Fake Pill Cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Fake Pill Cures Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS)
Most medical scientists would tell you that there is no cure for IBS. For
many, the treatment (or life sentence) is to address the symptoms by:
Excluding fermentable sugars or gluten from your diet
Increasing your consumption of fibrous food
Taking medication or probiotics
Receiving psychological counseling or antidepressants
This is a view with which professor Ted Kaptchuk from Boston’s Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center would strongly disagree.
In the past eight years, he has done several studies that prove that IBS
can be cured naturally.
In addition, what he uses is “fake medicine.”
The history of science is replete with cases where people’s health
improved after they were given fake treatments, called placebos. These
placebos can be anything from water to sugar pills.
Scientists think that the mere belief that you are getting a treatment is
enough to bring about an improvement in some medical conditions,
even if the treatment is a placebo, a kind of mind-over-matter
Professor Kaptchuk has taken this a step further; however, by proving
that placebos can be effective for some conditions even when patients
understand they are receiving fake treatments.
In 2010, he and his colleagues published a study in the journal PLOS 1 in
which they gave 80 IBS sufferers either a fake pill or no treatment at all.
They explained to their participants that the pill they were taking was
faked, and they even labeled the bottle in which the pills were stored
“placebo pills made of an inert substance.”
Notwithstanding all this, the group that received the placebo reported
a much bigger improvement in their condition than did those who
received no treatment at all.
However, 60% of “feeling better” is still too low for my liking.
Here is a simple IBS strategy that completely cures almost everyone
who uses it in just a few days – it is amazing…