Rua do Fôjo, s/n, Coêdo
5000 – 023 Adoufe, Vila Real - Portugal
+ 351 259 342 459 / + 351 961 203 332
[email protected]
The Pianist from the Ocean
Artistic & Technical Data / Synopsis / About the author
Artistic Data:
Based on the Text Novecento from Alessandro Baricco
Creation, Adaptation and Dramaturgic: Peripecia Teatro & José Carlos Garcia
Performance: Sergio Agostinho, Ángel Fragua, Luis Filipe Santos y Tiago
Lightning: Paulo Neto
Dressing: Noelia Domínguez y Peripécia Teatro
Staging & Atrezzo: Zétavares
Director: Noelia Domínguez
Technical data:
Lights’ operator: Eurico Alves
Stage building: Zétavares, Paulo Leão y Joel Baptista
Graphic design: Zétavares
Scene photography: Eduardo Araújo
Video production: Antonio Ferreira (Zed Films – Curtas e Longas)
Executive production: Sérgio Agostinho & Eurico Alves
Co-production: Peripecia Teatro & Teatro de Vila Real
Novecento is the name of the outstanding pianist that never went out from
Virginia – the vessel that was travelling across the immigrant and rich people’s
routes between Europe and America at the beginning of the XXth century.
The legend talks about a guy on board of the vessel “Virginia”, who was really
virtuous with the piano; he played a strange music, and from the piano he was
able to take out special, sudden, outstanding notes he was just able to do. It
seemed as if he had four hands!!! Such was his technique; when he was in the
mood, he played Jazz, if not, he played something like “ten jazzes together”: all
the music from the land were taken out from his piano.
Listening to his delightful music was to be shocked and amazed.
In Novecento humour and poetry are involved by live and direct music, where
two clarinettists interpret different stiles that go from “ragtime” to “klezmer”,
traditional Celtic music and other original compositions.
Every actor performs several characters; during the whole play it is astounding
the story tellers’ spontaneity, mixed together with the entertainers’ irony and the
innocent clowns’ sense of humour.
Through the whole text, written with an easy but moving and exciting language,
several universal topics such as friendship, beauty and power of imagination
over our own world from a surprising and particular perspective are put on the
About the Author:
Alessandro Baricco was born in Turin, 1958.Author of several essays and
romances: Lands of Glass (prizes Selezione Campiello 1991 and Prix Médicis
étranger — France1995), Ocean Sea (Awarded with prizes Viareggio Narrative
and Palazzo al Bosco — Italy) and Silk. Apart from Novecento he also wrote
another theatre text - Davila Roa – and two books about music- an essay about
Rossini and another about the relationship between music and present times.
His work Silk have had an extraordinary success in Italy and in the different
countries where it was published, which confirms his reputation as one of the
best Italian authors from the new generation.
TV presenter of two successful programs, he is also a musical and literary critic.
The performance is not recommended for children under the age of 12.
Register num. 643/2007 General Inspection of Cultural Activities-Portugal.
Approximate length: 90 minutes.
Performed for the first time the 14th of September, 2007, in the Teatro de Vila Real
(Theatre of de Vila Real).
Theatre of Vila Real (First Performance);
Bienal of Clowns and Theatre/Circus of Santarém;
Festival “O Gesto Orelhudo”;
International Theatre Festival of Humour of Maia;
Cinema-Theatre of Estarreja;
Municipal Theatre of Bragança;
Casa das Artes de V. N. de Famalicão (Theatre Festival of Construção);
Theatre Miguel Franco (Festival Acaso, Leiria);
Municipal Auditorium of Macedo de Cavaleiros;
Casa das Artes (House of Artes) of Arcos de Valdevez;
Theatre of Guarda;
XII Feria de Teatro de Castilla la Mancha, Spain;
Teatro Sá de Miranda, Viana do Castelo (Festeixo);
Casa da Cultura de Pola de Siero, Asturias – Spain;
Teatro-Cine de Pombal;
Festival Altitudes;
Festival de Máscaras e Comediantes, Lisboa;
Festival Teatro Agosto, Fundão;
Festival Iberoamericano de Almagro, Spain;
Feira Galega das Artes Escénicas, Spain;
XXV Muestra de Teatro Espiga de Oro 2008, Azuqueca de Henares, Spain;
Finta 08, Tondela;
Festival de Teatro Actual, Pamplona, Spain.