Colégio Ressurreição Profª.: Sandra Miguel 4º. bimestre 2012

Colégio Ressurreição
Profª.: Sandra Miguel
4º. bimestre 2012
Conteúdo: Plural of the nouns, Present Continuous, Genitive case,
Some/Any/No/None/Compostos e Past Continuous
1. (Pucpr 1996) Match the columns below so that the words in the second column fit the sentences provided in the first one:
I. Tom and Mary love their ______
) feet
Choose the correct alternative:
) teeth
a) VI - III - I - IV - V -II
II. Put the oranges inside those ______
) children
b) III - VI - I - IV - V - II
III. I can't walk. My ______ are aching a lot.
) geese
c) III - VI - II - IV - V - I
IV. The ______ are flying south.
d) V - III - IV - II - VI - I
V. The cat is hunting the ______
) boxes
e) III - VI - IV - I - II - V
VI. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her ______.
2. (G1 1996) Write the plural form of these words.
a) City
b) Child
c) Tooth
h) Church
i) Bread
j) Day
d) Pen
e) Box
f) Potato
g) Piano
3. No cartum ao
lado, há a palavra
bosses que está no
plural. Qual o
singular dessa
4. (FMU) The little …… are in that …….
a) foxes – boxes b) fox – box
c) foxen – box
d) foxes – box
e) foxen – boxen
Instruções para as questões de 5 até 9: Complete os espaços em branco com os verbos entre parênteses no tempo Present
5. Many people ……(to use) bicycles for exercises.
6. The woman …… (to wear) black clothes.
7. Those boys …… (to look) at you.
8. …… the cat …… (to run) around the table?
9. They …… (not/ to talk) to each other today.
10. Como fica o trecho
“my worst enemy’s
drinking water”, se o ‘s do
genitive case for
substituido por of ?
11. Assinale a alternativa correta que preenche a lacuna adequadamente. (root = raíz)
We've got to get to the ……. a) root's problem
b) problem's root
c) root of the problem
d) problem of the root
12. “I’m nothing./ I’ll always be nothing./ I can’t want to be anything./ Apart from that, I have in me all/ the dreams of the
world./ How should I know what/ I’ll be, I who don’t know what I am?” (Álvaro de Campos – Fernando Pessoa’s heteronyms)
I – I’m nothing.
II – I’ll always be nothing. III – I can’t want to be anything.
Em relação às frases acima, a afirmação abaixo incorreta é:
a) as três frases expressam negação
b) as três frases têm formas compostas do no
c) I e II têm formas compostas do no
d) III tem forma composta de any
e) as alternativas a, c e d estão certas.
13. (MACKENZIE) …… of you can speak English well. a) None
b) No one
c) Nobody
d) Anybody
e) Someone
14. (G1 1996) Em que tempo se encontra o verbo da frase: All the buildings WERE BURNING out in few minutes.
15. . (Uece 1998) Em "... this thing that was approaching to possess her" (par.8), emprega-se o tempo:
a) simple past
b) past perfect
c) past continuous
d) present perfect
16. She is used to taking notes. She knows …… by heart.
a) None.
b) No.
c) Nothing.
d) None of.
e) Nobody.
17. Is there …… in the bottle? No, nothing.
a) Something.
b) Anything.
c) Nothing.
d) Everything.
e) Any.
18. …… suggestion is better than this.
a) Some.
b) Any.
c) No.
d) None.
e) Every.
Instruções para as questões de 19 até 20: Complete os espaços em branco com os verbos entre parênteses no tempo Past
19. I …… (to wait) for some support.
20. They …… just …… (to talk) about you.
21. …… the baby …… (to cry) 10 minutes ago?
22. Alan…… (not/to smoke) his pipe in his room.
23. A frase “People are reading less” está no tempo Present Continuous. Ao passarmos ela para o Past Continuous,
24. Passe “The cat is hunting the mouse” para o plural.
25. Passe “… are college students studying the subjects…?” para o singular.