SERVIÇO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAGEM COMERCIAL FACULDADE DE TECNOLOGIA SENAC PELOTAS CURSO SUPERIOR DE TECNOLOGGIA EM ANÁLISE E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMAS Unidade Curricular: Inglês Instrumental Professora: Eren Pasquali 1) O texto que você lerá intitula-se The computer system. Antes de iniciar a leitura, discuta com um colega qual o tipo de informação que você espera encontrar e liste algumas das palavras. ________________ ________________ __________________ ________________ The computer system Do you know what a computer is? The computer system executes all the functions of a computer. A standard computer system consists of three basic parts or sections: input units, a processor unit and the output units. The function of the input unit is to accept both the data and the programs needed for processing and to present them to the processor unit. The processor unit stores and processes the data, and the output units display the results obtained from processing. The most common input units are the keyboard and the mouse. These devices enable data to go into the computer’s memory. The processor unit is divided into two main parts: the Central Processing Unit (the CPU) and the main storage unit (the main memory). The Central Processing Unit is considered the most important component of the computer system. In other words, the CPU is the brain of the computer. It carries out program instructions and coordinates all the activities of the other units. The main memory holds the instructions and the data which are currently being processed by the CPU. All computers have a type of auxiliary or extra storage device: floppy or hard disks. The devices provide permanent storage of both data and program. Disk drives are used to handle one or more floppy disks (diskettes). Outputs units enable us to extract the finished product from the system. The computer either shows the output on the monitor screen or pint the results onto a paper by means of a printer. The peripherals are the physical units connected to the computer. They include both input and output devices as well as storage devices. Peripherals such as mouse, modems, scanners, optical devices, printers, keyboards, loudspeakers, etc., are plugged into the ports on the rear panel of the computers. The peripherals set of a computer system is also known as the configuration. Regardless of appearance, cost, or size, all the computers have the same basic cycle, are made up of the same basic parts and perform the same types of operations. 2) Escreva algumas palavras cognatas que você encontrou no texto. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Com base nas palavras cognatas do primeiro parágrafo, responda: a) O que faz um sistema de computador? b) Em quantas partes de divide? c) Quais são essas partes? VOCABULÁRIO 4) Veja o que cada grupo de palavras tem em comum. Classifique-os de acordo com a idéia que expressam e, quando for possível indique a classe gramatical das palavras que o compõem. ALLOW/ENABLE/ LET/ PERMIT BRAIN/HEAD PURPOSE/FUNCTION/OBJECTIVE CARRY OUT/DO/PERFORM/EXECUTE AT THE MOMENT/NOWADAYS/CURRENTLY BACK/BEHIND/REAR REFERÊNCIAL TEXTUAL 5) Volte ao texto e indique as palavras às quais os pronomes abaixo se referem: a) them (linha 5) ____________________ b) these (l. 7) _______________________ c) it (l. 11) _________________________ d) us (l. 17) ________________________ e) they (l.19) _______________________ 6) Reescreva as orações mudando as palavras sublinhadas pelo pronome pessoal apropriado. a) The computer is a machine. ______________________________________________________________ b) Paul is a computer user. _________________________________________________________________ c) Mary and Katerine are Canadian. __________________________________________________________ d) The data are changed into electrical impulses. ________________________________________________ e) John and I use a computer everyday. _______________________________________________________ f) Blaise Pascal developed an adding machine in 1642.___________________________________________ SIMPLE PRESENT (VERBO TO BE) 7) Volte ao texto e retire alguns exemplos do uso do verbo To Be. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Formas do verbo To Be. Escreva as formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGAÇÃO I YOU HE/SHE/IT WE YOU THEY 9) Escreva um parágrafo resumindo o texto. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ (NOTA: Os dados foram retirados de CRUZ, Décio Torres. Inglê para informática. Salvador: Disal, 2006.)