From “Know-thyself” to “Become such as you are”

Revista Trágica: estudos sobre Nietzsche – 2º semestre de 2012 – Vol. 5 – nº 2
From “Know-thyself” to “Become such as you are”: Nietzsche against Socrates in
Ecce Homo
Luciano Gomes Brazil*
Abstract: From an interesting passage of the philosophers autobiography, we will work
two Greek imperatives, the “Know-thyself”, from Delphi’s oracle, and the “Become
such as you are”, from the poet Pindar. Both when worked from the Greek language,
shows itself ipsis verbis, and approach a very dear aspect from Nietzsche´s think,
because they deal of the movement, the becoming. This approach was deal with in view
of the rivalry of Nietzsche against Socrates, prefigured in the line spaces from the
highlighted passage. Without damage, the rivalry is scrutinized to intensify the
questions who yet seems in the Athenians philosopher, and develop, as it were, the
Nietzsche´s think about the time, that seems to be, in any case, a fade comprehension.
Key-words: Nietzsche, becoming, tragic.
Mestre em filosofia pelo PPGF-UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Contato: [email protected]
Revista Trágica: estudos sobre Nietzsche – 2º semestre de 2012 – Vol. 5 – nº 2