Encounters of New
Contemporary Dramaturgies
Nov 15th To 17th Monday To Wednesday
Winter Garden / Main Room
The project Encounters of New
Contemporary Dramaturgies set
its goal on promoting the
dramaturgies of our time,
namely the Portuguese
dramaturgy, as well as
offering a space for the
European dramaturgies through
the partnership Corps de
Textes Europe, a platform of
promotion of new playwrights.
During three days – between
translation workshops,
debates, conversations and
seminars – actors and
directors will read new texts
and thus introduce a vast
panel of stylistic and
procedural tendencies of
theatre writing. The readings
will have different levels of
performance, they can go from
a simple reading in a
conventional room to the
performative reading close to
the notion of a show, whether
in theatre spaces or in
alternative spaces in the
heart of the city of Lisbon.
The Encounters will serve the
purpose of gathering authors,
directors, actors, as well as
students of performing arts
from all over the country
around the contemporary
quality of the word,
introducing the public, during
those three intensive days, to
the possibilities and utopias
of the dramaturgy of our time.
This project is dedicated to
Isabel Alves Costa.
Co-production SLTM ~ Colectivo 84
Colectivo 84 is a structure financed
by DG Artes – Ministery of Culture
Sponsors : European Union’s Culture
Programme (2007-2013) -- cooperation
projects, Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian
november 15th
11h [Main Room ~ SLTM]
Writing aesthetics for the Portuguese contemporary scene
Seminar with Carlos Costa [Visões Úteis – Oporto]
15h [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
Presentation of the project Encounters of New Contemporary Dramaturgies
with Aida Tavares, John Romão, Jorge Salavisa, Mickael de
Oliveira and Rui Pina Coelho.
15h30 [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
From the text for the stage to the stage as a text
Conference by Bruno Tackels, followed by conversation with
Jorge Silva Melo
17h30 [Main Room ~ SLTM]
Performance reading after Portuguese dramatic texts from
before the Revolution and in the beginning of democracy,
directed by Francisco Salgado with students from Escola
Superior de Teatro e Cinema [Lisbon].
Sponsored by Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema
19h [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
Eighties – Nineties
Performance reading of Portuguese dramatic texts from after
the Revolution, directed by Luís Mestre with students from
Escola Profissional Balleteatro [Porto]
Sponsored by Escola Profissional Balleteatro
21h30 [Foyer ~ SLTM]
Performance readings in and out of SLTM
With new texts by A. DaSilva O., Alice Zeniter [FR], Cristián
Soto [CHI], Jorge Humberto Pereira, José Maria Vieira Mendes,
Mickael de Oliveira, Miguel Castro Caldas, Tiago Rodrigues,
Ronan Chéneau [FR]. Directed by Nuno M.Cardoso, with Albano
Jerónimo, Bruno Costa, Ísis Cayatte, Joana Vale, João Abel,
João Brite, Luísa Cruz, Ricardo Correia, Rita Loureiro,
Sandra Roque, Sílvia Almeida and Teresa Tavares.
Marta Mateus and Marta Soares as Assistant Directors.
French translation by Alexandra Moreira da Silva and Spanish translation (Chile) by John Romão.
In this activity, there will be routes developed, therefore we advise the use of
comfortable shoes and exterior-adequate clothing.
23h30 [Fábulas Café ~ Chiado]
Blah Blah with background music,
informal conversation around a drink between technicians,
artists, authors, curious ones and night-wanderers.
november 16th
november 17th
10h [Main Room ~ SLTM]
Writing aesthetics for the Portuguese
contemporary scene
Seminar with José Maria Vieira Mendes [Teatro
Praga – Lisbon]
10h [Main Room ~ SLTM]
Writing aesthetics for the Portuguese
contemporary scene
Seminar with Carlos J. Pessoa [Teatro da Garagem
– Lisbon]
15h [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
Presentation of the project Corps de Textes
Europe, with Frédéric Sonntag
(Playwright, Art. dir. of Asanisimasa, FR),
Gérard Marcon (Art. Dir.of Scène Nationale de
Petit-Quevilly/Mont-Saint-Aignan, FR), Marianne
Clévy (Art. Dir. of Corps de Textes Europe),
Mickael de Oliveira (co-Art. Dir. of Colectivo
84), Roumi Nikolaeva (Bulgarian coordination,
Drama Center of Plovdiv, BG), Serge Rangoni
(Art. Dir. of Théâtre de La Place, BE),
Veronique Stass (Belgian coordination of Corps
de Textes, Assistant Director and artistic
advisor at the Théâtre de La Place, BE)
15h [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
Portuguese dramaturgy in contemporaneity: impact zone
Debate on contemporary Portuguese dramaturgy
mediated by Rui Pina Coelho, with Alexandra
Moreira da Silva, António Mercado, Armando
Nascimento Rosa, Eugénia Vasques, Fernando Matos
Oliveira, Maria João Brilhante and Pedro Eiras.
15h30 [Sala Principal ~ SLTM]
Cosmic Fear or the day when Brad Pitt became
paranoid, by Christian Lollike,
Danish translation by Pedro Fernandes.
Reading by Artistas Unidos, directed by Jorge
Silva Melo, with Américo Silva, Ruben Gomes and
Sylvie Rocha. Sound by Rui Rebelo.
Radio broadcast by Antena 2 (prerecorded).
Sponsored by Artistas Unidos, Antena 2
18h [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
We were young then, by Frédéric Sonntag,
French translation by Ilda Mendes dos Santos
and Mickael de Oliveira
Performance reading directed by Álvaro Correia,
with Alexandra Viveiros, Diogo Bento and Inês Vaz
21h30 [Foyer ~ SLTM]
Performance Readings in and out of SLTM
With new texts by Ana Mendes, André Murraças,
Armando Nascimento Rosa, Françoise Berlanger
[BE], João Santos Lopes, Luís Mestre, Paulo
Castro, Pedro Eiras, Zachary Karabashliev [BG].
Directed by Pedro Gil, with António Fonseca,
António Simão, Carlos Paca, Mónica Garnel,
Raquel Castro and Simon Frankel.
French translation by Alexandra Moreira da Silva and Bulgarian
translation by Zlatka Timenova-Valtcheva and Emilia Yanakieva .
23h30 [Fábulas Café ~ Chiado]
Blah Blah with background music, informal
conversation around a drink between
technicians, artists, authors, curious
ones and night-wanderers.
Artistic Director
Mickael de Oliveira
Project Direction
John Romão
Rui Pina Coelho
Marianne Clévy
Honorary Director
Jorge Salavisa
Chief Executive
Diego Barros
Lara Silveira
19h [Main Room ~ SLTM]
Guerrero Notebook : from voyeur to diseur –
an acute look over the Encounters of New
Contemporary Dramaturgies or, in other words,
about everything that was said, but also about
everything that was said but not heard and,
furthermore, about everything that was never
said but that will be said because it should
have been said and it is supposed to be
listened to.
Performance-conference by Nelson Guerreiro & guests
21h30 [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
Brand New Portuguese Dramaturgy
Performance reading from selected texts from the
call Playwrights wanted, by a jury composed by
Abel Neves, John Romão, Mickael de Oliveira and
Rui Pina Coelho. Reading directed by John Romão,
with Cecília Henriques, João Lagarto, Miguel da
Cunha, Pedro Lacerda and Sílvia Filipe. Texts by
A. Branco, Cláudia Lucas Chéu, Hugo Siroco and
Paulo Castro de Oliveira.
00h [Closing Party ~ Club Souk
Closing Party with a DJ Set by Guerreiro Galante
of the pair Nelson Guerreiro and João Galante.
It’s not about hits, nostalgia or retro or
irony or high voltage, it’s about love becoming
an option again. Yes, we are in a relationship.
Education Direction
Nelson Vitória
Neto Portela
Technical Coordination
Janine Martins
[email protected]; TEL: 213 257 640
17h30 [Winter Garden ~ SLTM]
How to write what is urgent to say?
A brief communication by Tiago Rodrigues about
the project Urgências (Urgencies). Happening in
Lisbon, between 2004 and 2007, this project
originated three shows where over twenty new
short plays by contemporary Portuguese authors
were staged. It was a collaboration between
Mundo Perfeito, Produções Fictícias and Teatro
Maria Matos.
com o apoio
da Comissão
Assistant Producers
Ágata Alencoão
Daniel Mendonça
Marta Mendes
Maria João Jeromito
Technical Advisory
Margarida Alves
Literary Advisory
Abel Neves
Alexandra Moreira da Silva
Ilda Mendes dos Santos
Vera San Payo de Lemos
Marianne Gareis
O Colectivo 84 é uma
estrutura financiada por