Exercícios de recuperação de Inglês

NOME: _________________________________________________
Nº _____
VALOR: 10,0
Prof(a): Vanilce Balista
Boa Prova!
Observações: Nome completo. Evite rasuras. Permitido apenas caneta azul ou preta.
_____ Ano _____
Ensino Fundamental
Data: ____/____/2011
( Each – 0,1 – Total – 1,5)
1) Complete the sentences with the SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives in parentheses:
a) Antarctica is ______________________________________ (cold) place in the world.
b) Manchester is ______________________________________ (friendly) city in England.
c) The Manhattan is ___________________________________________ (expensive) restaurant in New York.
d) The Nile is ___________________________________________________ (long) river in the World.
e) Granada is ______________________________________________ (beautiful) town in Spain.
f) The Mona Lisa is _____________________________________________ (famous) painting in the World.
g) Mont Blanc is _____________________________________________ (high) mountain in the Europe.
h) Anna is _______________________________________________ ( young) person in her class.
i) We stayed in _____________________________________________ (bad) hotel in the whole city.
j) People say that it is ___________________________________________ (funny) film of the year.
k) What is _______________________________________________ ( tall ) building in the world?
l) Her teachers say that she is ______________________________________ ( good ) student in the school.
m) This is ___________________________________________________ ( expensive) camera in the shop.
n) Many people say that Venice is _______________________________________ ( beautiful) city in the world.
o) I think chess is ________________________________________________ (complicated) game in the world.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
2) Complete the sentences with the COMPARATIVE of SUPERIORITY form of the adjectives:
(Each – 0.2 - Total –2.8)
a) John is feeling __________________________________________________ (good) he was yesterday.
b) The table is _______________________________________________________ ( heavy ) the book.
c) New York is ___________________________________________ ( interesting ) Argentina.
d) The group’s first record was ____________________________________________ ( successful ) their second record.
e) I think chess is ______________________________________________ ( difficult ) tennis.
f) Your car is _________________________________________________________ ( old) mine.
g) The Mercedes is ________________________________________________ (expensive) the BMW.
h) I think that golf is __________________________________________________ (interesting ) tennis.
i) This question is _______________________________________________________ ( easy ) the last one.
j) I’m a good player, but Eric is ___________________________________________ ( good ) me.
k) The group’s first record was ____________________________________________ ( successful ) their second record.
l) We both played well, but he was ______________________________________________ ( lucky ) me.
m) Your car is _________________________________________________________ ( powerful) mine.
n) This computer is ________________________________________________ ( useful) that one.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
3) Circle the ADJECTIVE or ADVERB:
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
(Each – 0.1 – Total – 0.8)
I walked (SLOW / SLOWLY) to the bus stop. It was a (BEAUTIFUL / BEAUTIFULLY) day. At the bus stop I met a (HAPPY /
HAPPILY) girl. She talked (KIND / KINDLY) to me. She was a (BRAVE / BRAVELY) explorer from Austria. She talked
(SLOW / SLOWLY) because her English wasn’t very (GOOD / WELL). The bus didn’t stop, so we waited (PATIENT /
PATIENTLY) for the next bus.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
4) Complete with the SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE in the AFFIRMATIVE FORM: (Each- 0.2 – Total - 2.2)
a) She _________________________________________________ (to see) you in the morning.
b) They ___________________________________________________ (to learn) English tomorrow.
c) We _________________________________________________ (to drink) some tea in five minutes.
d) He __________________________________________________ (to travel) next year.
e) She ________________________________________________ (to study) Math next year.
f) I ____________________________________________________ (to arrive) at 10 o’clock.
g) He _________________________________________________ (to Be) ready in ten minutes.
h) You _________________________________________________ (to finish) the work tomorrow.
i) They _________________________________________________ ( to eat) in that restaurant.
j) The boys _____________________________________________ (to talk) to you.
k) They _______________________________________________ (to wash) their car next Friday.
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical
5) Write the correct ADVERBS: Put “LY” to the adjectives below:
(Each – 0.1 – Total –2.7)
a) good - _________________________________________________
b) strong - ________________________________________________
c) easy - _________________________________________________
d) hard - __________________________________________________
e) near - _________________________________________________
f) heavy - _________________________________________________
g) late - ____________________________________________________
h) silent - _________________________________________________
i) bad - __________________________________________________
j) clear - __________________________________________________
k) slow - ___________________________________________________
l) terrible - _________________________________________________
m) sincere - _________________________________________________
n) timid - ___________________________________________________
o) perfect - __________________________________________________
p) curious - _________________________________________________
q) dangerous - ______________________________________________
r) fantastic - ________________________________________________
s) horrible - _________________________________________________
t) peaceful - ________________________________________________
u) incredible - _______________________________________________
v) sad - ____________________________________________________
w) beautiful - _____________________________________________
x) frequent - _____________________________________________
y) fast - _________________________________________________
z) happy - _______________________________________________
z) intelligent - _____________________________________________
( ) Dificuldade de compreensão e interpretação
( ) Falta clareza e objetividade na elaboração das idéias.
( ) Erro conceitual
( ) Falta de conteúdos
( ) Resposta incompleta ou pouco elaborada
( ) Letra ilegível
( ) Falta de atenção
( ) Erro ortográfico e/ou gramatical