Laboratório Antropologia Aplicada (2010

Laboratório Antropologia Aplicada (2010-2011)
Leituras recomendadas (00 a 27) / Textos para apresentar (#1 a #12):
7 Out 2010
Definição de conceitos - Antropologia Aplicada vs Antropologia Teórica.
Principais papéis do antropólogo aplicado e domínios de aplicação. Visionamento do
Filme “Anthropologists at work: careers making a difference” (1993, NAPA-AAA).
00-Chambers, Erve (1987) «Applied Anthropology in the Post-Vietnam era:
Anticipations and Ironies» Annual Review of Anthropology (16) : 309-337.
01-Van Willigen, John (1993) “The Domain of Application”, in Applied
Anthropology – An Introduction: pp. 3-15
14 Out 2010
Breve panorâmica de algumas das temáticas contemporâneas de maior expansão na
prática antropológica. O conceito de “Antropologia Pública”. Antropologia Aplicada
em Portugal.
02-Van Willigen, John (1993) “The Development of Applied Anthropology”
idem: pp. 17-39.
03-Lassiter (2005), “Collaborative Ethnography and Public Anthropology “ in
Current Anthropology, Vol. 46, Nº1: pp. 83-106.
04-Afonso, Ana Isabel (2006) “Practicing Anthropology in Portugal”, in NAPA
Bulletin, 25: 156-175.
21 Out 2010
Turismo e Cultura entre os kuna do Panamá
Orador convidado: Prof. Doutor Xerardo Pereiro – UTAD (Polo
Chaves)/CETRAD (Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o
05- Pereiro, X. (2009): Turismo cultural: Uma visão antropológica. Tenerife:
Pasos. E-book em , 309 pp.
06-Pereiro Pérez, X. e Prado Conde, S. (2005): “Turismo e oferta
gastronómica na comarca de Ulloa (Galiza): Análise de uma experiência de
desenvolvimento local”, em Pasos. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio cultural
vol. 3, n.º 1 em, pp. 109-123.
07- Pereiro, Xerardo; Ventocilla, Jorge E Martínez, Mónica (2010) “Turismo
Étnico: el caso de Kuna Yala (Panamá)” in Revista Turismo e
Desenvolvimento, nº13: pp. 143:149.
08- Pinto, Roque e Pereiro, Xerardo (2010) “Turismo e Antropologia:
contribuições para um debate plural”, nº 13: pp. 219-226.
28 Out 2010
Antropologia e Políticas Públicas
09- Van Willigen, John (1993) “Anthropology as a Policy Science” idem: pp.
10- Ervin, Alexander (2005) “What is Policy and How Does It Relate to
Anthropology?” in Applied Anthropology. Tools and Perspectives for
Contemporary Practice : pp. 41-52.
#1 – Weeks, Margaret and Schensul, Jean (1993) “Ethnographic Research on
AIDS Risk Behavior and the Making of Policy” in Speaking the Language of
Power: Communication, Collaboration and Advocacy, David Fetterman ed.: pp.
#2 – vários (2003) “Following Those who follow the water” in Chesapeake
Quarterly , Vol. 2, Nº 3, 16 pp.
#3 – Gibson, Jane (2002) “Where Do You Hang Your hat? A Case For
Participatory Action Anthropology” in Practicing Anthropology, Vol. 24, Nº 3:
pp. 39-45.
4 Nov 2010
Antropologia-Acção e Antrop Defensiva
11- Van Willigen, John (1993) “Action Anthropology” idem: pp. 57-75.
12- Ervin, Alexander (2005) “Advocacy Anthropology” idem: pp. 139-159.
#4- Foley, Douglas (1999) “The Fox Project: A Reappraisal”. in Current
Anthropology, 40: 171-191.
#5 Doughty, Paul (2002) “Ending Serfdom in Peru. The Struggle for Land and
Freedom in Vicos.” In Dwight B. Heath, ed. Contemporary Cultures and
Societies of Latin America: A Reader in Social Anthropology Of Middle &
South America, Prospect Heights, IL, Waveland Press: pp. 225-243.
#6 Hofman, Nila (2008) “Life at The Crossroads of Social Change:
Invigorating Romani Women’s Empowerment in Post-Socialist Croatia” in
Human Organization, Vol.67, Nº 4: pp. 417-429.
11 Nov 2010
Estudos de Impacto Social e Ambiental
13- Ervin, Alexander (2005) “Social Impact Assessment” in idem: pp. 111-
14- Goldman, Laurence e Baum, Scott (2000) “Introduction” in Laurence
Goldman (ed) Social Impact Analysis. An Applied Anthropology Manual:
Oxford, New York: Berg: pp.1-29.
#7- Sieber, Tim (2000) “Public participation in environmental impact
assessment: a comparison of urban waterfront redevelopment in Lisbon,
Portugal, and Boston, USA”, Lisboa: CITIDEP.
#8- Casagrande et al. (2007) “Problem and Opportunity; Integrating
Anthropology, Ecology and Policy through Adaptive Experimentation in the
Urban U.S. Southwest” in Human Organization, Vol.66, Nº 2: pp. 125-139.
#9- Liebow, Edward (2000) in “Environmental Health” Laurence Goldman
(ed) Social Impact Analysis. An Applied Anthropology Manual: Oxford, New
York: Berg: pp. 233-254.
18 Nov 2010
Avaliação e Intervenção
Orador Convidado: Prof. Doutor Ulrich Schiefer – ISCTE-IUL/CEA.
15- Van Willigen, John (1993) “Evaluation” idem: pp. 189-206.
16- Don Messerschmidt (2008) “Evaluating Appreciative Inquiry s an
Organizational Transformation Tool. An Assessment from Nepal, in Human
Organization, Vol. 67, Nº 4: pp. 454-468.
17- Schiefer, Ulrich e Reinald Döbel (2001) MAPA – Project. A Practical Guide
to Integrated Project Planning and Evaluation (trad. Portuguesa Principia);
18- Schiefer, Ulrich (2008) “Integrated Evaluation of Change. A new
perspective for planning and evaluation in multiple intervention
environments”. Lisbon: Periploi, 91 p.
25 Nov 2010
Pesquisa Pro-Activa e Marketing Social
19- Van Willigen, John (1993) “Social Marketing” in idem: pp. 139-153.
20- Katy Gradner & David Lewis (1996) “Anthropology, Development and the
crisis of modernity” in Kate Gardner e David Lewis Anthropology,
Development and the Post-modern Challenge, London: Pluto Press: pp. 1-25.
#10- Murry (1987) “The Domestication of wood in Haiti” in Anthropological
Praxis, Robert Wulff and Shirley Fiske, eds., Westview Press.
#11- Bryant, Carol; Lindenberger, James et al. (2001) “A social marketing
approach to increasing enrollment in a public health program: A case study
of the Texas WIC Program» in Human Organization, Vol. 60, Nº3: 234-246
#12- Crabtree, Sara; Wong, Christina and Mas’ud, Faizah (2001) “Community
Participatory Approaches to Dengue Prevention in Sarawak, Malaysia” in
Human Organization, Vol. 60, Nº 3: 281-287.
2 Dez 2010
Antropologia e Educação: problemas e domínios de aplicabilidade
Oradora convidada: Prof. Doutora Darlinda Moreira – Universidade Aberta /
Centro Investigação em Educação do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de
21- Van Willigen, John e Kedia, Satish (2005) “Anthropology Applied to
Education” in Applied Anthropology. Domains of Application, Westport.
Praeger Publishers: pp. 263-306.
22- Moreira, Darlinda (2009) “Técnicas Populares e sua Aprendizagem: o
caso da Etnomatemática” in Paulo Costa (Coord.) Museus e Património
Imaterial. Agentes, fronteiras, identidades, Lisboa: IMC: pp. 247-253.
23- Moreira, Darlinda e Pires, Gisela (no prelo) “O Processo
Educativo das Crianças Ciganas e a Aprendizagem da Matemática”, in
Jornadas Caminhos de Alteridade: Os Ciganos na Península Ibérica (FCSH),
Lisboa: CML .
9 Dez 2010
Questões éticas na prática Antropológica
(Workshop 1 - Discussão de dilemas éticos)
- Statements on Ethics AAA (
- Statements on Ethics SFAA (
24- Ervin, Alexander (2005) “Ethics in Applied Research and Practice” in
idem: pp. 30-43.
25- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn (2003) «Informed Consent in Anthropological
Research: We Are Not Exempt» in Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology.
Dialogue for Ethically Conscious Practice, C. Fluehr-Lobban (ed.): 159-178.
16 Dez 2010
Questões éticas na prática Antropológica
(Workshop 2 - Discussão de dilemas éticos)
26- Solovey, Mark (2001) “Project Camelot and the 1960s Epistemological
Revolution: Rethinking the Politics-Patronage- Social Science Nexus” in Social
Studies of Science, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 171- 206.
27- Tierney, Patrick (2000) “Savage Encounter” in Darkness in El Dorado: pp.