抱 負 確保市民安居樂業 維護澳門長治久安 司法警察局 報案及緊急行動中心 Polícia Judiciária Núcleo de Denúncias e Intervenção Judiciary Police Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre 24小時罪案舉報熱線 Linha aberta de 24 horas: 使 命 維護法紀 除暴安良 預防犯罪 調查犯罪 協助司法當局 信 念 廉潔奉公 高效執法 警民合力 長治久安 993 地址 Morada: 澳門友誼大馬路823號司法警察局大樓 路氹蓮花路司法警察局路氹分局大樓 Avenida da Amizade, nº. 823, Edifício da Polícia Judiciária, Macau Estrada Flor de Lótus, Edifício da Delegação da PJ, COTAI 傳真 Fax: 2835 6100 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] 博彩罪案調查處 Divisão de Investigação de Crimes relacionados com o Jogo Gaming-related Crimes Division 24小時罪案舉報熱線 Linha aberta de 24 horas: 2833 0099 地址 Morada: 澳門新口岸柏嘉街414號帝景苑BL地下 Rua Cidade de Braga, Nº 414, Edifício Vista Magnífica Court, R/C BL, Macau 傳真 Fax: 2833 0030 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] Visão Assegurar o bem-estar da população, e um ambiente de segurança permanente em Macau Missão Defender a legalidade e disciplina, combatendo a criminalidade e permitindo aos cidadãos de terem uma vida tranquila Prevenir e investigar a criminalidade, coadjuvar as autoridades judiciárias Valores Criar uma equipa executora da lei, honrada, incorrupta e eficiente Manter estreita cooperação para construir uma cidade de segurança permanente 警民關係研究組 電話 Telefone: Grupo de Estudo das Relações entre a Polícia e a População Police-Community Relations Research Group 8800 1111 地址 Morada: 澳門友誼大馬路823號司法警察局大樓11樓 Avenida da Amizade, nº. 823, Edifício da Polícia Judiciária, 11º andar, Macau 傳真 Fax: 8800 1991 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] 接待及投訴中心 電話 Telefone: Núcleo de Atendimento e Reclamações Reception and Complaints Centre 8800 1999 地址 Morada: 澳門友誼大馬路823號司法警察局大樓地下 Avenida da Amizade, nº. 823, Edifício da Polícia Judiciária, R/C, Macau 傳真 Fax: 8800 1555 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] Vision Mission Values To ensure citizen’s life and work in peace and contentment To maintain long-term peace and stability of Macao To uphold law and order To prevent and investigate crimes and assist the judicial authorities 行政輔助中心 電話 Telefone: Núcleo de Apoio Administrativo Administrative Centre 8800 1367 地址 Morada: 澳門友誼大馬路823號司法警察局大樓地下 Avenida da Amizade, nº. 823, Edifício da Polícia Judiciária, R/C, Macau 傳真 Fax: 2831 2780 To establish a respectable, incorruptible and efficient law enforcement team To maintain long-term peace and stability through police-public cooperation 司法警察局 YouTube頻道 www.pj.gov.mo 司法警察局 微信官方帳號 WeChat ID: PJMacaocn 10/2016 服務承諾 Carta de Qualidade Performance Pledge P Performance Pledge Service Crime Reporting Pledge Reporting in person: a Complaint Notification will be issued immediately Location 1. Headquarters – Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre 2. COTAI Sub-bureau - Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre 3. Duty Room of the Gaming-related Crimes Division Pledge A Certificate of Case Reporting Record will be issued within 10 working days Information The complainant or parties concerned can apply for a Certificate of Case Reporting Record after reporting his case and giving statement at our police station. The Certificate will be issued within 10 working days after the submission of all the required documents Required documents 1. A completed application form 2. Applicant’s ID (original and copy) 3. Insurance policy (if the applicant is seeking compensation from his insurance company) 4. If an authorised agent is applying on behalf of his company, he needs to submit: - company’s authorisation letter with company stamp - ID copy of the donor of the power Notes: Application form can be obtained on our website or at our police station. Applicant is required to fill in an application form, state the reason of the application and return the application form with signature If the applicant does not have items 2-4 with him at the time of the application, he can submit them at a later date, either in person, by post or by someone on his behalf. If the applicant intends to submit the documents by post, please address it to the Administrative Centre, Judiciary Police Building, No. 823 Avenida da Amizade, Macao Stamp duty Based on the method of calculation as stipulated in the General Stamp Duty Payment Table Subparagraph 12: MOP$5/ page * actual number of pages + MOP$10 Location During office hours: 1. Headquarters’ Administrative Centre 2. COTAI Sub-bureau’s Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre Outside office hours: 1. Headquarters’ Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre 2. COTAI Sub-bureau’s Case Reporting and Emergency Operation Centre Telephone 8800 1367 As private and confidential details of a criminal case is printed on the Certificate of Case Reporting Record, applicants/concerned parties or authorised individuals should safeguard the documents well Performance Pledge Service Crime Reporting Pledge Making an enquiry concerning the investigation progress of one’s own case (whether it is under investigation/in the hands of the Public Prosecutions Office) A reply will be given within 2 working days upon receipt of an application Information Please note that only the victim, victim’s guardian or authorised agent can enquire about his/her case Applicant must fill in an application form at the Reception and Complaints Centre A reply will be given within 2 working days which states if the case is under investigation or in the hands of the Public Prosecutions Office, but not the case details or the course of it Required documents Location Telephone Service Pledge Telephone 1. Applicant’s ID (to verify the identify of the applicant) 2. An authorisation letter is required if an agent intends to put in an application on behalf of the applicant Receptions and Complaints Centre 8800 1999 Application for organising civic education activities A preliminary reply will be given within 2 working days upon receipt of an application 8800 1111 Should you wish to leave comment or make a complaint, or provide crime information, you can contact the Reception and Complaints Centre; For enquiry or suggestion, please contact the Police-Community Relations Research Group; The Reception and Complaints Centre and the Police-Community Relations Research Group will keep your information confidential, and deliver it directly to the Director of the Judiciary Police on the same day of acknowledgement (As stipulated by the Criminal Proceedings Code and the Administrative Procedures Code). An initial reply will be given within 10 working days.