This Plant Heals Hemorrhoids

This Plant Heals Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are often difficult to remove, and the existing treatments
tend to involve knives, elastic bands, lasers, and other scary torture
That is why a study published in the new Phytomedicine Plus journal is
promising; as it demonstrates that, a simple plant can heal hemorrhoids
A team of Indian researchers knew that the leaves of the plant
Dolichandrone falcata were commonly used in traditional Indian
medicine to treat hemorrhoids, diabetes, and food poisoning.
Moreover, because these leaves are so rich in Vitamin E, plant sterols,
terpenes, and tons of other healthy phytochemicals, the scientists
found many previous studies supporting its anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, antioxidant, and other beneficial properties.
To test its ability to treat hemorrhoids, they obtained some of these
leaves and tested them to confirm that they contained the normal
amounts of phytochemicals.
They acquired rats to serve as study subjects and induced hemorrhoids
in them by applying a croton oil mixture inside their rectums, a
standard procedure for inducing hemorrhoids.
They divided these rats into five groups: one given neither hemorrhoids
nor Dolichandrone falcata extract, one given hemorrhoids and standard
hemorrhoid treatment, and the other three groups given hemorrhoids
and 100, either 200, or 300 mg of Dolichandrone falcata extract per
kilogram of body weight.
The rats received these treatments once per 24 hours over a period of
five days, after which the researchers drew blood to test for
inflammation and certain chemicals; they also cut out the hemorrhoidal
tissue to examine it.
They found a drastic decrease in inflammatory chemicals, both in the
blood and in the hemorrhoidal tissue of the rats treated with 200 or
300 mg/kg of Dolichandrone falcata extract. The 100 mg/kg dose did
not work.
Additionally, they discovered increased antioxidant activity in both the
blood and hemorrhoidal tissue.
Less inflammation and oxidation meant that the cells suffered no
further damage and had the opportunity to heal.
An examination of the hemorrhoidal tissue further revealed
hemorrhage (excessive bleeding) and dilated blood vessels in the nontreated rats, compared to normal blood vessels with intact tissue in the
rats treated with Dolichandrone falcata extract.
Therefore, Dolichandrone falcata extract can work as a treatment for
hemorrhoids—if the rat study is generalizable to humans, that is.
At this stage, this extract is not commercially available online because it
is not as well studied as others that have become popular. If you live in
India, a business opportunity awaits.
Fortunately, this is just one example of natural treatments for
hemorrhoids. Thousands of readers have permanently healed their
hemorrhoids using the natural steps explained here…