1) Escreva a regra do uso dos verbos para a 3 pessoa do singular

1) Escreva a regra do uso dos verbos para a 3 pessoa do singular na afirmativa do
Simple Present
2) Put the verbs in the gerund
a) Study _____________ e) Cry _________________
b) Dance _____________ f) Rain ________________
c) Wash _____________ g) Run _________________
d) Stop ______________ h) Swim _______________
3) Pass to negative form
a) I am studying a lot ___________________________________________
b) Jack watches a lot of movies ____________________________________
c) We Do our homework at home ___________________________________
d) Bob is crying today. _____________________________________________
4) Use the verbs in the correct form
a) He ________________ ( cry )
b) They _______________ ( close )
c) We ______________ ( go )
d) She ________________( do )
e) It _____________ ( eat )