s. v. o. In English the phrases are SVO. What’s SVO? Subject Verb Object Romeo kissed the girl clauses An SVO phrase is called CLAUSE Romeo LOVED the girl The girl WAS Juliet Juliet LOVED Romeo Shakespeare CREATED this story Two clauses? We can say or write two Clauses together to create more complex sentences: Clause Romeo loved Juliet and Clause Clause he died for her. Clause Shakespeare created this story and he became famous. Relative Clauses There are many kinds of clauses. The clauses that are connected by Relative pronouns are: Relative Clauses: O autor criou um personagem QUE cativou o público. Shakespeare viveu em um país ONDE o teatro era importante Relative Pronouns O uso do pronome relativo depende do que você pretende se referir na segunda frase. Existem pronomes específicos para se referir a pessoas ou a coisas. Which Who Whose Where When Why What That Referring to objects O pronome utilizado para se referir a Objetos é WHICH These are the cars. these cars are on sale These are the cars which are on sale. Referring to a person O pronome utilizado para se referir a uma pessoa é WHO The Master is a dwarf The Master is very intelligent The Master is a dwarf who is very intelligent Referring to Person or Object Pode-se usar o pronome THAT tanto para referir a pessoas quanto para objeto The three men are fighters. The three men fight martial arts The three men are fighters that fight martial arts Referring to Person or Object Pode-se usar o pronome THAT tanto para referir a pessoas quanto para objeto The rats live in the trash. The rats are dangerous The rats that live in the trash, are dangerous Referring to Place Pode-se usar o pronome WHERE tanto para referir a lugares This the big city. I live in the big city This is the big city where I live in Referring to time Pode-se usar o pronome WHEN tanto para referir a um período Spring is a season. The flowers bloom in Spring Spring is the season when the flowers bloom Exercises 1. Join the sentences using a Relative Pronoun a) Amy Winehouse was a singer; b) Amy Winehouse was british. c) Coldplay is group; d) Coldplay sings “ Viva la Vida”. Singer: cantor e) Wales is a country; f) Wales is in United Kingdom. g) Chile is cold in June; h) In June the snow falls. i) Argentina is a place; j) Andes is in Argentina. Snow: neve Fall: cair Cold: frio Place: lugar 2. Use Which or Who to complete the sentences: a) Ringo Star is the Beatles ________ played drums; b) Drums is the word __________is translated by “bateria” is portuguese; c) The Beatles was a band__________was extremely famous; d) Paul McCarthney is the Beattle _________ still works. e) Abbey Road is a street __________ is very famous because of Beatles. 3. Correct the wrong uses of the Relatives. a) Music is an art who is very popular; b) Albums are CDs who have a group of musics; c) Internet users are people which prefer MP3 music format; d) The Tablet is a kind of computer when is very slim; e) Download of unauthorized music is a crime where is very common; f) Some artists when are sensible permit users to download MP3 music. 4. Translate: a) Daniel é um cantor que é muito popular; b) Brasil é um país onde as pessoas amam a dança; c) Em Junho, quando chega São João, as pessoas fazem fogueiras; d) Legião Urbana foi uma banda que foi muito famosa; e) O vinil era um disco que possuía um grupo de músicas. f) As pessoas que gostam de música, preferem show ao vivo.