SIMPLE PAST TENSE Observe: Yesterday Today 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm _____________________________________________________________ Yesterday I watched a horror movie on TV. It started at 9pm and finished at 11.30pm. No passado os verbos se dividem em: REGULAR EVRBS e IRREGULAR VERBS. REGULAR VERBS (+ED) (assistir)Watch watched (iniciar)Start started Verbos terminados em e: (chegar)Arrive (gostar)Like arrived liked verbos terminados em y (jogar, brincar, tocar instrumento musical) play (chorar)cry consoante+y cried verbos terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante cvc (parar) Stop stopped (planejar) Plan planned IRREGULAR VERBS(ED) (ir) Go went (beber) Drink drank (ver) See saw (cortar) Cut cut (escrever)Write wrote (vencer) Win won (comprar) Buy bought (custar) Cost cost (comer) Eat ate (ter) Have had vogal+y played AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES As sentenças afirmativas seguem a seguinte estrutura: Sujeito + verbo(simple past) + ... . Mozart wrote wonderful pieces of music. Pit invited his friends for a party. We drank orange juice last night. I watched a great movie on TV. NEGATIVE SENTENCES Para as sentenças negativas precisamos do auxiliar DID NOT ou DIDN’T. Observe que o verbo “volta” a sua “primeira forma” quando acompanha o auxiliar no passado. Sujeito + did not/didn’t + verbo(infinitivo sem “to”) + ... . Sharon didn’t write an e-mail to her friend. The baby did not cry last night. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES nas sentenças interrogativas usamos DID no início da sentença como auxiliar do Simple Past. Observe que na interrogativa o verbo também “volta” a sua “primeira forma” pois, acompanha o auxiliar no passado. Did Mary play well the piano? Where did you go out last night? LET’S PRACTISE. 1. Fill in the Regular verbs in parentheses into the sentences. Use the Simple Past Tense. 1. Lico __________ soccer yesterday. (to play) 2. Sarah __________ a cartoon on TV. (to watch) 3. They __________ their books. (to carry) 4. He __________ his father last Saturday. (to help) 5. John and Mary __________ the house. (to clean) 2. Fill in the Irregular verbs in parentheses into the sentences. Use the Simple Past Tense. 1. She _________ a beautiful car last week (to drive) 2. Frank _________ the whole pizza. (to eat) 3. They ________ a very good teacher last year. (to have) 4. The candidates _______ their opinion on the paper. (to write) 5. He _________ his favorite song. (to sing) 3. Change the sentences below into the interrogative and negative forms of the Simple Past Tense. 1. His grandfather died 8 years ago. I._________________________________________________________________ N.________________________________________________________________ 2. My cousin lived in France 2 years ago. I._________________________________________________________________ N.________________________________________________________________ 3. I rode my bike to school this morning. I._________________________________________________________________ N.________________________________________________________________ 4. We had a good holiday. I._________________________________________________________________ N.________________________________________________________________ 5. John visited the Statue of Liberty last summer. I._________________________________________________________________ N.________________________________________________________________ 4. Put the sentences in the Simple Past Tense. 1. My father goes to the office by car. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. I drive his car to work in the morning. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. We eat tuna sandwiches. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. The secretary types many letters. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Samantha has pizza for dinner. _____________________________________________________________________ REGULAR VERBS There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a small list of the more common regular verbs. Complete the chart below Infinitive answer arrive Simple Past Past Participle Translation ask borrow call clean cry dance discover enjoy fail help invite jump kiss like look miss need open paint rain search stop IRREGULAR VERBS LIST This is a list of some irregular verbs in English. Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation awake awoke awoken acordar be was, were been ser, estar begin began begun começar break broke broken quebrar build built built construir buy bought bought comprar choose chose chosen escolher catch caught caught pegar come came come vir cost cost cost custar cut cut cut cortar do did done fazer draw drew drawn desenhar dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt sonhar drive drove driven dirigir drink drunk drunk beber eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen cair feel felt felt sentir find found found achar, encontrar forget forgot forgotten esquecer get got gotten conseguir give gave given dar go went gone ir grow grew grown crescer have had had ter hear heard heard ouvir hurt hurt hurt machucar keep kept kept manter know knew known saber learn learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender leave left left partir, sair lose lost lost perder make made made fazer meet met met encontrar, conhecer pay paid paid pagar put put put colocar read read read ler ride rode ridden Andar de…; cavalgar run ran run correr see saw seen ver sing sang sung cantar sleep slept slept dormir speak spoke spoken falar swim swam swum nadar take took taken pegar, levar tell told told contar think thought thought pensar understand understood understood compreender wear wore worn vestir win won won vencer write wrote written escrever 1º. Pegue uma folha de papel 2º. Escreva como o modelo: Infinitive Simple Past Past ParticipleTradução write wrote written escrever 3º. Por 3 minutos, escreva quanto verbos irregulares lembrar nas devidas colunas. 4º. Confira-os e faça as devidas correções. 5º. Faça isso depois de seus exercícios de inglês e veja que sua lista ficará maior a cada dia que passa.