PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Statement Negative Question

O PRESENT PROGRESSIVE expressa uma atividade em progresso que está
ocorrendo no momento da fala. Usa-se o presente do verbo TO BE + o
gerúndio do verbo principal.
I am eating
You are eating
He is eating
She is eating
It is eating
We are eating
You are eating
They are eating
I am not eating
You are not eating
He is not eating
She is not eating
It is not eating
We are not eating
You are not eating
They are not eating
Am I eating ?
Are you eating ?
Is he eating ?
Is she eating ?
Is it eating ?
Are we eating ?
Are you eating ?
Are they eating ?
Eating = comendo
Como passar os verbos para o gerúndio ?
Para a maioria dos verbos é só acrescentar ING no final.
Ex: eat  eating
drink  drinking
play  playing
Porém existem algumas regras que são:
1) Para verbos de uma sílaba que terminam com uma consoante, uma vogal e uma
consoante (C.V.C.), dobre a última consoante e acrescente ING.
Ex: stop  stopping
run  running
get  getting
Exceção: Não dobre caso o verbo termine com w, x, ou y. Ex: show  showing
2) Para verbos de 2 sílabas que terminam com uma consoante, uma vogal e uma
consoante (C.V.C.), dobre a última consoante apenas se a última sílaba for tônica.
Ex: begin  beginning
prefer  preferring
Os acentos acima indicam qual sílada é tônica, nestes casos você deve saber a
pronúncia correta do verbo, agora veja outros exemplos onde você não irá dobrar
a última consoante:
Ex: open  opening
happen  happening
3) Se o verbo terminar com uma consoante + "e" , tire o "e" e acrescente ING :
Ex: live  living
make  making
leave  leaving
A) Complete os espaços com a forma do Present Progressive do verbo entre
parênteses. Quando houver a palavra (not), use a forma negativa:
Ex: I am driving a truck. (drive)
1) He _________________________ English at school. (learn)
2) They __________________________ a comic book. (draw)
3) Monica __________________________ at the picture. (not look)
4) The musical band ____________________________ very well. (play)
5) Americans _____________________________ fatter. (get)
6) David ______________________________ his iPods now. (not listen)
7) We ______________________________ at the prom. (dance)
8) I ______________________________ a new course. (not begin)
9) Melisa moved from her city. She ____________________________ here with
me. (live)
10) Look ! He ___________________________ fire in the logs. (put)
11) We need to do something. The temperature _________________________.
12) They _____________________________ in front of the cameras. (not kiss)
13) The manager _________________________ about the conference. (think)
14) You _________________________ involved with his daughter. (become)
15) This time I ____________________________ you. (not help)
B) Passe as sentenças para a forma interrogativa:
1) I am writing a letter.
2) Americans are getting fatter.
3) She is learning Spanish.
4) The cars are blocking the way.
5) This fish is irritating me.
C) Complete conjugando os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Present ou Present
Progressive conforme a necessidade em cada frase
1) Right now, Mark (sit) ____________________ with his friend Josh. They
(discuss) ____________________
the differences between life in New York and life in Los Angeles. Mark (be) _____
from New York and he (visit) ____________________ Josh in Los Angeles. They
(remember) ____________________ when they were good friends back in high
2) At this moment, I (travel) ____________________ with my girlfriend. Her name
(be) ___________ Karen.
We (walk) ____________________ around the streets of Milan. Karen always (ask)
________ me to take photographs of every place we go. She (be) ______ really nice
with me.
3) Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) ____________________
4) I hate living in Seattle because it always (rain) _______________.
5) Usually, I work as a secretary, but this summer I (study) ___________________
French at a language school in Paris. That is the reason I am in Paris
6) Paul: Do you want to go out with me tonight? Mary: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go)
___________________to a movie tonight with some friends.
A) 1) is learning 2) are drawing 3) is not looking 4) is playing 5) are getting 6) is not listening 7) are
dancing 8) am not beginning 9) is living 10) is putting 11) is rising 12) are not kissing 13) is thinking 14)
are becoming 15) am not helping
B) 1) Am I writing a letter? 2) Are Americans getting fatter? 3) Is she learning Spanish?
4) Are the cars blocking the way? 5) Is this fish irritating me?
C) 1) is sitting / are discussing / is / is visiting / are remembering ....2) am traveling / is / are walking /
asks / is 3) is raining ....4) rains ...5) am studying ...6) am going