Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated
in One Blow
Over half of people suffering vertigo also experience anxiety or panic
attacks, and researchers started to wonder if one leads to the other.
In a new study published in the International Journal of Research
Science and Management, a team of scientists used a simple method to
eliminate one condition, and the other disappeared with it.
According to one of the studies cited in the literature review of the new
paper, around 45 percent of people with vertigo have anxiety disorder,
while 15 percent tend to have panic disorder. The concern exists that
these problems may become worse and even permanent if the vertigo
is not treated quickly.
For this reason, two Indonesian researchers decided to examine
whether anxiety and agoraphobia scores improved after treatment of
vertigo patients with the canalith repositioning procedure (also called
the Epley maneuver).
The researchers recruited 38 people who had been diagnosed with
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) through a physical
examination of the years and through eye-movement tests during head
All participants were all 18 years or older. Those who were on
medication, who suffered from any other ear or balance disorder, and
who was known to suffer from anxiety or agoraphobia before the study
were excluded.
After the BPPV diagnoses, the subjects were given questionnaires to
complete for assessment of their anxiety and agoraphobia scores.
They underwent the canalith repositioning procedure and were told to
return for re-evaluation 7 and 14 days after the procedure.
Those who benefited from the treatment, which was pretty much all of
them, also experienced a reduction in agoraphobia and anxiety.
If you are suffering vertigo, learn the simple exercises to eliminate it
In addition, if you feel anxious, try the easy way to eliminate anxiety
for good here…