ENGLISH 1 PART 2 READING Observe the following pictures: Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 SPEAKING About these pictures: 1. Did you get the topic discussed? 2. Based on your answer for the previous question, the meaning of vintage, in Picture 3, is ______________. 15 16 ENGLISH 1 3. Some captions were removed from the pictures above. Based on your previous knowledge, match the columns indicating: column 2, the meaning in Portuguese and column 3, the picture they belong to. Column 1 ( 1 ) apps ( 2 ) shares ( 3 ) wireless messaging ( 4 ) gallery ( 5 ) follower ( 6 ) login ( 7 ) about ( 8 ) digital touch pad ( 9 ) texting ( 10 ) links ( 11 ) search Column 2 (meaning) ( ) mensagem de texto ( ) discador ( ) entrar ( ) aplicativos ( ) conexões ( ) galeria ( ) recados ( ) sobre ( ) busca ( ) seguidores ( ) compartilhamentos Column 3 (picture) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) (____________________) Como você deve ter observado nas figuras que analisou a pouco, elas satirizam os modos de se relacionar da atualidade estabelecendo relações com as tecnologias e as ferramentas do passado (vintage). Nesses termos, se fossemos elaborar sentenças usando exemplos de cada uma das figuras, teríamos: a. In the past we posted a message on the wall, people read and shared. b. When we were at home and a gest arrived, we sat on the sofa and talked about something else. c. If we wanted to call to someone, first we found the contact in a phonebook. As sentenças que organizamos têm como característica o SIMPLE PAST*, representado pelos verbos em destaque. Esse tempo designa acontecimentos já concluídos/acabados em um tempo passado determinado, por isso é comum encontrarmos advérbios de tempo e expressões adverbiais que são usadas para determinar esse tempo. Veja alguns exemplos: YESTERDAY (ontem)- Ex.: I posted a message yesterday. LAST WEEK/MONTH/YEAR (semana passada/mês/ano passado)Ex.: I bought a smartphone last week. We travelled to Buenos Aires last year. … WEEKS/DAYS/YEARS AGO (... semanas/dias/anos atrás)Ex.: Fourty years ago we searched for information in a dictionary. She shared new photos on Facebook a week ago. IN… (Em…)- Ex.: In 2012, around 2 billion people had smartphones. Na construção do Passado Simples em inglês DEVEMOS saber reconhecer os dois tipos de verbos existentes: VERBOS REGULARES E VERBOS IRREGULARES. Para formarmos o passado dos VERBOS REGULARES, de modo geral, adicionamos as partículas –ed ou –d (nos verbos terminados em e) ao final do verbo na forma infinitiva, como acontece em ENGLISH 1 share arrive post talk want shared arrived posted talked wanted +d +ed Para outros verbos regulares temos casos especiais: Verbos terminados em Y, precedidos de consoante, substituímos o y por –ied study stydied copy ied copied marry maried Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobramos a consoante final e acrescentamos –ed fit stop permit dobra + ed fitted stopped permitted Os outros verbos destacados nas sentenças acima (read , em a; were e sat, em b; found, em c)não seguem as mesmas regras, pois são considerados VERBOS IRREGULARES. Para esses verbos não há uma regra geral e para aprendermos, a menos que façamos uso contínuo deles, DEVEMOS consultar a lista dos verbos irregulares. FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO SIMPLE PAST Até então trabalhamos com sentenças na forma Afirmativa do Passado Simples em inglês. A forma negativa é obtida pelo acréscimo do auxiliar DID + NOT, ou a contração DIDN’T (marca de informalidade e oralidade)antes do verbo. Já para formarmos uma sentença interrogativa, deslocamos o auxiliar DID para o início (antes do sujeito). Em ambas as formas o verbo volta para sua forma infinitiva (sem –ed/-d/ied para os verbos regulares e, para os irregulares, usamos a forma descrita na primeira coluna da lista dos verbos irregulares). Complete o quadro abaixo com as formas do SIMPLE PAST usando os verbos entre parênteses indicados para cada pronome: Pronoun/Verb I (buy) AFFIRMATIVE FORMS NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE You (work) He (make) She (read) It (be) We (teach) They (write) *Fontes: LEECH; SVARTVIK (1994, p.68); DICIONÁRIO Oxford (2007, p.300); Upgrade, v. 1 (p. 65-66); SILVA et. al. (2012, p. 53) 17 18 ENGLISH 1 PRACTICING GRAMMAR 1. Write sentences in the Simple Past using each verb of the chart below (you can write affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences). a) (buy) _________________________________________________________________ b) (work) _________________________________________________________________ c) (make) _________________________________________________________________ d) (read) _________________________________________________________________ e) (be) _________________________________________________________________ f) (teach) _________________________________________________________________ g) (write) _________________________________________________________________ 2. Fill the blanks with Simple Past forms. (Pay attention to regular and irregular verbs). a) Sara _____________________ a film yesterday. (to watch) b) The car ____________________ at the traffic light. (to stop) c) Andy _______________________ a new shirt two days ago. (to buy) d) They __________________________ what the teacher ___________________. (not/to understand/to say) e) _______________ she _________________ a cake? (not/to make) f) Last week we ______________________ to school by bus. (to go) g) _______________ he __________________ a house? (to build) Adapted from http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/zeitformen.htm 3. Analyze the picture and the assertions: I. II. III. IV. O verbo told é irregular e, como o verbo read, é igual no presente e no passado. O verbo was é a forma passada do verbo to be. O humor da tira reside no fato de os pássaros estarem falando. A tira apresenta uma crítica aos maus tratos com animais. Está correta a) apenas I b) apenas II c) apenas III d) apenas IV I told you Botox was for humans. ENGLISH 1 LISTENING The following activities are based on Audios 1 and 2. Listen to them and answer the questions. AUDIO 1: TEHNOLOGY (Retrieved from http://www.listenaminute.com/t/technology.html) 1. In the beginning of the audio, the speaker makes two questions. These questions are… a) Where we do without technology? Would we still be living in caves? b) What would we do without technology? Would we still be living in caves? c) What would we do without technology? Who we still be living in caves? 2. Complete the fragment. I think there are two main kinds of _________________. The kinds before and after ____________________. _________ we think about technology before computers, it was quite ______________. It was all _________________. Things like steam trains and fridges. At the time, that (be – past) _________ cutting edge technology. But, today’s technology is really cutting edge. ______’s the kind of technology that is out of date as soon as it hits the shelves. I ______________ this. 3. According to the audio, the speaker thinks “[…] so _________seeing it all happen”, and he loves _______________ about technology of the ____________ “and then ___________ it a few years later.” The alternative that fills the gaps is a) exacting; listening; future; life b) exalting; writing; future; like c) exciting; reading; future; buy 4. Following the idea of “technology of the future”, the speaker talks about a kind of movie that always is presenting new technological tools. This kind of movie is a) science fiction b) science thriller c) science action 5. And, as a character of a _________________________ movie, the speaker ends his speech by saying that he “would love to live to be ________” to see how much technology will evolve. a) 100 b) 200 c) 300 AUDIO 2: MOBILE PHONES (Retrieved from http://www.listenaminute.com/m/mobile_phones.html) 6. “How important to you is your mobile phone? Do you really need it?”. By these questions the speaker starts his speech about mobile phones. After that he presents a decade in which mobiles didn’t exist. It was in the… a) 1918s b) 1980s c) 1988s 19 20 ENGLISH 1 7. According to the speaker during this decade people used phone for _____ and “there was _________________ on every street corner.” a) talking with family, friends and pay bills – telephone log b) talking with family, friends and be busy – telephone cab c) talking with family, friends and do business – telephone box 8. The speaker comments that he is not sure “whether mobile phones are a good or a bad thing”. In this respect he complains that… “For sure, they are very _______________, but they can also be a _______________. There’s nothing worse than talking to someone and then they ignore you for ______ minutes while they answer their phone. I have even seen people on a date and one person chats on the phone for _________ minutes.” 9. In the end the speaker questions: “How would life change for you if you didn’t have a mobile?” Give your opinion in a short paragraph. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ READING and WRITING 1. A partir do título do texto, como você explicaria a expressão “Antisocial network”? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Em sua opinião qual seria a causa desse comportamento? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. O texto que leremos a seguir tratará desse tema, mas antes vamos identificar algumas informações sobre ele: Onde ele foi publicado? _____________________________________________________ Qual é a evidência? _________________________________________________________ Quando ele foi publicado? ___________________________________________________ Quem é o autor? ___________________________________________________________ Onde/Para quem ele trabalha? _____________________________________________ O que você sabe sobre esse “local”? _________________________________________ Qual é o público alvo desse texto? __________________________________________ Que tipo de texto é esse? ( ) descritivo ( ) injuntivo ( ) informativo ( ) dissertativo ( ) reportagem ( ) tutorial A que gênero textual ele pertence? ( ) propaganda ( ) notícia Qual é o objetivo do texto? _________________________________________________ 4. Para realizar a leitura do texto, adote os seguintes procedimentos: Sublinhe as palavras conhecidas ou parecidas com o português; Circule as que você não conhece; Tente relacionar o assunto do texto com seu conhecimento prévio. ENGLISH 1 Antisocial networks: how to avoid Facebook 'friends' and irritate people New apps and sites let users keep a distance and stop technology intruding into their lives Think that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and their ilk are out of control, and you would like to regain some of the privacy you once enjoyed? Help may be at hand in the form of "antisocial networking" – a clutch of newapps and websites designed to hide you from the seemingly irresistible march of technological intrusion. Cloak allows users to avoid their ‘friends’. Proudly billing itself as "the antisocial network", Cloak works by turning social media against itself, mining real-time geographical location data from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare accounts to warn you if your "friends" are nearby. This enables you to take a different route and avoid meeting them. While it may be of particular use to cheating spouses, its creators insist that its purpose is broad: "Avoid exes, co-workers, that guy who likes to stop and chat, anyone you'd rather not run into," it says. I think that the age of mass social networking has reached its peak, at least for us firstworlders," said Cloak's co-creator Chris Baker, who also founded the hugely successful viral news platform Buzzfeed . "Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are public arenas where we cultivate versions of ourselves that are well-manicured, mostly false, and always 'on'. I think that is what's beginning to wane. We're exhausted from it and by it. Now platforms that enable ephemeral, private and very loose moments are starting to become hugely mainstream. Antisocial stuff is on the rise. Social has had its moment in the sun. Now people are beginning to revolt." Last year the American writer Jonathan Franzen bemoaned the omnipresence of social networking which forces us to interact constantly with others, rather than spending time in our own thoughts. "Who has time to read literature when there are so many blogs to keep up with, so many food fights to follow on Twitter?" he asked in a book, The Kraus Project. There is evidence that Facebook and Twitter make many of us unhappy as they push us to maintain an unrealistically positive public persona. A recent University of London study explained: "The public nature of a user's Facebook profile means that users' social lives are particularly open to scrutiny from others." And the network can even break up relationships: "Site use can lead to increased jealousy and/or obsessive behaviour, as a result of the opportunities it provides users to access … information about their partner that would not otherwise be accessible." Adapted from http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jun/01/antisocial-networks-social-media-privatethoughts-apps-distance-online-friends-technology 21 ENGLISH 1 22 GLOSSARY ilk: laia, tipo regain: recuperar clutch: último recurso hide: esconder seemingly: aparentemente proudly: orgulhosamente billing: faturamento exes: ex mining: minar/proteger nearby: próximos cheating: trapacear spouse: esposa peak: pico/máximo hugely: imenso to wane: declinar jealousy: ciúme mainstrean: domínio stuff: coisas bemoaned: reclamou/lastimou own: próprio spending: gastando food fight: guerra de comida behavior: comportamento 5. Com base no título, no lead (frase abaixo do título) e no primeiro parágrafo do texto, podemos afirmar que o assunto abordado é/são ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. De acordo com os segundo parágrafo do texto, o nome do aplicativo desenvolvido é __________________ e o seu criador comenta que o sistema pode ter inúmeras utilidades. Ele cita algumas delas, entre elas uma de uso particular. a) Qual é a utilidade de uso particular do app? _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ b) Quais as outras utilidades mais abrangentes do app? _____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. No terceiro parágrafo, o autor traz a opinião de Chris Baker, um dos criadores do app, a respeito do momento atual das redes sociais. Em seu depoimento ele utiliza algumas expressões que buscam definir esse momento e o perfil dos usuários. Relacione as expressões do texto com suas possibilidades de significado em português. ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) first-worlders well-manicured ‘on’ ephemeral ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) interessante/feliz passageiro/fugaz iniciados/experientes bem cuidado 8. Ainda com base no terceiro parágrafo, o que Chris Baker pensa a respeito do fenômeno chamado de “antissocial networking”? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. No quarto parágrafo encontramos a pergunta "Who has time to read literature when there are so many blogs to keep up with, so many food fights to follow on Twitter?" , feita pelo escritor Americano Jonathan Franzen. Que resposta você daria sobre o problema levantado pelo autor? Você concorda com ele? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. No último parágrafo, o autor ressalta duas consequências das redes sócias no comportamento dos usuários, que são _________________________________ e __________________________________________. Da mesma forma, destaca o resultado de um estudo da Universidade de Londres que mostra que o perfil dos usuários do Facebook é _______________________________________________. Isso, segundo o estudo, em muitos casos pode levar a/ao ___________________ __________________________, em consequência das ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. ENGLISH 1 Observe as sentenças a seguir, retiradas do texto: 1. Proudly billing itself as "the antisocial network […] 2. "Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are public arenas where we cultivate versions of ourselves that are well-manicured […] 3. "Who has time to read literature when there are so many blogs to keep up with, so many food fights to follow on Twitter?" 4. There is evidence that Facebook […] make many of us unhappy […] As palavras destacadas nas sentenças 1 e 2 são chamadas de REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS. Esses pronomes são usados para indicar que a ação foi realizada pelo próprio sujeito e têm como característica a presença das terminações – self (no singular) e –selves (no plural), que significam próprio(a), mesmo(a), de si mesmo(a), autorretrato. Algumas funções do pronomes reflexivos são: Enfatizar a pessoa que realizou a ação: Ex: He created the app himself. (Ele mesmo criou o aplicativo) Quando precedidos da preposição by significam sozinho(a): Ex: I never feel by myself on Face. (Nunca me sinto sozinho no Face). Complete o quadro a seguir com o significado dos pronomes reflexivos: PERSONAL I you he she it we you they REFLEXIVE myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves TRANSLATION a si mesmo(a), ele mesmo, ela mesma, -se Já os verbos destacados nas sentenças 3 e 4, equivalem ao verbo HAVER/EXISTIR* do português, ou seja, THERE IS (há/existe) para o singular e THERE ARE (há/existem) para o plural. O verbo haver em inglês é formado pela combinação THERE + TO BE (no presente, no passado e no futuro). Para a forma negativa, acrescentamos NOT ao verbo TO BE e para a forma interrogativa deslocamos o verbo TO BE para o início da sentença. FORMS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE There is a book on the table. (Há um livro sobre a mesa) There are three books on the table. (Há três livros sobre a mesa) * IMPORTANTE: Em português, no dia a dia, usamos o verbo “ter” ao invés de “haver” para falar que existe alguma coisa. Em inglês ISSO NÃO ACONTECE: HAVER = THERE IS/THERE ARE ≠ TER = HAS/HAVE Fonte: http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/pronomes3.php 23 24 ENGLISH 1 PRACTICING GRAMMAR 1. Choose the adequate reflexive pronoun to complete the sentences. a) The girl was looking at _________ in the mirror. ( ) herself ( ) myself b) My boyfriend and I were cheating _________. ( ) ourselves ( ) themselves c) I made a cake _________. ( ) myself ( ) itself d) Peter can’t do the activities by _______. ( ) herself e) My dog sometimes bites ________. ( ) himself ( ) himself ( ) itself f) The students organized a party __________. ( ) ourselves ( ) themselves g) My mother always talks to ________. ( ) yourself ( ) herself 2. The verb THERE + TO BE is also used to describe things, for example, furniture (mobiliário de uma casa). Take a look on the image below and complete the dialogues using THERE IS or THERE ARE. A: ___________ a flower on the coffee table? B: No, _____________. On the coffee table ______________ some magazines. A: Oh, you are right. _________ a flower on the bookcase. C: Excuse, but ______________ some photos on the wall? D: Yes, _______________. And also _______________ two pictures over the sofa. C: _______________ something behind the green armchair? D: Sorry, I don’t know. As palavras destacadas nos diálogos acima são preposições que indicam lugar, em inglês PREPOSITIONS OF SPACE. As principais preposições de lugar estão representadas nas figuras a seguir: Z on: _______ in: ________ in front of: _________ over: _______ near: _________ under: _____ next to: _________ behind: ________ between: ________ ENGLISH 1 3. Now, considering the image of exercise 2, complete the sentences with the adequate preposition of space. trunk: tronco lamp: abajur rug: tapete glass: vidraça curtain: cortina picture: quadro a) The wooden trunk is __________________ the bookcase. b) There is a flower picture _____________ the wood picture. c) The phone set is ________________ the table. d) There are many books _________________ the bookcase. e) The lamp is _________________ the armchair. f) The rug is __________________ the coffee table. g) Grandpa picture is __________________ Peter and Robert’s pictures. h) There is a glass ____________________ the curtain. READING Read some comments people posted on The Observer page related to the topic “antisocial network: apps to stop intrusion on people’s lives”. If you need to app to stop technology intruding into your life, you need to take a long hard look at yourself Agreed. I’m not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I have about 5 great friends I see on a regular basis. I don’t need 500 friends, it sounds too much like hard work and no quality time That’s a very simplistic attitude. You do realized that you – yes YOU – are being tracked and monitored merely by reading this page. Like most sites on the internet, it is riddled with ridden trackers generated by invisible affiliates and advertisers. You are being profiled all the time, and you likely don’t even know it. Your life is being intruded upon by technology in a very big way by unscrupulous corporations. It is possible to set your browser to indicate that you do not wish to be tracked. But guess what? They almost always deliberately ignore that setting, because they are not compelled to do so. 25 26 ENGLISH 1 GLOSSARY into: para dentro hard: profundamente, atentamente, forte too much: demais, demasiado regular basis: com frequência sounds: soa, parece realised: dar-se conta tracked: rastreado merely: apenas, somente riddled: cheio de ridden: escondido advertisers: anunciantes profiled: catalogado, identificado likely: provavelmente unscrupulous: desonesto wish: desejar browser: computador guess: supor, achar almost: quase deliberately: deliberadamente setting: situação compelled: preocupado 1. Em relação ao texto podemos afirmar que I. Theodorus é favorável ao uso de Apps para impedir que pessoas intrusas acessem nossos dados pessoais na rede. II. Para PeteSaman ter poucos amigos significa menos trabalho e maior qualidade nas relações pessoais. III. Segundo blipvert, ter poucos amigos ou estar fora das redes sociais não impede que sejamos monitorados, pois basta acessarmos um site qualquer para sermos imediatamente catalogados pela rede. Estão corretas: a) I e II b) II e III c) I e III d) I, II e III WRITING 2. And what about you... What is your opinion about these three comments? Who do you agree or disagree with? Nick: ________________________ Date: _______________________ Time:________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Considere os fragmentos retirados dos comentários de PeteSaman e blipvert: “I have about 5 great friends I see on a regular basis. I don’t need 500 friends, it sounds too much like hard work and no quality time.” ENGLISH 1 “They almost always deliberately ignore that setting, because they are not compelled to do so.” Nos fragmentos, os verbos destacados (em negrito) estão no SIMPLE PRESENT, ou seja, designam, entre outas coisas, fatos permanentes, ações habituais, verdades universais. A exemplo dos fragmentos acima, para relatar ações habituais, geralmente, usamos advérbios de frequência (FREQUENCY ADVERBS) ou expressões temporais que descrevem o número de ocorrências de um evento ou habito (sublinhadas: on a regular basis – always). Podemos representar esses advérbios em um contínuo de ocorrência, desde os mais frequentes até os menos frequentes. Vamos organizar os advérbios do quadro no contínuo a seguir e depois identifica-los em português. sometimes – always – never – hardly ever – usually – often - + __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ FORMA AFIRMATIVA DO PRESENT PERFECT Para organizarmos sentenças afirmativas no Presente Simples, mantemos o verbo na forma infinitiva SEM TO em I, you, we e they. Veja alguns exemplos: TO HAVE – I have about 5 great friends. (Eu tenho apenas 5 bons amigos) TO NEED – You need to look at yourself. (Você precisa olhar para si mesmo) TO KNOW – We know that sites monitor ourselves. (Nós sabemos que os sites nos monitoram) TO IGNORE – They ignore our privacy. (Eles ignoram nossa privacidade) Com as terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it), na maioria dos casos, acrescentamos “s” ao verbo. Exemplos: TO PLAY – He plays games online. (Ele joga games na internet) TO LOVE – She loves to chat on Facebook. (Ela ama conversar pelo Facebook) TO SOUND – It sounds too much like hard work and no quality time. (Isso exige muito trabalho e pouca qualidade) Ainda nas terceiras pessoas do singular, temos alguns verbos em que a forma afirmativa é feita de modo especial: Verbos terminados em SH, CH, SS, X, O ou Z, acrescentamos ES: TO WATCH – She watches TV Series every days. TO FIX – The man fixes umbrellas for at least R$ 7,00. Verbos terminados em Y precedido de consoante eliminamos o Y e acrescentamos IES: TO STUDY – He studies Math every Thursdays morning. TO COPY – She always copies the answers from the blackboard. 27 28 ENGLISH 1 FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO SIMPLE PRESENT A exemplo do Simple Past, para formarmos sentenças negativas e interrogativas no Simple Present também precisamos de verbos auxiliares. Os auxiliares desse tempo são DO (I, you, we, they) e DOES (he, she, it). A forma negativa é dada pela adição do NOT aos auxiliares DO/DOES (DO NOT/DON’T – DOES NOT/DOESN’T). Para a forma interrogativa, deslocamos os auxiliares DO/DOES para início da sentença.Em ambas as formas, nas terceiras pessoas do singular, o verbo volta para a forma infinitiva, ou seja, perde o “-s”, “-es” ou “-ies”. Ex: She loves to chat on Facebook. She doesn’t love to chat on Facebook. Does she love to chat on Facebook? Complete o quadro a seguir com as formas SIMPLE PRESENT usando os verbos nos parênteses para cada pronome: Pronoun/Verb I (make) AFFIRMATIVE FORMS NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE You (hold) He (play) She (fly) It (be) We (teach) You (write) They (run) PRACTICING GRAMMAR 1. Fill the gaps by putting the verbs in parenthesis into the affirmative form of Simple Present. a) Every Monday, Sally (to drive) _______________ her kids to football practice. b) I hate living in Santa Maria during the winter because it (to rain, always) __________________________. c) This delicious chocolate (to be) __________ made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland. d) Tim and Pat (to send) ___________text messages. e) The dog (to run) ______________ out of the house. f) She (to bake) _________ cookies twice a month. g) Martha and Kevin (to swim) ___________once a week. ENGLISH 1 2. Consider the frequency adverbs and everyday actions in the box. often – do the English exercises – always – eat chocolate – hardly ever – access my Face – hang out with friends – go to school – sometimes usually – read a book – listen to music – never Write sentences about yourself using the words in the box. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Complete the fragment below using the correct form of verbs in parenthesis. Hi. My name (be) ____ Albert. My friends (call) _________ me Al. You can call me Al if you (like) _______. I (want) _______to tell you about a problem I (have) ______. It (be, not) ______ a big problem, but it is not a small problem either. I (guess) __________ it's somewhere between big and small. I (have)__________ a best friend. His name (be) _______ Joe. But everybody (call) _________him Joey. Joey and I have been friends for a long time. That's the problem. Joey (like) _________ to smoke. He (say) _______ he (do, not) _________, but I (know) _________he (do) ___________. He (try) __________ to hide it from me, but I (see) ___________ him do it sometimes. When I see him do it, he just (laugh) ___________ and (walk) __________ away. Now, Joey (smoke) _____________ everyday. When he (come) ____________ over to my house, he (always, bring) ____________________________ his cigarettes with him. He (keep) _____________ them in his pocket. He (think) ____________ they are cool. He (not, think) ___________________ it's a bad idea to smoke. He (say)___________: "(not, worry) ____________________ Al. I'm okay." He (tell) _____________ me that I (not, understand) ___________________, but I (think) _________ I (do) _______________. I (feel) ______________ like it's his right to smoke. He can do what he (want) __________ to do, right? He's free to make his own choices. But I (can, not) _________ help it. I (care) _________________ about him too much. I (be worried) _____________________ about him. He's my best friend. Remember? Anyway, I (not, want) ___________________ to bother you anymore with my problem. After all, it is not a big problem. But it (be, not) ______________ a small problem either. Fonte: http://englishmaven.org/HP6/Present%20Tense%20Exercise%2013.htm 29 30 ENGLISH 1 (ENEM, 2010) THE DEATH OF THE PC The days of paying for costly software upgrades are numbered. The PC will soon be obsolete. And BusinessWeek reports 70% of Americans are already using the technology that will replace it. Merrill Lynch calls it “a $160 billion tsunami”. Computing giants including IBM, Yahoo!, and Amazon are racing to be the first to cash in on this PC-killing revolution. Yet, two little-known companies have a huge head start. Gets their names in a free report from The Motley Fool called, “The Two Words Bill Gates Doesn’t Want You to Hear…” Click here for instant access to this FREE report! BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE MOTLEY FOOL Disponível em http://www.fool.com. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2010. Ao optar por ler a reportagem completa sobre o assunto anunciado, tem-se acesso a duas palavras que Bill Gates não quer que o leitor conheça e que se referem a) aos responsáveis pela divulgação desta informação na internet. b) às marcas mais importantes de microcomputadores do mercado. c) aos nomes dos americanos que inventaram a suposta tecnologia. d) aos sites da internet pelos quais o produto já pode ser conhecido. e) às empresas que levam vantagem para serem suas concorrentes. Os fragmentos destacados no texto da questão do ENEM caracterizam um tempo que, em inglês, chamamos de CONTINUOUS ou PROGRESSIVE. As frases do texto estão no PRESENT CONTINUOUS e indicam ações que estão ocorrendo por um determinado período de tempo (atualmente). Se passássemos essas frases para o passado, teríamos o PAST CONTINUOUS e elas passariam a expressar ações que estavam em progresso em um determinado período no passado. Veja nos exemplos como isso acontece e qual a estrutura desses tempos: PRESENT CONTINUOUS are The groups TO BE no Presente racing Verbo principal + ing to be the first to […] PAST CONTINUOUS were The groups TO BE no Passado racing Verbo principal + ing to be the first to [...] ENGLISH 1 PRESENT CONTINUOUS is Yahoo TO BE no Presente racing Verbo principal + ing to be the first to […] PAST CONTINUOUS was Yahoo TO BE no Passado racing Verbo principal + ing to be the first to [...] FORMAÇÃO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL E EXPRESSÕES DE TEMPO Verbos terminados em “e”, eliminamos o e e acrescentamos –ing: Ex: ride – riding , write – writing ; make – making Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobramos a ultima consoante e acrescentamos –ing: Ex: put – putting ; cut – cutting ; begin – beginning Sentenças no Present Continuous, geralmente, vem acompanhas de advérbios ou expressões de tempo, como now (agora), at the moment (no momento), nowadays (atualmente), etc. Sentenças no Past Continuous, geralmente, são acompanhadas de advérbios ou expressões de tempo, tais como yesterday (ontem), while (enquanto), when (quando), day/week/month/year ago (dia/semana/mês/ano atrás, passado/a), before (antes), after (depois), etc. Verbos que expressam estados, sentidos e sentimentos NÃO são, normalmente, utilizados na forma do continuous: understand (entender), feel (sentir), hear (ouvir), smell (sentir), taste (provar), believe (acreditar), know (conhecer, saber), like (gostar), love (amar), want (querer), wish (desejar), need (necessitar), forget (esquecer), etc. FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO CONTINUOUS Para formarmos a negação no PRESENT CONTINUOUS e no PAST CONTINUOUS adicionamos NOT ao verbo TO BE (IS NOT/ISN’T; ARE NOT/AREN’T – no presente e WAS NOT/WASN’T; WERE NOT/WEREN’T – no passado). She isn’t working today She wasn’t working yesterday. We aren’t watching TV now. We weren’t watching TV last night. Para fazermos perguntas, tanto no PRESENT quanto no PAST CONTINUOUS, deslocamos o verbo TO BE para o início da sentença. Para respondermos usamos respostas curtas (Yes/No questions). Is she working today? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. Was she working yesterday? Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t. Are they watching TV now? Yes, they were./No, they weren´t. Were they watching TV last night? Yes, they are./No, they weren’t. 31 32 ENGLISH 1 PRACTICING GRAMMAR 1. Fill the gaps using the verbs in present or past continuous forms. a) I _________________________ letters all day yesterday. (write) b) She ________________________________ to me all week. (no, speak) c) ____________ you _________________ TV when it happened? (watch) d) It ___________________________ for long yesterday afternoon. (rain) e) While you stopped the car __________ he _____________ on the street? (run) f) When they called me I ____________________________. Bless u God! (no, drive) g) At the moment he ______________________ dinner. (have) h) _________ Pedro ________________ at the sofa now? (sleep) i) When do you ____________________________ your vacation? (start) j) I think they _________________________ their lunch right now. (not, eat) k) My sister __________________________ Spanish for traveling. (learn) l) People, nowadays, __________________________ too much. It’s good! (not, drink) LISTENING The following activities are based on the audio “Mike’s description about his routine”, retrieved and adapted from http://www.elllo.org/english/Games/G048DayRecap.htm. 1. Along the audio Mike presents some activities about his day. Listen to the audio and match each activity to the correspondent part of the day in which it was accomplished: in the morning (1), in the afternoon (2) or at night (3). (Pay attention to keywords along the audio). ENGLISH 1 ( 1 ) in the morning ( 2 ) in the afternoon ( 3 ) in the evening/at night ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) go shopping read a book clean the apartment jogging go to the cinema have lunch 2. In the beginning of the audio, Mike says that de does not like jogging, but he knows that it is important for his health. For this reason, how many times does he practice this activity? ( ) three or four times every weekday ( ) three or four times every weekend ( ) three or four times every week 3. ( ( ( According to Mike, after jogging … ) he went home, took a shower and cleaned his apartment ) he went home, took a shower and had a cup of coffee ) he went home, took a shower and went shopping 4. Mike indicates that he never eats one of the meals. What meal does he never eat? ( ) breakfast ( ) lunch ( ) snack ( ) dinner 5. Because of that he said that he was really hungry. So, what did he eat in a restaurant? ( ) double cheeseburgers and double fries ( ) double cheeseburgers, fries and salad ( ) double cheeseburgers and fries 6. He said that in the afternoon he went shopping with a friend of his. What did Mike buy and why? ( ) he bought some t-shirts and a pair of shoes for work because everything was on sale ( ) he bought some shirts, socks and a pair of shoes for work because he likes spend money ( ) he bought some shirts and a pair of shoes for work because everything was on sale 7. Later, in the evening, he said that he saw a movie. What movie did he watch? ( ) The Butterfly Effect movie ( ) The New Batman movie ( ) The Bad Boys movie 8. What was his opinion about the movie? ( ) he didn’t like the movie, but the visual effects were amazing and the story was interesting ( ) he liked the movie because he lives Superheroes and the visual effects and the story were amazing ( ) he liked the movie because the visual effects were amazing and the story was interesting, but he doesn’t like Superheroes. 9. ( ( ( At night, after the movie, he… ) said good bye to his girlfriend, relaxed and had a cup of coffee ) said good bye to his girlfriend, relaxed and read a book ) said good bye to his girlfriend, relaxed and took a shower 33 IRREGULAR VERBS LIST Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução be was been ser; estar become became become tornar-se begin began begun começar break broke broken quebrar bring brought brought trazer build built built construir burn burnt burnt queimar buy bought bougth comprar catch caught caught pegar; capturar choose chose chosen escolher come came come vir cost cost cost custar cut cut cut cortar do did done fazer draw drew drawn desenhar dream dreamt dreamt sonhar drink drank drunk (en) beber drive drove driven dirigir eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen cair feed fed fed alimentar feel felt felt sentir fight fought fought lutar find found found achar fly flew flown voar forget forgot forgotten esquecer forgive forgave forgiven perdoar get got got receber give gave given dar go went gone ir grow grew grown crescer have had had ter hear heard heard escutar hide hid hidden/hid esconder-se hit hit hit bater hold held held segurar hurt hurt hurt ferir keep kept kept guardar know knew known saber lay laid laid deitar lead led led guiar learn learnt learnt aprender leave left left partir lend lent lent emprestar let let let deixar lie lay lain mentir light lit lit clarear lose lost lost perder make made made fazer meet met met encontrar melt melted molten derreter pay paid paid pagar put put put colocar read read read ler ride rode ridden cavalgar rise rose risen levantar run ran run correr saw sawed sawn serrar say said said dizer see saw seen ver sell sold sold vender send sent sent enviar set set set arrumar show showed shown mostrar sing sang sung cantar sleep slept slept dormir smell smelt smelt cheirar speak spoke spoken falar spell spelt spelt soletrar spend spent spent gastar swim swam swum nadar swing swung swung balançar take took taken pegar; tirar teach taught taught ensinar tear tore torn chorar tell told told contar think thought thought pensar understand understood understood entender wake woke waked acordar wear wore worn vestir win won won vencer; ganhar write wrote written escrever