REVISÃO DO PRESENTE SIMPLES (Present Simple or Simple Present Tense) Empregamos o presente simples para descrever uma ação habitual, que ocorre em nosso cotidiano, e que por vezes, ocorre rotineiramente (com freqüência). 1. Simple Present – Affirmative form (modo afirmativo) I You He She It We You They buy clothes buy clothes buys clothes buys clothes buys clothes buy clothes buy clothes buy clothes Analisando a conjugação acima, temos que na afirmativa o simple present é igual ao infinitivo sem o to: to buy I buy. Entretanto, na 3ª pessoa do singular acrescentamos o s: to buy He buys Exceção: to have I have a car and she has a bike. Exercício: A) Use the simple present tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (to work) (to buy) (to have) (to break) (to get) (to have) (to follow) Renato works in a pets store. Teenagers buy a special type of clothes. She has a special way to say hello. That boy always breaks school system rules. Maryanne gets dressed very quickly. Young people have new ideias about life. That group always follows an anti-fashion. *** ATENÇÃO *** Os verbos terminados em “ss, sh, ch, x, z e o”, recebem “es” na 3ª pessoa do singular: Exemplos abaixo; to dress to do She dresses well He does the work Exercício: B) Use the simple present tense. 1. (to wash) She washes her clothes on Saturdays. 2. (to teach) Samantha teaches French. 3. (to relax) Jonathan relaxes after dinner. 4. (to go) Paulo goes to the factory in the morning. 5. (to buzz) A bee buzzes. No caso dos verbos terminados em “Y”, temos uma regrinha especial para a 3ª pessoa do singular, isto é, “He, She ou It ”: Se o verbo terminar em “y” precedido de consoante, transformamos o Y em i, e acrescentamos “ES”: Exemplos> to try Anne tries to learn (She tries to learn) Exercício: C) Use the simple present tense: 1. (to cry) Flávia always cries like a baby! 2. (to study) Fernando studies mathematics. 3. (to fly) A jet plane flies long distances. 4. (to play) Daniel plays the guitar very well. **** *** Vale lembrar que o verbo “to play” não segue a regra anterior, pois no caso do ‘play’, o ‘y’ está precedido de uma vogal, portanto a 3ª pessoa segue a regra geral, que diz somente para acrescentar o ‘s’. Simple Present – Negative and Interrogative forms Negative I You He She It We You They Interrogative do not dance do not dance does not dance does not dance does not dance do not dance do not dance do not dance DO DO DOES DOES DOES DO DO Do I dance ? You dance ? He dance? She dance? It dance? WE dance? You dance? They dance? 1.) Na negative usamos: o auxiliary do + not + verbo principal (no infinitivo, sem ‘to’). Apenas na penas na 3ª pessoa do singular substituímos ‘do’ por ‘does’. 2.) Na interrogativa o auxiliar (do / does) antecede o sujeito. 3.) Contrações : do + not = don’t I don’t dance does + not = doen’t She doesn’t dance. Exemplos: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Roberto studies at home every day.(+) / Roberto doesn’t study at home every day. (-) Luciano explains every new word. (+) / Luciano doesn’t explain every new word. (-) Joana relaxes after lunch. (+) / Joana doesn’t relaxe after lunch. Do I know how to drive? Do You know how to answer the question? Do they know how to swim? Does he know how to play cards? Does she know how to play the guitar? Does It know how to come here?