DE 1 – Introdução à Astronomia

Leisure activities
Activity 1: What you already know
Professor, faça as seguintes perguntas oralmente para introduzir o tema da aula:
• What do you do on weekends?
• What’s your favorite movie?
• What’s your hobby?
Activity 2: Reading and comprehension
Esta atividade propõe que os alunos tentem descobrir o que significam algumas palavras e
expressões do texto relacionadas a atividades de lazer. O texto é pequeno, então leia com
seus alunos, pausadamente.
Professor, peça que eles repitam as expressões grifadas em voz alta para que treinem a
pronúncia. Auxilie-os com a tradução.
Hi, my name is Bob and I live in Hawaii. My favorite sport is surfing, and it is a very
common activity in my country. Actually, my father taught me to surf when I was a child
and we still do it together. He is an international surf champion.
My best friend, Lilla, and I are always together. She is not my girlfriend (not yet), but I think
I’m in love with her. We do everything together and we know each other since we were 5
years old. When we were children, we used to play a lot on the beach! Kite flying was
our favorite leisure activity! Nowadays, I try to take her to interesting places and
appropriate to our age, like cinema and fast food restaurants.
Today we are going to the movies. I could take her hand and maybe try to kiss her
there… But I’m afraid that she doesn’t approve it.
Em seguida, peça que eles respondam oralmente às questões e auxilie-os quanto às
preposições e aos verbos apropriados:
Who is the main character of the story?
And who is his best friend?
What do they use to do together?
Activity 3: I love to have fun!
Coloque na lousa eletrônica os exemplos de atividades de lazer dados na DE. Professor,
esta é uma boa oportunidade para familiarizar os alunos com relação aos verbos e
preposições adequados para cada atividade e introduzir o conceito de “GO + VERB +
ING”, caso surja a dúvida. Na realidade, este conteúdo será apresentado e explicado no 8º
ano, mas nada impede que você forneça uma breve explicação de como utilizar o
gerúndio. Informe-os que se utilizam expressões formadas por "go + verbo + ING" para
atividades em geral, como: ir pescar (go fishing), ir mergulhar (go scuba diving), ir fazer
compras (go shopping).
Activity 4: Exercise what you learned
Peça que os alunos façam as atividades propostas e, no final, salvem seus trabalhos e
enviem-nos a você.
Questões Online – Gabarito
1) Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar as sentenças.
a) best / and / friends / Paul / are / John/ out / go / together. / and / always
a) John and Paul are best friends and they always go out together.
b) the / beach. / I / to / go / rarely
b) I rarely go to the beach.
c) The / sky / kite. / is / so / will / I / blue / a / fly
c) The sky is blue so I will fly a kite.
d) love / watch / to / I / TV / on / nights. / Saturday
d) I love to watch TV on Saturday nights.
2) Complete os espaços com as atividades de lazer adequadas:
go to the beach – playing chess – play volleyball – go out – watch theater plays – concerts
– go to the park – bowling – have dinner – go to the movies – go jogging
It’s Friday and I can’t wait to have fun on weekend! Saturday mornings I usually go to the
beach with some friends. I love the sea! We meet there and we always play volleyball! This
is my favorite sport. On Saturday afternoons I dress myself and I go out with my girlfriend.
We like to go to the movies, watch theater plays and concerts. Sometimes we do other
activities, like bowling, and we always have dinner in interesting restaurants. On Sundays I
wake up early and go jogging. Sometimes I go to the park and meet my friend, Louis. He is
an ancient man that I met some years ago at the gym. He is always at the park on Sunday
mornings – playing chess!
Activity 5: Have fun!
Coloque o videoclipe da música Dancing Queen, do grupo Abba, para que os alunos se
descontraiam um pouco. A canção apresenta alguns verbos relacionados ao tema da aula.
Os alunos poderão acessar a letra e a tradição à parte.