Peripheral Neuropathy - The New American Epidemic

Peripheral Neuropathy
The New American Epidemic
Numbness. Prickling. Tingling. Burning.
Debilitating pain in the feet, toes, and lower
legs. Or in the hands, fingers and lower arms.
Perhaps even in both locations. These are the
most common symptoms of Peripheral
Neuropathy, a vexing disorder brought on by
damage to the peripheral nervous system
that today affects tens of millions of Americans, and many more
millions of people around the globe. These numbers only reflect the tip
of the iceberg. Indeed, in years to come, peripheral neuropathy, which
is right now increasing in prevalence at a mind-blowing rate, has the
potential to become one of the most widespread scourges humanity
has yet known.
Why be alarmed? Because peripheral neuropathy strikes individuals
without pity. It strikes for a vast variety of reasons, both exotic and
distressingly commonplace (diabetes, aging, and high-blood pressure,
for example). In addition, if you only put your trust in contemporary
medicine, you will be rather unapologetically told that neuropathy is
virtually without cure or treatment.
As a result, neuropathy sufferers are usually desperate. Nothing has
worked for them. The painkilling medicines generally given as the only
course of action by most doctors cause awful side effects. They are
prescribed with the caveat that ”there is nothing else we can do”.
Indeed, in all my years of experience I have yet to meet a neuropathy
patient who was completely satisfied with their progress or how the
doctor was handling their case.
Virtually all neuropathy patients feel like “orphans”. As though they
have nobody to turn to, nobody who truly knows how to help them,
and nowhere to go with their problem. Meanwhile, the painful and
frustrating symptoms continue to intensify and the feelings of being
abandoned and left alone with no help grow more acute. This
unpleasant situation often contributes to depression and despondency,
with the neuropathy sufferer finally just “giving up”, and doing nothing
more to help his or her problem. Suffering for the remainder of their
days, with an almost complete abandonment of a desired lifestyle,
seems to be the only possible outcome.
This is, of course, no way to live.
Fortunately, as a friend and neuropathy treatment coach, my
message to these neuropathy sufferers is simply this: Be of good cheer!
There is a solution.
As a previous neuropathy patient myself, I have recently published a
simple, proven, systematic neuropathy treatment program based on
my successes in resolving the peripheral neuropathy condition. In my
own case, my perplexing and painful neuropathy symptoms are totally
gone and my life is back on track again.
Many, if not most of my patients have had the same experience. It is
at their request, and in their honor, that I have created The Neuropathy
Solution program, with the intent of helping as many of the frustrated
victims of the emerging neuropathy epidemic as possible. Those who
have followed The Neuropathy Solution program as outlined have,
without exception, achieved a measurable amount of satisfaction and
The amount of this correction and improvement is of course
different in each individual case, and depends on obvious variables such
as patient compliance and motivation, and on clinical factors such as
general health and the severity and complexity of the underlying
causes. Nevertheless, it is critically important for every neuropathy
sufferer to understand that all cases of neuropathy will do better if the
damaged peripheral sensory nerves in the lower legs, feet, and hands,
and the environment in which they are found, can be made healthier,
less toxic, and whole. These goals are precisely what The Neuropathy
Solution is designed to help the neuropathy sufferer accomplish.
Indeed, The Neuropathy Solution is designed to help the neuropathy
sufferer finally gain the upper hand in the fight against this devastating
Medical schools, researchers, and neuropathy
organizations estimate that between 20-30
million cases of peripheral neuropathy exist
within the borders of the United States, with
millions more being diagnosed each year.
Already, a full 8% of the millions of Medicare
patients have peripheral neuropathy as a
secondary diagnosis in their doctor provided
diagnostic record. And yet these figures do not
even speculate about the untold number of
undiagnosed cases (peripheral neuropathy is still largely under the
radar of many physicians and the media in general), or the millions of
new developing cases whose symptoms are just beginning to manifest
themselves, nor do they take into account the additional millions upon
millions of peripheral neuropathy patients who live in other developed
countries around the world.
By way of comparison with other so-called health epidemics, there
are 400,000 people in the US with Multiple Sclerosis, 5,000,000
Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, and roughly, 250,000 people in the
US will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. As already
mentioned, peripheral neuropathy is, right now, afflicting from 20 to 30
million Americans.
With that in mind, even if you do not presently have peripheral
neuropathy, chances are very high that at some point down the road it
will affect your life either directly or indirectly.
If you or someone near and dear to you is currently a neuropathy
sufferer, you truly owe it to yourself to explore the vital information
and proven recommendations I have prepared for you in The
Neuropathy Solution program. Outlined within the pages of the
program, and in the accompanying media, you will find clear answers to
perplexing questions about what exactly Peripheral Neuropathy is; why
you (or someone you care for), in particular, have it, or why you may or
may not expect to be afflicted with it in the future; and what exactly
can be done to both prevent it and treat it.
The Neuropathy Solution program is presented in six simple steps
that anyone can easily do. Each step is explained in plain English and
illustrated in clear, systematic detail. By employing these steps, the
neuropathy sufferer will enhance the health of their peripheral sensory
nerves and the surrounding environment, thereby reducing the pain,
numbness, tingling, and other symptoms characteristic of the condition.
Measurable, and usually dramatic, improvement is reasonable to
expect in just a short time upon following The Neuropathy Solution.
Please do not fail yourself with prejudice, doubt, indecision, or lack
of action. Recovery is waiting for you, but you alone must take the
responsibility and fulfill the simple, easy to learn steps that lead to
dramatic improvement of this frustrating condition. For more
information on how you can began as soon as today, taking charge of
your neuropathy condition, please look over The Neuropathy Solution
program which I created uniquely for peripheral neuropathy sufferers.
Click here to go there now.