Condiloma acuminado: Uso de mistura de ácido fraco com ácido

Condiloma acuminado: Uso de mistura de ácido fraco com ácido forte HCl +
Acido oxálico + ácido fosfórico local
Condylomata Acuminata are genital warts caused by certain human
papillomaviruses (HPV). A study was performed by a dermatologist on 20 male
patients between the age of 20 and 25 years of age. Location of the condilomas was
on the penis gladeand on the inside of the skin of the penis. Formulation was
applied full strength with a Q-tip, allowing the drug to work for the next 24 hours.
Afterwards the affected region was washed with soap and water and the regiment
repeated every seven daysfor 3 4 weeks. Following treatment; 5 Cases healed with
one application, 8 Cases healed with two applications, and 5 Cases healed with
three applications. Two Cases did not return to doctor's appointment after the first
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