Simple Past O Simple Past descreve uma ação que já ocorreu e que não ocorre mais. A ação teve início e fim no passado. No Simple Past o verbo não é flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindose em todas elas. Regular Verbs O Simple Past dos verbos regulares, de um modo geral, é formado acrescentando -d ou -ed ao infinitivo dos verbos. Observe a tabela abaixo: - FORMA AFIRMATIVA: I worked yesterday You worked yesterday He worked yesterday She worked yesterday It worked yesterday We worked yesterday You worked yesterday They worked yesterday - PARTICULARIDADES DA ORTOGRAFIA DO SIMPLE PAST: 1. Os verbos terminados em e recebem apenas a letra -d ao infinitivo do verbo. Veja alguns exemplos abaixo: hope - hoped change - changed like - liked behave - behaved lie - lied 2. Se o verbo tiver uma única sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se -ed: stop - stopped permit - permitted occur - occurred rob - robbed admit - admitted prefer - preferred omit - omitted control - controlled OBSERVAÇÃO: No Inglês Britânico, se o verbo termina com a letra "L", dobra-se essa consoante mesmo que a última sílaba não seja tônica. travel - travelled rival - rivalled 3. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por -ied: study - studied carry - carried worry - worried try - tried hurry - hurried cry - cried OBSERVAÇÃO: Quando o y for precedido de vogal, não há mudança ortográfica, bastando apenas acrescentar -ed ao verbo: pray - prayed enjoy - enjoyed obey - obeyed play - played 4. Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba tônica não é a última não dobram a consoante, apenas recebem -ed: listen - listened develop - developed open - opened fasten - fastened suffer - suffered visit - visited wonder - wondered offer - offered USOS do Simple Past: O Simple Past é usado para expressar: 1. Ações acabadas em um tempo definido, é frequentemente usado com advérbios de tempo como yesterday, yesterday morning, last week, last month, last night, the day before yesterday, three years ago, in 1998, in the twentieth century, etc. O quando o fato ocorreu pode ser expresso ou apenas subentendido. Susan helped him last night. (Susan o ajudou ontem à noite.) My parents traveled to Roma in 2005 and they enjoyed it a lot. (Meus pais viajaram para Roma em 2005 e gostaram muito da viagem.) I liked to read fairy tales when I was a child. (Eu gostava de ler contos de fadas quando era criança.) Yesterday we entered the class late, today we have to enter on time. (Ontem entramos na sala de aula atrasados, hoje temos que entrar na hora.) Those students studied hard last semester. (Aqueles alunos estudaram bastante no último semestre.) The Second World War ended in 1945. (A Segunda Guerra Mundial teve fim em 1945.) 2. Indicar hábitos ou situações passadas. Nesses casos é comum aparecer expressões como when, while, whenever. When I lived in London, I worked in a pub. (Quando morei em Londres, trabalhei em um bar.) Whenever someone walked past the gate, the dog barked. (Toda vez que alguém passava no portão, o cachorro latia.) - FORMA NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA: As formas negativas e interrogativas do Past Simple são feitas com o verbo auxiliar Did (passado de Do), acompanhado do verbo principal no infinitivo sem to. 1. Forma Negativa: Para formar uma oração negativa no Simple Past, usa-se did not para todas as pessoas, pois como já vimos anteriormente, no Simple Past o verbo não é flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindo-se em todas elas. O verbo auxiliar (did) + not posiciona-se sempre entre o sujeito e o verbo principal. Observe a tabela abaixo: I did not work You did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work NEGATIVE FORM: SUJEITO + DID NOT + VERBO NO INFINITIVO SEM TO Steve didn't work as much as Paul. (Steve não trabalhou tanto como Paul.) She didn't work yesterday. (Ela não trabalhou ontem) 2. Forma Interrogativa: Para formar uma oração interrogativa no Past Simple, usa-se did antes do sujeito. O verbo permanece no infinitivo sem "to", uma vez que, no Simple Past o verbo não é flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindo-se em todas elas. Did I work? Did You work? Did He work? Did She work? Did It work? Did We work? Did You work? Did They work? INTERROGATIVE FORM: DID + SUJEITO + VERBO NO INFINITIVO SEM TO Did he call me yesterday? (Ele me ligou ontem?) Why did he do that? (Por que ele fez isso?) Did you drink wine last night? (Você tomou vinho ontem à noite?) Irregular Verbs: Os verbos irregulares não seguem as regras gerais de formação do Simple Past, isto é, cada um tem uma forma própria de passado. Sendo assim, é necessário estudá-los um a um. Ver lista dos verbos irregulares. l drink coffee at breakfast. = l drank some yesterday. He goes to the club every Sunday. = He went yesterday. 1. Verbos irregulares são aqueles aos quais não se acrescenta ed ou d para se formar o passado e o particípio passado. 2. Com exceção de 'to be', a negativa e interrogativa dos verbos irregulares são feitascomo nos verbos regulares. 3. O passado dos verbos irregulares tem a mesma forma para todas as pessoas: I went, you went, we went, etc. A exceção é o verbo 'to be' (was - were). do make have begin catch cost drink eat - past past participle did made had began caught cost drank ate - done - made - had - begun - caught - cost - drunk - eaten get give go hear hit know leave - past past participle got gave went heard hit knew left - got given gone heard hit known left Past Continuous Past Continuous é usado para: 1. Descrever uma ação em andamento num determinado momento no passado: Fred was dancing with his girlfriend. I was talking to my boss when you called me yesterday afternoon. At 7:00 a.m., I was flying over San Francisco. My father arrived when my mother was cooking. In 2001 he was living in Dublin. When I got up this morning the sun was shining. What were you doing at 6:00 p.m.? It was raining this morning. 2. Descrever ações em andamento simultâneo. Nesses casos, geralmente usa-se o marcador while: Susan was playing while Mary was studying for her test. We were preparing our breakfast while he was still sleeping. I was having a shower when the phone rang. While my father was reading the newspaper, my brother was washing the car. 3. Para descrever uma ação que estava ocorrendo quando outra ação ocorreu. I was talking with James when the telephone rang. While Angelica was playing tennis, the plane crashed. When Bob was painting windows, it started raining FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTEROGATIVA: 1. Forma Negativa: A Forma Negativa do Passado Contínuo é feita acrescentado-se not entre o passado simples do verbo to be + verbo + ing) do verbo principal. Observe a tabela abaixo: I was not working You were not working He was not working She was not working It was not working We were not working You were not working They were not working I wasn't watching TV last night. They weren't waiting for her at the airport. Bob and Jamey weren't sleeping when Jane got home. She wasn't reading a book, she was reading a magazine. NEGATIVE FORM: SUJEITO + PASSADO SIMPLES DO VERBO TO BE + NOT + VERBO + ING 2. Forma Interrogativa: Na Forma Interrogativa do Passado Contínuo, o sujeito posiciona-se entre o passado simples do verbo to be e o verbo + ing. Was I working? Were You working? Was He working? Was She working? Was It working? Were We working? Were You working? Were They working? Were you sleeping? Were they studying for the test? What were the children doing in the bedroom? Was it snowing this morning? INTERROGATIVE FORM: PASSADO SIMPLES DO VERBO TO BE + SUJEITO + VERBO + ING