M Mestrado o em Histó ória e Filo osofia das s Ciências s

o em Históória e Filo
osofia dass Ciênciass
Ano L
Lectivo 2016-2017
OFESSOR: Antonio Sáánchez
Depaartamento de
d História e Filosofia ddas Ciênciass, C4, Piso 3,
Gabiinete 4.3.11
Tel: 217500817, ext 24311
E-maail: antosanm
[email protected]
O diaa e horário de
d atendimeento aos aluunos é todoss os dias de segunda a ssexta a parttir das
14:000. É conveeniente com
mbinar previiamente co
om o professsor depois da aula ou
u por
correeio eletrónicco.
Quarrtas-Feiras, 16h-19h, saala 8.2.16 (C
Este curso conssta da apresentação e desenvolviimento analítico de teemas centraais da
do século XX atté os nossoss dias.
Episttemologia e da Filosoffia da Ciênccia desde o início
O prrincipal obj
bjetivo de esta
cadeirra é ofereccer aos alu
unos uma aanálise críttica e
relatiivamente sistemática
dos tópicoos, dos debates, dos autores e dos probllemas
episttemológicoss e conceptu
uais que tem
m dominado
o a filosofiaa da ciênciaa contempo
na traadição ociddental.
11. Introduçção à epistem
mologia e à filosofia daa ciência contemporâneea.
22. A epistem
mologia e a filosofia dda ciência naa história.
33. O Círcuulo de Vien
na e o em
mpirismo lógico: Carnap, Neurath
th, Reichen
Hempel,, Quine e ou
44. A conceeção ou tradição herdaada: Putnam
m, Suppe, Nagel,
Hannson, Toulm
min e
O realismo crítico e o falsificacionismo de Karl Popper.
A ciência normal, os paradigmas e as revoluções científicas de Thomas S. Kuhn.
Os programas de investigação científica de Imre Lakatos.
Larry Laudan, o progresso e os seus problemas.
A filosofia da ciência postkuhniana: a escola de Stanford, o programa estrutural,
a abordagem representacional (Van Fraasen, Giere e outros) e a viragem
10. A filosofia da ciência de Paul Feyerabend e outras críticas à ciência e à
11. Os estudos sociais sobre a ciência e a viragem sociológica: o programa forte, o
EPOR, a etnometodologia, o programa construtivista e os estudos de género.
12. A filosofia da “atividade” científica: o debate do realismo, Ian Hacking e outros
13. Outros debates atuais na filosofia da ciência: realismo, relativismo,
instrumentalismo, etc.
1ª aula – 15 Fevereiro
6ª aula – 22 Março
11ª aula – 26 Abril
2ª aula – 22 Fevereiro
7ª aula – 29 Março
12ª aula – 3 Maio
3ª aula – 1 Março
8ª aula – 5 Abril
13ª aula – 10 Maio
4ª aula – 8 Março
9ª aula – 12 Abril (F)
14ª aula – 17 Maio
5ª aula – 15 Março
10ª aula – 19 Abril
15ª aula – 24 Maio
-Participação nas aulas e apresentação oral de artigos (disponibilizados pelo professor
através do Fenix). 25%
-Ficha de leitura sobre um dos livros selecionados (4-6 páginas). 25%
-Trabalho escrito individual (10 -15 páginas). 50%
-Alan F. Chalmers, What is this thing called science? (Milton Keynes, 1982).
-Harold Brown, Perception, Theory and Commitment. The New Philosophy of Science,
Chicago, Precedent Publishing, 1977.
-Ian Hacking, Representing and Intervening. Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of
Natural Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
-Ayer (A. J.), Logical Positivism, [1959].
-Barnes (Barry), Sociology of Science, Middlesex, Penguin, 1972.
-Biagioli (Mario) ed., The Science Studies Reader, New York, Routledge, 1999.
-Bird (Alexander), Philosophy of Science, London, UCL Press, 1998.
-Bortolotti, Lisa, Introdução à filosofia da ciência, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2013.
-Boyd (Richard) et al, The Philosophy of Science, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
-Brody (Th.), Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Englewood Cliffs, N.Y, Prentice
Hall, 1970.
-Collins (Harry M.) ed., Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: A Sourcebook, Bath, Avon
Bath University Press, 1982.
-Collins, H. & Pinch, T. The golem. What everyone should know about science,
Cambridge, CUP, 1993.
-Curd (Martin) y Cover (J. A.), Philosophy of Science. The Central Issues, London,
Norton, 1998.
-Feyerabend (Paul K.), Against Method. Outline of an Anarquist Theory of Knowledge,
en Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 4, 1970.
-Giere (Ronald N.): “History and Philosophy of Science: intimate relationship or
marriage of convenience”, British Journal of Philosophy of Science, 24 (1973): 282297.
-Explaining Science. A Cognitive Approach, Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
-Gillies, Donals, Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century. Four Central Themes,
Oxford, Blackwell, 1993.
-Godfrey-Smith, P., Theory and Reality. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science,
Chicago, 2003.
-Golinski, Jan, Making Natural Knowledge. Constructivism and the History of Science,
Cambridge, CUP, 1998.
-Hacking, Ian, The Social Construction of What?, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard
University Press, 1999.
-Hanson (Norwood Russell), Patterns of Discovery: An Inquiry into the Conceptual
Foundations of Science. Cambridge University Press, 1958.
-Hausman (Daniel M.): “An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science”, in The Inexact
and Separate Science of Economics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
-Hesse (Mary B.), Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science,
Brighton, Harvester Press, 1980.
-Hoyningen-Huene (Paul), Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions. Thomas S. Kuhn's
Philosophy of Science, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993.
-Klee (Robert), Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, OUP, 1997.
-Knorr-Cetina (Karen D.), The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the
Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science, Oxford, Pergmanon Press, 1981.
-Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science, London, Sage, 1983.
-Epistemic Cultures. How Sciences Make Knowledge, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard
University Press, 1999.
-Knorr, Krohn & Whitley, eds., The Social Process of Scientific Investigation,
Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, vol. 4, Boston, Reidel, 1980.
-Kolakowski (Leszek), Positivism philosophy. From Hume to the Vienna Circle,
Penguin, 1972
-Kraft (Victor), The Vienna Circle, 2008.
-Kuhn, Thomas, The structure of scientific revolutions (Chicago, 1962).
-Ladyman, James, Understanding philosophy of science (Routledge, 2002).
-Lakatos (Imre), The methodology of scientific research programmes, Cambridge, 1978.
-Latour (Bruno), Science in action, Haarvard, 1988.
-Latour (B.) & Woolgar (S.), Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts,
Princeton, 1979.
-Laudan (Larry), Progress and its problems, University of California, 1977.
-“The History of Science and the Philosophy of Science”, in Olby et al, eds.,
Companion to the History of Modern Science, [1990], London, Routledge, 1996, pp. 3247.
-Science and relativism. Some key controversies in the philosophy of science (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1990).
-Longino (Helen): Science as Social Knowledge. Values and Objectivity in Scientific
Inquiry, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990.
-Losee, John, A historical introduction to the philosophy of science (Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1972).
-Philosophy of Science and Historical Inquiry, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987.
-Lynch (Michael), Scientific Practice and Ordinary Action. Ethnomethodology and
Social Studies of Science, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
-Lynch (M.) y Woolgar (S.), eds., Representation in Scientific Practice, Cambridge,
Mass., MIT Press, 1990.
-Merton (Rober K.), The Sociology of Science, Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
-Mulkay (M.), Science and the Sociology of Knowledge, London, Allen & Unwin, 1979.
-Nagel (Ernst), The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific
Explanation, London, 1961.
-Neurath (Otto), “Unified Science as Encyclopedic Integration”, in International
Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1 (1938): 1-27.
-Newton-Smith, W. H. (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, 2000.
-O’Hear, A. Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, 1989.
‐Oldroyd (David), The Arch of Knowledge. An Introductory Study of the History of the
Philosophy and Methodology of Science. New York and London: Methuen, 1986.
-Papineau (David) ed., Philosophy of Science, Oxford, OUP, 1996
-Pestre: “Pour une histoire sociale et culturelle des sciences. Nouvelles définitions,
nouveaux objets, nouvelles pratiques”, in Annales ESC, 1995.
-Pickering (Andrew), ed., Science as Practice and Culture, Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1992.
-The Mangle of Practice, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995.
-Pinnick (Cassandra): “Feminist epistemology: implications for Philosophy of Science”
Philosophy of Science, 61 (1994): 646-57.
-Polanyi (Michel), Science, Faith and Society, Chicago, Chicago University Press,
-Putnam (Hilary): Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge, CUP, 1981.
-Richardson (Alan W.): Philosophy of Science, London, Routledge, 2000.
-Rosenberg (Alex), Philosophy of Science, London, Routledge, 2000.
-Sarkar, S. ed., The Emergence of Logical Empiricism: From 1900 to the Vienna Circle,
New York, Garland Publishing, 1996.
-Suppe (Frederick), The Structure of Scientific Theories, The University of Illinois
Press, 1977.
-Toulmin, Stephen, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, 1953.
-Van Fraassen (Bas C.), The Scientific Image, Oxford University Press 1980.
-Woolgar (Steve), Science: The Very Idea, London, 1988.