SIMPLE PAST Ações que começaram e terminaram no passado. VERBOS REGULARES: são chamados assim porque seguem as regras abaixo. 1. REGRA GERAL: acrescenta-se “ED” no final do verbo: To clean + ed = cleaned. To watch + ed = watched. 2. Verbos terminados em CONSOANTE + Y, elimina o “y” e adiciona “IED”: To study = studied. 3. Verbos monossílabos (uma sílaba) terminados em CONSOANTE (C) + VOGAL (V) + CONSOANTE (C), ‘dobra’ a última consoante e adiciona ED: To stop + p + ed = stopped Verbos Oxítonos (última sílaba “forte”) terminados em consoante (C) + vogal (V) + consoante (C), ‘dobra’ a última consoante e adiciona ED: To occur + r + ed = occurred VERBOS IRREGULARES: são chamados assim porque não seguem nenhuma regra. Para sabê-los é preciso consultar a SEGUNDA COLUNA da lista de verbos. INFINITIVE To be To buy To make PAST PAST TRANSLATION PARTICIPLE Was/were Been Ser/estar Bought Bought Comprar Made Made Fazer You bought a car. Affirmative You didn’t buy a car. Negative Did you buy a car? Interrogative KEY WORDS: yesterday, last night/ week/month/year…, ago, in the past etc. You liked lizards in the past. They didn’t wash the car yesterday Did Michael study Science last year? Jane ate banana two hours ago. We made a cake last night. Did she swim a lot last week? Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They… + verbo (regular) com ED (sem TO). To work = I worked in hospital 20 years ago. To play = He played basketball last week. To study = They studied Spanish in the past. To study ≠ To play (A – antes do Y – é vogal) I/You/He/She/It/We/They…+verbo(irregular)2º coluna da tabela (sem TO). To drink = She drank coffee yesterday. To buy = They bought a new car. ATTENTION What’s the verbal tense of the sentence “ Past? Present? Future?/ Conditional? You not drink coffee”? You not drink coffee. NOT não é suficiente para dizer qual o tempo verbal da frase, porque com o NOT a frase poderia ser traduzida como: Você não bebeu café. Você não bebe café. Você não beberá café. Você não beberia café. NEGATIVE I/You/ He/She/It We/They + DID NOT/ DIDN’T + verbo (sem TO): I did not drink coffee. She didn’t drink coffee. ATTENTION “You drink coffee?” Past? Present? Future? Conditional? Você bebeu café? / Você bebe café?/ Você beberá café?/ Você beberia café? INTERROGATIVE DID + I/You/ He/She/It We/They… + verbo (sem TO) + ?: Did you drink coffee? Did she drink coffee? DID serve para mostrar que o verbo está no tempo Passado. Ele é a prova de que o verbo está no Simple Past. ATTENTION HE pode ser trocado por um nome de homem (James/ The boy). SHE pode ser trocado por um nome de mulher (Mary/ The girl). IT pode ser trocado por um nome de animal, objeto/coisa, lugar (Garfield/ The cat, The car, The school) THEY pode ser trocado por dois ou mais nomes/ nomes no plural de homens, mulheres, animais, objetos/coisas, lugares (James and John/ Mary and Lucy/ James and Mary/ The boys/ The girls/ The cats) Simple past Verb TO WORK Affirmative I worked You worked He worked She worked It worked We worked You worked They worked Negative I did not work You did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work Interrogative Did I work? Did you work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work? Simple past Verb TO TRAVEL Affirmative I travelled You travelled He travelled She travelled It travelled We travelled You travelled They travelled Negative I did not travel You did not travel He did not travel She did not travel It did not travel We did not travel You did not travel They did not travel Interrogative Did I travel? Did you travel? Did he travel? Did she travel? Did it cry travel? Did we travel? Did you travel? Did they travel? Simple past Verb TO CRY Affirmative I cried You cried He cried She cried It cried We cried You cried They cried Negative I did not cry You did not cry He did not cry She did not cry It did not cry We did not cry You did not cry They did not cry Interrogative Did I cry? Did you cry? Did he cry? Did she cry? Did it cry? Did we cry? Did you cry? Did they cry?