When ED Is Caused By Your Partner

When ED Is Caused By Your Partner
ED is often considered to be caused by emotional disturbance such as
anxiety or stress or other physical conditions such as cardiovascular
disease and diabetes.
However, new studies seem to show that sexual dysfunction can spread
from the female partner to the male one.
This is quite odd because sexual dysfunction is obviously not an
infectious disease like the flu, chicken pox, or sexually transmitted
A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine dug into this
issue. The results are quite shocking.
The researchers searched through four medical databases and 8,000
studies to find trials on the relationship between female and male
sexual dysfunction and found 26 studies of reasonable quality that
fulfilled their criteria.
After analyzing these studies, they discovered that men were indeed at
elevated risk of sexual dysfunction if their female partners suffered
from it too.
1. Overall, men were more than three times as likely as the general
male population to have sexual dysfunction if they had female
partners with sexual dysfunction.
2. Men were twice as likely as the general male population to have
premature ejaculation if they had female partners with sexual
3. Men were four times as likely as the general male population to
have erectile dysfunction if they had female partners with sexual
This shows that men run a serious risk of ED and other types of sexual
dysfunction if they are partnered with females who suffer from sexual
dysfunction themselves.
Why is this case?
The researchers speculated that the problem was probably stressed. If
the man is afraid that he will not be able to satisfy his partner, he is
likely to suffer from a loss of confidence and increased stress.
When we are stressed, our bodies release the stress hormone called
cortisol. Because cortisol enables the fight or flight response to stressful
events, it narrows blood vessels in the center of our bodies while
moving blood out to our arms and legs to do the fighting or fleeing.
Having a female partner with sexual dysfunction is not the kind of
situation that requires a fight-or-flight response. It reduces the blood
that can flow to your sexual organs because it narrows the blood
vessels that lead there. This is the main cause of ED.
Even worse, stress reinforces itself in a sexual relationship and creates a
vicious cycle. Stress causes sexual dysfunction, which causes more
stress, which causes more sexual dysfunction.
Through the years, I have worked with men, women, and couples to
improve their sexual relationships. Through this process, I worked out a
system for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
This system works for almost all men. The best part is, however, that
this system can be worked out with your partner. Therefore, you can
choose to do it alone, or for even more pleasure and benefits for both
of you, you can do it with your partner to benefit you both.
You can follow this simple couple/erectile dysfunction system from
the privacy of your own home here…