Na 3ª. pessoa do singular alguns verbos recebem s. work = works

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Educador: Kassia Caroline
7º ano___
Data: ___ / __/2012
Atividades de Recuperação de estudos
Simple Present
O Simple Present é o equivalente, na língua inglesa, ao Presente do Indicativo, na língua
As formas afirmativas são feitas com verbo principal no infinitivo sem a partícula “to”.
I live in Brazil.
You study English.
As formas negativas são feitas com o verbo auxiliar do (do/does), acompanhado do verbo
principal no infinitivo sem to.
He does not (doesn´t) study.
They do not (don´t) study.
 Utilização: usa-se o presente simples para expressar:
1. Fatos.
Classes start at 8.00 pm.
John lives in São Paulo.
2. Ações habituais. Geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo como: always, often,
usually, frequently, sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, etc.
I always listen to radio.
She works every day.
3. Verdades universais.
Birds fly.
The sun rises in the east.
4. Ações relacionadas com horário previamente fixado.
My parents arrive tonight.
My flight leaves at 10.00 pm.
 Na 3ª. pessoa do singular alguns verbos recebem s.
work = works
love = loves
 Nos verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z e o, acrescenta-se es.
kiss = kisses
wash = washes
watch = watches
fix = fixes
go = goes
 Se o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se es.
try = tries
fly = flies = study = studies
 O verbo have é irregular, portanto fica has.
I have...
She has...
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of one of the verbs below.
a) My uncle ___________lives____________ in a big house in Portugal.
b) My aunt ____________works_____________ at my cousin´s school.
c) I ___________play__________________ soccer on my school team.
d) Many Canadians ___________speak____________ English and French.
e) We _____________love________________ cookies. They´re delicious!
2. Underline the correct alternatives. Then, rewrite the sentences using the negative:
a) My brother often (wait / waits) for me after school.
My brother often doesn´t waits for me after school.
b) You always (buy / buys) fruit at the street market.
You always don´t buy fruit at the street market.
c) The train (arrive / arrives) at 8.00 am.
The train doesn´t arrives at 8:00 am.
d) Carla (like / likes) hamburgers.
Carla doesn´t likes hamburguers.
e) We (have / has) a daughter.
We don´t have a daughter.
f) They (live/ lives) in a big city.
They don´t live in a big city.
g) I (speaks / speak) English.
I don´t speak English.
2. Look at the chart with Mandy´s routine. Fill in the blanks next to each line with always, never,
sometimes or usually.
2- always
3- usually
4- never
5- sometimes