / night / yesterday__________________________________________________________
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
4) Write negative sentences in the SIMPLE PAST TENSE: (Each 0.3 - Total – 1.2)
a) Mary went to school yesterday afternoon. ________________________________________________
b) He finished his homework last week.____________________________________________________
c) They bought a new computer game yesterday._____________________________________________
d) Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.________________________________________________
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
5) Complete the story with the SIMPLE PAST TENSE of the verbs in parentheses: (Each 0.1 – Total – 1.8)
Louise ____________ (to Be) a smart girl. She ________________________ (not / to go) to school because she
__________________ (to have) to help her mother in the wheat fields from 6 am to 10 pm. She ______________ (to
start) working when she ______________ (to Be) six years old. She ______________________ (not /to learn) how to
read or write, but _________________________ (to create) a lot of funny stories in her head and __________________
(to tell) them to her sisters and friends. The girls _____________________ ( to love) Louise’s stories. She
__________________________ (to become) famous as a story-teller. One day a young guy _______________ ( to
name) Simon______________________(to hear) about her and __________________(to come) to see her. He
______________________ (to Be) delighted to hear her stories and short after they_______________(to meet) he
_____________________(to begin) to teach her how to read and write. And he _______________ ( to do) that with
pleasure. Soon she ________________ (to write) three books of amazing stories.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
3) Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST TENSE of the verbs in brackets:
(Each – 0.3 – Total – 3.0)
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias. ( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
a) She ___________________________________ (to bring) many friends to our party.
6) Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST TENSE of the verbs in brackets:
(Each – 0.3 – Total – 2.7)
a) She ___________________________________ (to bring) many friends to our party.
b) You______________________________ (to forget) your umbrella yesterday in my house.
c) He _________________________________ ( to have) a terrible headache last night.
d) They ___________________________(to get) up early last morning.
e) We ___________________________ (to make) a delicious cake yesterday afternoon.
f) Those dogs _____ _________________________(to run) after me yesterday.
g) You ________________________________ (to talk) to me last week.
h) They _______________________________ (to arrive) from New York Last month.
i) You ________________________________ (to sleep) for twelve hours last night.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical