#ESTUDOEMCASA AULA N.º 1 ANO(s) 9º DISCIPLINA(a) Inglês Competência comunicativa Compreensão oral: C ompreender, com facilidade, discursos produzidos de forma clara; seguir conversas do dia a dia;acompanhar uma apresentação APRENDIZAGENS ESSENCIAIS breve sobre temas estudados; Produção oral: produzir, de forma simples e linear, discursos de cunho pessoal. Título/Tema(s) da Aula How to get through the day at home … Types of Books Tarefas/ Atividades/ Desafios 1. Oral exercise Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself about the magic of reading ● ● ● ● Which was the last book you read? Who is your favourite author? Why do you like his/her books so much? Do you think it is important for teenagers to read? Why? 2. Vocabulary Exercises a) Choose the odd adjective to classify each of the genres below. Use a dictionary to help you. GENRE ADJECTIVES 1. Tragedy melancholic, sad, optimistic, gloomy, heavy-hearted 2. Poetry allusive, dramatic, light-hearted, prosaic, sarcastic 3. Science fiction realistic, technological, fictional, imaginative, scientific 4. Satire ironic, sarcastic, romantic, humorous, provocative 3º ciclo/9 ano b) Translate the words into Portuguese. 1. author ____________ 2. main character _____ 3. story _____________ 4. thriller ____________ 5. villain ___________ 6. hero ____________ 7. plot _____________ 8. narrator __________ 9. science fiction ______ 10. moral ____________ 11. romance _________ 12. drama ___________ c) Complete the gaps with a word above. 1. The ____________ of this book is really moving. 2. What’s the ____________ of the book you are reading? 3. In this ____________ the ____________ is a teen boy. 4. The in the story is really horrible. He’s a real ____________. 5. I love a story in which the ____________ wins and saves the day.