Nome:________________________________________________________nº_______ Data:___/___/____
Professora: Célia Santiago
Disciplina: Inglês
Objetivo: Revisão dos tempos verbais – Simple Present, Present Continuous
Simple Present
Usado para falar sobre ações que acontecem no dia-a-dia, com determinada freqüência ou ainda, verdades gerais.
Personal Pronouns
Affirmative Form
Negative Form
(do not arrive)
(does not arrive)
Observe que: Para as pessoas do singular HE, SHE, IT, na forma afirmativa, os verbos do presente simples sofrem
alteração. Acrescentamos s ao verbo, conforme exemplo acima: arrives
Para os verbos terminados em s, sh, ch, x, o, z, acrescentamos es:
Personal Pronoun
I /we/you/ they
Affirmative Form
Negative form
( do not watch)
(does not watch)
Os verbos termidos em y sofrem alteração, dependendo da posição do y na palavra. Se o y vier depois de uma
consoante, sofrerá alteração: study – studies. Caso o y apareça depois de uma vogal, acrescentaremos apenas s: play
– plays.
Verbo auxiliar – Do - Does
Em inglês utilizaremos o verbo auxiliar para construir frases negativas e interrogativas. No presente simples o verbo
auxiliar é DO para as pessoas I, you, we, they e DOES para as pessoas he, she, it. Veja os exemplos:
Interrogative form:
DO you play the piano?
DOES Maria play the guitar?
Negative form: (do not = don’t ) (does not = doesn’t)
I don’t have a car.
She doesn’t play volleyball.
Present Continuous – Present Progressive
Usado para ações ou eventos que estão acontecendo agora, no momento da fala, para planos futuros, ou ainda,
para mostrar que uma ação é repetida.
Personal Pronouns
Affirmative Form
Negative Form
am arriving
(am not arriving)
are arriving
(are not arriving)
is arriving
(is not arriving)
1) Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous:
1) Phil ___________________________________________________ me every morning. (CALL)
2) Anne _____________________________________________________ breakfast now. (HAVE)
3) Lucy __________________________________________________ for a big company. (WORK)
4) Peter is a good student. He ______________________________ Math and Chemistry. (LIKE)
5) Ellen _____________________________________________________ the piano now. (PLAY)
6) The boys __________________________________to heavy metal on their MP3 player. (LISTEN)
7) Julia ____________________________________________________________TV now. (WATCH)
8) Fabio and Marcelo _______________________________their homework in the kitchen.(DO)
9) Alice _____________________________to the movies with her friends every Saturday. (GO)
10) Paula ______________________________________ to her Mother on the phone now. (TALK)
2) Change to the interrogative and negative forms. Use the verb BE or the auxiliary verb DO:
1) The maid listens to the radio every morning.
2) There are lots of people in the house.
3) She likes to walk in the afternoon.
4) There is a big animal in that cage.
5) The bus leaves at 7 o'clock.
6) The school is open every Saturday.
7) There are five children playing in the garden now.
8) They watch TV in the morning.