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The Peripheral Neuropathy Solution
eBook PDF Download by Dr. Randall C.
End your Neuropathy Pain today with the Internet’s #1 Neuropathy
Dr. Labrum’s simple, proven, systematic self-treatment Program will
help you free yourself of Neuropathy Pain completely & permanently
without drugs, surgery, or guesswork.
For peripheral neuropathy pain as a result of diabetes, chemotherapy,
age, alcohol and drug use, and hypertension, by Dr. Labrum, a former
neuropathy sufferer who successfully used this neuropathy solution to
resolve his own neuropathy condition.
The doctor who developed The Peripheral Neuropathy Solution, Dr.
Randall Labrum, applies more than his medical training and experience
to this issue.
When he says he knows “the feeling,” he is speaking from personal
experience. In fact, he describes it as feeling as he was “walking
barefoot through cactus.”
He also describes the agonizing pain and discomfort as feeling like
stepping on hot coals of a campfire.
Unfortunately, the doctor also found neuropathy pain got worse over
time, as it usually does for most sufferers. He gradually become less
positive about life in general and found himself being more withdrawn
and “stressed out.”
I had Do Anything
Finally, Dr. Labrum said to himself that he would do anything to get
relief from the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
Therefore, he decided to pursue this “anything” and found a solution to
a condition many medical professionals believe cannot be cured or
treated successfully.
Millions of people have gone through life believing they could only
manage the symptoms, usually with strong prescription medications.
Dr. Labrum: “I would do anything to get relief from the symptoms of
peripheral neuropathy”.
However, this doctor believes the philosophy to be completely wrong.
He calls his program of self-treatment “simple” and “proven.”
He also extends a guarantee to those who try it and use it as it has
designed to be used.
His evidence and claims include the fact that this works without regard
to age, background, ethnicity or gender.
He also states this program “effectively treats chronic peripheral
neuropathy and diabetic nerve pain/discomfort in the feet, legs, hands
and arms.
Better yet, he states the results may be permanent because the
treatment corrects the pain at the source, restoring damaged nerve
In addition, he notes the program is “so simple anyone can do it.”
Results can “often be felt immediately” no matter what the underlying
cause of the neuropathy.
Start Here
Dr. Labrum insists that those who suffer from a neuropathic condition
must do five things so they can begin to walk a positive path to
You must:
Stop prescription medications
Stop using painkillers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants
Avoid surgery and other invasive procedures
Stay away from trial-and-error methods and guesswork
Avoid gimmicks and “far out” alternative treatments
Now, the doctor states, “I am thrilled to be able to confirm that I set
out to find a solution to peripheral neuropathy and I succeeded.”
The program involves specific items, applications, lifestyle changes and
other “ingredients” to eliminate burning and stabbing pains, restore
balance and ability to stand and walk, as well as restore normal
function without the distraction of painful symptoms from neuropathy.
The program involves specific items, applications, lifestyle changes and
other factors to eliminate pain.
Benefits of the Neuropathy Solution
Dr. Labrum indicates here the effectiveness of his program as follows:
• “Results often begin immediately! Usually within minutes of
employing the various steps outlined in the Neuropathy Solution
guide – and oftentimes even faster.”
• “Your neuropathy gets better and better each day as the steps in
my Neuropathy Solution is repeated.”
• “The healing, pain-relieving effects of the 6 simple steps continue
to work all throughout day, long after you have completed them.”
• “Marvel as the Neuropathy Solution gently soothes your irritated
nerves and wakes up your numb, sleepy legs, feet and hands.”
• “Several of the steps contained with the Neuropathy Solution also
cause your brain to release powerful endorphins which
counteract pain and help you sleep soundly and productively at
• “In Step 1 of my treatment program alone, I’ll detail for you the
simple, little-known stimulating technique proven by university
research to immediately relieve pain in as many as 96% of
neuropathy sufferers. Imagine feeling better instantly! And this
technique is as pleasurable as it is fast and easy.”
“The Neuropathy Solution will also show you how to easily begin
eliminating not only numbness, but ALL the various types of pain
and discomfort commonly associated with peripheral neuropathy,
from tingling, prickling, burning, stabbing, shooting, numbness,
loss of equilibrium and balance issues, and so on. Incidentally,
most prescription drugs only target one symptom or group of
symptoms, lending you only partial relief. And all at enormous
“The Neuropathy Solution does NOT endorse the use of
prescription drugs, and does NOT include them. The Neuropathy
Solution is vastly more effective than drugs will ever be because it
targets and corrects the root cause of your Neuropathy with a
series of techniques that work in natural harmony with your
body’s own healing abilities and restorative functions.”
“My Neuropathy Solution is designed to help you treat your
Neuropathy, not merely mask the symptoms like so many other
treatment protocols which endanger your health and wellbeing
with all kinds of other potentially horrific secondary effects.”
“Your particular case of Peripheral Neuropathy qualifies for the
Neuropathy Solution. Regardless of what you have been told is
the underlying cause of your Peripheral Neuropathy, my
Neuropathy Solution will almost assuredly work for you! Put it to
the test now. You have nothing to lose.”
What You Will Get
The limited-time package includes The Neuropathy Solution Program
and the following valuable bonuses:
Neuropathy Treatment Seminar
Ultimate Diabetes Formula
Personal Treatment Tracking Worksheet & Checklist
Ultimate Resource Suite for Self-Reliance & Emergency
• Field Guides for Medical Care, Dental Care, Disaster Preparedness,
Long-Term Food Storage
• Newsletter Subscription
• Neuropathy Drug Secrets
While this question may seem to put a negative thought in your head,
you should be aware the limited-time offer for $37.95 is the actual cost
in USD.
However, Dr. Labrum explains the true cost of not using this program
amounts to hundreds of dollars for future medical appointments, tests,
medications, travel expenses, trial-and-error treatments, lost work time
He is quite sure you will get relief and states that if you do not
experience a “satisfying reduction in your pain and discomfort” in a full
60 days, you will not pay even the reduced amount.
In addition, you keep the program and bonuses.
If you are looking for a program or treatment to end neuropathic pain
and discomfort, the low price might be just the enticement you need.
Do something good for yourself and start th
e solution today.
The Neuropathy Solution from Dr. Labrum
If you are looking for a treatment to reduce your neuropathic pain and
discomfort, you should try this digital product from Dr. Labrum. Do
something good for yourself and start the solution today.
The Good Stuff:
Safe, No Drugs, No Surgery
Fast & Permanent
Valuable Bonuses (Limited
Approved (Successfully Used By Many People)
Money Back Guarantee