Data: 02/04/11
16. Veja no texto Rates of deforestation vary from one Amazon country to another, mostly because the factors that drive this
process also vary across the region.
Resposta: all Amazon countries have been negatively affected by deforestation.
17. particularly (line 8) e especially (line 11) são utilizadas para exemplificar.
Resposta: exemplify the predominance of deforestation in specific areas.
18. Para responder esta questão, o aluno deveria relaciona o tema aos respectivos itens.
Resposta: 3, 2, 4, 5, 1.
19. Beneficia os colonos e madeireiros.
Resposta: settlers and loggers.
01) their” (. 22) is an adjective pronoun.
02) “clearing” (. 4) is a noun.
03) “farmer” (. 6) is functioning as an adjective. Certo precede o substantivo clearing.
04) “benefit” (. 57) is a verb in the imperative.
05) “them” (. 60) is an object pronoun and refers to “people” (. 60).
Resposta: “benefit” (. 57) is a verb in the simple present tense.
21. About the polar bear reserve in Alaska, it’s correct to say that
) it has about half a million square kilometers. Veja: Now the US government has designated nearly 500,000 Km2 in
) it’s almost double the size of the United Kingdom’s territory. No texto: It covers an area of roughly twice the size
of the United Kingdom.
) oil exploration will definitely be forbidden there. Veja: The designation itself doesn't ban oil exploration (essa medida em si não irá banir a exploração.)
) it has been suffering the bad effects of the increase in temperature around the world. Confira: Polar bears live and
hunt on sea ice, but the frozen Arctic Ocean is melting at an increasing rate, a result, scientists say, of global
warming caused by greenhouse gases.
Resposta: T - T - F - T.
22. A questão é respondida com o entendimento que o governo Americano já escolheu oficialmente a área.
Resposta: has formally chosen – essential endangered homes.
01) fearful. Temerosos.
02) hopeful. Esperançosos.
03) distressed. Aflito.
04) discouraged. Desencorajado.
05) disappointed. Desapontados.
Resposta: hopeful.
24. A expressão “is about to” (. 6) está prestes à portanto acontecerá muito em breve.
Resposta: is going to happen very soon.
25. A expressão significa “devem ser pesados (ponderados) portanto devem ser considerados cuidadosamente.
Resposta: considered carefully.
01. that refere-se a land
02. this é singular
03. verdadeira
04. itself é reflexivo
05. move é substantivo precedido pelo artigo the
Resposta: The noun “survival” (. 6) is formed by adding a suffix to the verb.
01) “help” (. 4) is a verb in the future with will.
02) “concerns” (. 7) is the simple present but expresses a fact.
03) “increasing” (. 10) is an adjective.
04) “its” (. 17) is functioning as an adjective.
05) “doesn’t” (. 21) is being used as an auxiliar verb.
Resposta: “its” (. 17) is functioning as an adjective.
(01) Não são sinais reduzidos e sim cada vez mas frequentes.
(02) Widespread pollution may lead to major impacts on tourism.
(04) Water pollution is the result of men’s interference on nature.
(08) A incapacidade dos rios em absorver os poluentes realmente atrai os turistas = Rivers’ inability to absorb pollutants
does attract the tourists.
(16) People are less able to benefit from tourism with widespread pollution.
(32) The message of the text is that nature urges for preservation.
Resposta: 02 + 04 + 16 + 32 = 54.
(01) They have been throwing garbage into the waterfalls for years. (eles jogam lixo nas cachoeiras há anos!!!!!!)
(02) They have contributed to nature destruction since their honeymoon. (eles contribuem para a destruição da natureza
desde a lua de mel!!!!!)
(04) They have decided to visit the waterfall for the second time. (decidiram visitar a cachoeira pela segunda vez – certo)
(08) They have disdained the increasing pollution of rivers and seas. (eles não consideraram importante (desdenharam) a
crescente poluição dos rios e mares)
(16) They have witnessed man’s negative interference on nature (eles testemunharam a interferência negativa do homem
na natureza – certo)
Resposta: 04 + 16 = 20.
30. Rising sea levels can’t be considered a result of global warming until the water reaches the ceiling.
Traduzindo o cartoon temos: O aumento do nível do mar não poderá ser considerado como resultado do aquecimento global
até que a água atinja o teto.
Percebam que trata-se da sala da sociedade dos céticos do aquecimento global.
(01) think rising sea levels are a consequence of global warming. – Acreditam que o aumento do nível do mar é
consequência do aquecimento global.
(02) presume they can do pretty much about global warming. Presume que podem fazer muito pelo aquecimnto global.
(04) find it improbable rising sea levels result from global warming. Acham improvável que o aumento do nível do mar
seja resultado do aquecimento global.
(08) will do a lot to minimize global warming effects. Farão muito para minimizar os efeitos do aquecimento global.
(16) can control rising sea levels through the use of a computer. Podem controlar o aumento do nível do mar através do
(32) are doubters in relation to the immediate effects of global warming. Estão duvidosos quanto aos efeitos imediatos do
aquecimento global.
Resposta: 04 + 32 = 36.