Enviado por juanthomr05.

These Things Trigger Migraine Study Proves

These Things Trigger Migraine Study
Researchers have finally found proof regarding well
known suspects of
migraine triggers.
The good news is that you can indeed indulge in some of them if you do it
the right way.
Even though migraine sufferers have reported for many decades that red
wine and certain weather changes can trigger migraines, there has never
been proof until recently.
Part of the challenge was because these two suspects don’t affect all
sufferers, and even those that are affected are
n’t always affected with
every exposure.
Study authors following participants from Brazil studied the effects of
different varieties of wine.
What they noticed along with the regularity and predictability of the
migraine was that certain varieties were worse than others for severity
Those wines high in tannins like Malbecs and Tanats caused a higher
frequency of migraines and they were more severe. This led doctors
commenting on the study to conclude that if you do have migraine
headaches and like red wine, stick to those with lower tannin content.
Doctors were presented with another study that tracked migraine sufferers
over the course of an entire year. Researchers found that weather changes
from mild to cold days were associated with a more than 20% higher
likelihood of triggering a mild headache.
Days going from mild to warmer still caused problems but not as frequently
as cooler weather.
For natural ways to completely eliminate migraine for good, click