Professor(a): Sandra Aguero
Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira - Inglês
Turma: 9º
Assinatura Responsável
Trimestre: 1
1. Leia atentamente todas as questões antes de respondê-las.
2. Você pode responder as questões com lápis, mas perde o direito de revisão.
3. É permitido o uso de dicionário.
4. É proibido o empréstimo de dicionário durante a prova.
I. Complete the sentences correctly. (2,5 – 0,5 each)
1. “What’s __your_______ ___name__________?” “It’s Amanda.”
2. ___where_______ ___do___you_____ live?
3. ___what______ _your_________ phone__________ number?
4. ____what_____ grade _are________ ___you_____ in?
5.___do____you like chocolate?
II. Put the sentences into INTERROGATIVE form. Use DO or DOES. (2,5 – 0,5 each)
a) You like chocolate.  ____Do__you like chocolate?______________________________________
b) He plays tennis.  __________Does he play__tennis?_________________________________
c) Jonny lives near here.  _______Does Marcos live near here?______________________________
d) You study hard.  ____Do you study hard?____________________________
Claudia Likes chocolate __Does Anna Like chocolate?__________________________________
III. Complete com os verbos no Present Continuous: (2,5 – 0,5 each)
(ATENÇÂO: não esquecer
do verbo to be )
a) We_are looking__________________ (look).
b) Mr. Beto is in the kitchen. He __is cooking___________________(cook).
c) They__are talking___________( talk) .
d) Franciny ____is studying_______________ English (study).
e) I____am sitting_____________(sit).
IV. Rewrite these sentences in the Present continuous. (2,5 – 0,5 each)
a) to die-______________dying_____________
b) to drive-____driving_____________________
c) to go-___________going________________
d) to read-______reading___________________
e) to study-____studying_____________________