Nesta Rua Brazilian Folk Song Arranged by Brad and Lucy Green Text /n´s-ta hu-a n´s-ta hu-a te*n u~ bøs-ki/
Nesta rua, nesta rua tem um bosque In the street in the street there is a grove /ki si ß√-ma ki si ß√-ma so-li-d√~u /
Que se chama, que se chama Solidão Which is called, which is called Loneliness /d´n-tru d´-li d´n-tru d´-li te*n u~ √n-ΩΩu/
Dentro dele, dentro dele tem um anjo Inside there is, inside there is an angel /ki ho-bo ki ho-bo m´u ko-ra-s√~u/
Que robou, que robou meu coração Who stole, who stole my heart /si ´u ho-be si ´u ho-be t´u ko-ra-s√~u/
Se eu robei, se eu robei teu coração If I steal if I steal your heart /´ por-k´ tu ho-bas-tßi u meu t√~-be~
É porque tu robaste o meu tambem It is because you stole my also /si ´u ho-be si ´u ho-be teu ko-ra-s√~u/
Se eu robei, Se eu robei teu coração If I steal if I steal your heart /´ por-k´ ´ por-k´ tßi k´-ru be~/
É porque, É porque te quero bem. It is because, it is because I wish you well. Nesta rua, nesta rua tem um bosque Que se chama, que se chama Solidão Dentro dele, dentro dele tem um anjo Que robou, que robou meu coração Se eu robei, Se eu robei teu coração In this street, in this street is a grove Which is called, which is called Loneliness Inside, inside it has an angel Who stole, who stole my heart If I have stolen your, if I have stolen your © Copyright 2014 Elizabeth Pauly. All rights reserved. É porque tu robaste o meu tambem Se eu robei, Se eu robei teu coração É porque, É porque te quero bem. heart It is because you also stole my heart. If I have stolen your, if I have stolen your heart It is because I love you. -­‐ Translation by Elizabeth Pauly Recordings A partial commercial recording can be found here:­‐music/search.jsp?keywords=nesta+rua (look for the arrangement by Brad and Lucy Green) The original melody and lyrics can be found on this YouTube video: An arrangement by Heitor Villa Lobos – nice for some perspective: Analysis Key: Cm Harmony: Generally I iv V7 with a few color chords. Meter: 4/4, but more of a 2/4 samba feel (see for information about samba rhythms) Melodic structure: Strophic; thinking in 2/4, this is essentially 4 4-­‐measure phrases SECTION MEASURE EVENT AND SCORING Introduction 1-­‐8 The melody is introduced in a slow tempo with none of the syncopations that characterize the traditional rhythm of this melody. Singers begin in unison, but parts cascade so that upper voices hold pitches while lower voices continue on with the melody. This pattern continues throughout the introduction – each phrase begins in unison with the harmonic cascade following. Accompaniment is 1 to 2 chords per measure, voiced and played to imitate a guitar strum A 9-­‐28 4 measures of piano, starting the new tempo (@84 to the quarter) and introducing the samba rhythm; Melody begins at pickup to ms. 13 – all parts in unison on the melody throughout this first statement; 2 strophes Interlude 29-­‐36 Unaccompanied; Similar to introduction in the © Copyright 2014 Elizabeth Pauly. All rights reserved. A’ 37-­‐44 Coda 45-­‐52 sense of phrases beginning in unison and cascading harmonies; however, the rhythms are now syncopated, and the melody is slightly varied; Part III has melody through ms. 32; from 33-­‐35 all voices in unison; 35-­‐36 Part I has melody; Similar to A section – piano part is essentially the same; Part III has the melody while parts I and II accompany with parts that provide a nice rhythmic contrast – 1 strophe Based on second strophe – as with the beginning, the melodic rhythm has been straightened – syncopations are removed; Phrases begin in unison, then cascade into harmony – melody in P III on 1st and third phrases, in part I on 2nd and 4th. Accompaniment is like the beginning Practice Plan Learning the melody and getting a handle on the syncopated rhythms will be a big help. Practice with the diction files. © Copyright 2014 Elizabeth Pauly. All rights reserved.