1 CENTRO EDUCACIONAL PEREIRA ROCHA Uma nova realidade na educação Data Curso Turma Professor(a) Disciplina 05/03/2013 Ensino Médio Pré-vestibular 10001 / 1002 / 1003 Renato / Amanda Inglês Aluno(a) Nota: Nº 1ª LISTA DE EXERCÍCIOS 1. Read and answer. 2. Na charge acima encontramos quatro pronomes. Determine e classifique cada um deles, dando o uso dos mesmos. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. “I’ll send it to you telepathically.” Qual das frases abaixo o pronome destacado tem o mesmo valor gramatical do pronome destacado no texto? a) I told him a story. b) She knows that you are my friend. c) Lisa must respect her parents. d) Clara would like to go to the beach with my family. e) NDA CEPRO 2 4. Complete the sentences with the demonstrative pronoun. - Do you see _______________ boys over there? They're my cousins from New York. - Wow, your earrings are so pretty! - Thanks! I usually don't wear jewelry, but _________________ two are special! - I love _______________ car! - Which one? - The gray one, next to the big truck. - Do you remember _____________________ shirts we saw at Macy's yesterday? - Yes. - They're on sale today. Let's go there and buy a few. 5. Read and answer. 6. Read and answer. “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the TV set, I go into the other room and read a book”. Na afirmação GROUCHO MARX está sendo: a) esperançoso b) irônico c) irritante d) alarmado e) chocado 7. Ainda de acordo com a afirmação de GROUCHO MARX, encontramos o pronome EVERY. Classifique-o, justificando o uso do mesmo. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. (Cesgranrio-RJ) “The other day a man come to the store and asked _______________ the price of some shoes. I gave _______________ the information, he thanked _______________ politely and bought all of ______________. a) me / him / me / them b) you / his / him / they c) me / you / you / them d) me / He / me / them e) you / He / it/ its 9. Economics is one of the social sciences. Like political, science, sociology and geography, it is concerned with the study of man’s attempt to organize his environment to satisfy his needs. A que se refere o pronome IT? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. (ITA-SP) She knew _______________ better than he knew ______________________. a) himself / him b) himself / himself c) him / himself d) he / himself e) he / him CEPRO