Aula 1 : Verbo To Be - Mogi das Cruzes

Oficina de Gramática
Forma Afirmativa
I am (I’m)
He is (He’s)
She is (She’s)
It is (It’s)
You are (You’re)
We are (We’re)
They are (They’re)
Forma Negativa
Forma Interrogativa
I am not (I’m not)
He is not (He’s not or he isn’t)
She is not (She’s not or she isn’t)
It is not (It’s not or it isn’t)
Am I?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
You are not (You’re not or you aren’t )
We are not (We’re not or we aren’t )
They are not (They’re not or they aren’t)
Are you?
Are we?
Are they?
1) Complete as frases com o verbo TO BE na forma afirmativa:
a) Ann __________at home. Her children ________at school.
b) I _________very happy today!
c) My brother and I __________ good tennis player.
d) My father ________ a teacher and my mother ___________ a nurse.
e) This book ____________very old.
f) Julie’s students __________ very intelligent.
2) Agora complete as frases com o verbo TO BE na forma negativa:
a) Sheryl Crow __________ a politician. She’s a singer.
b) This house ___________ very old.
c) Paul __________ married. He’s single.
d) My keys __________ in my bag.
e) You __________very tall.
f) Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman ____________dancers. They are actresses.
3) Faça perguntas com as palavras abaixo.Use is ou are. Siga o exemplo:
Ex.: (your mother/ at home?): Is your mother at home?
a) (your parents/ well?) ____________________________________
b) (your job/ interesting?) __________________________________
c) (the post office/ near here?) _______________________________
d) (your children/ at school?) ________________________________
4) Complete com os pronomes I, you, he, she, we, they:
a) ____________ is my mother.
b) ____________ are my sisters.
c) ____________ is my father.
d) ___________ am a student.
e) ___________ are Brazilian.
f)You and I are Brazilian. ___________ are from São Paulo.
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Estude as seguintes situações:
I am Fernanda = My name is Fernanda.
You are Fábio = Your name is Fábio.
He is Ricardo = His name is Ricardo.
She is Roberta = Her name is Roberta.
It is Totó (the dog). = Its name is Totó.
We are Gustavo and Pamela. = Our names are Gustavo and Pamela.
They are the Smiths. = Their first names are Rodney and Angela.
1) Complete as sentenças abaixo usando his, her, ou their:
a).............. name is Beyoncé.
c) ............... name is Daniel Radcliffe.
b) …………. names are Angelica and
Luciano Huck.
d) ................ names are William Bonner
and Fátima Bernardes.
2) Complete com my, your, his, her, our, their.
a. Hey, you two! What are ___________names?
b. She is a doctor. ____________ name is Deborah.
c. _____________ names are Michael and Peter. We are American.
d. Hi. ____________name is Lucy. I’m English.
e. He is my brother. ____________ name is Fernando.
f. _____________ names are Sarah and Rita. They are beautiful.
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Em inglês, nacionalidades são sempre escritas em letras maiúsculas.
Ex.: Maurício is Brazilian.
Are they Italian?
Juan is Spanish, but his parents are American.
1) Complete nas sentenças abaixo os países e nacionalidades de acordo com a bandeira
a) Ronaldo is from ………….. He is ……………….
b)Giuseppe is from …………. He is ………………...
c)Mariah is from the ……………… She is ..................
d) Tokuzo is from ............... She is.......................
e) Pablo is from ....................... He is ............................
2) Complete seguindo o exemplo abaixo.
- Julia Roberts/ the USA. Julia Roberts is from the USA. She is American.
a. Shakira / Colombia
b. Arnold Schwarzenneger / Austria
c. Ricky Martin / Puerto Rico
d. Gisele Bündchen / Brazil
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Oficina de Gramática
e. Nelson Mandela and Charlize Theron / South Africa
f. The Rolling Stones / England
g. Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz / Spain
3) Responda as perguntas abaixo.
a. Where is David Beckham from?
b. Where is Michael Schumacher from?
c. Where is Avril Lavigne from?
d. Where is Jim Carrey from?
e. Where are Robinho and Ronaldinho Gaúcho from?
4) Responda as perguntas abaixo.
a. Where is Paris?
b. What´s the capital of Portugal?
c. Where is Canberra?
d. Where is San Francisco?
e. What´s the capital of Canada?
f. Where is London?
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Oficina de Gramática
5) Faça perguntas para as seguintes respostas.
a. _______________________________________________?
It´s in Japan.
b. _______________________________________________?
It´s in Spain.
c. _______________________________________________?
It´s in Italy.
d. _______________________________________________?
It´s Buenos Aires.
e. _______________________________________________?
It´s Beijin.
How to ask and give personal information
1) Responda as perguntas.
a. What´s your last name? __________________________________________________
b. How do you spell it? _____________________________________________________
c. What´s your telephone number? ____________________________________________
d. What´s your address? ____________________________________________________
e. What´s your e-mail? _____________________________________________________
f. Are you married? ________________________________________________________
g. What´s your nationality? __________________________________________________
h. How old are you? _______________________________________________________
2) Faça perguntas para as respostas.
a. ________________________________________________________? He is American.
b. __________________________________________________? It´s [email protected].
c. _________________________________________________? No, I´m not. I´m married.
d. ____________________________________________________________? She is 45.
e. ___________________________________________________? It´s S – M – I – T – H .
f. ________________________________________________? His last name is Johnson.
g. ________________________________________________________? It´s 5555-4565.
h. ________________________________________________? It´s 100 Madison Avenue.
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Para perguntar as horas em inglês, geralmente utilizamos a pergunta:
’What time is it?’ (Que horas são?)
Algumas possíveis respostas:
It’s five o’clock. (São cinco horas).
It’s midday. (É meio dia).
It’s midnight. (É meia-noite).
- Quando dizemos as horas exatas (sem os minutos), acrescentamos a expressão o’clock.
- Quando queremos indicar que se trata de horas antes ou depois do meio-dia, usamos as expressões ante
meridiem (antes do meio-dia) e post meridiem (depois do meio-dia) que são abreviadas a.m. e p.m.
It’s seven a.m. (São sete da manhã).
It’s five p.m. (São cinco da tarde).
- Existem dois modos para se dizer as horas:
It's seven oh five.
It's seven ten.
It's seven fifteen.
It's seven twenty.
It's seven twenty-five.
It's seven thirty.
It's seven thirty-five.
It's seven forty.
It's seven forty-five.
It's seven fifty.
It's seven fifty-five.
It's five past seven.
It's ten past seven.
It's fifteen past seven / It's a quarter past seven.
It's twenty past seven.
It's twenty-five past seven.
It's half past seven.
It's twenty-five to eight.
It's twenty to eight.
It's a quarter to eight.
It's ten to eight.
It's five to eight.
1) Agora é a sua vez. Escreva as horas por extenso:
It's two o'clock.
a) It’s ....................................................
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
b) It’s .......................................................
c) It’s .........................................................
d) It’s .........................................................
e) It’s .........................................................
f) It’s ..........................................................
2) What time is it?
Ex.: 11: 15 It’s eleven fifteen. ou It’s a quarter past eleven.
a. 10:30 _________________________________________________________________
b. 09:10 _________________________________________________________________
c. 06:20 _________________________________________________________________
d. 08:45 _________________________________________________________________
e. 12:00 _________________________________________________________________
f. 07:15 _________________________________________________________________
g. 09:55 _________________________________________________________________
h. 03:50 _________________________________________________________________
i. 05:40 _________________________________________________________________
j. 04:30 _________________________________________________________________
k. 07:00 _________________________________________________________________
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Usamos o verbo CAN para expressar habilidades que temos, ou seja, para expressar o que
sabemos fazer. É formado pelo sujeito + can+ verbo principal (sem ‘to’).
I can speak English.
I can't swim.
(interrogative) Can you play volleyball?
1) Complete as sentenças. Use CAN ou CAN’T + um dos verbos abaixo:
I’m sorry but I …………………………………………… my book to you.
Catherine got the job because she ……………………………. five languages.
Bob is a good tennis player. He ……………………….. play tennis very well.
My house is far from here. We ………………………….walking!
It’s hot here! ……………… you …………………….. the window, please?
2) Faça perguntas usando os verbos em parênteses e depois responda com Yes, I can ou No, I can’t.
a) (fish) ____________________________________?
_______, I _______.
b) (play soccer) ________________________________?
_______, I _______.
c) (ride a bike) ________________________________?
_______, I _______.
d) (swim) ____________________________________?
_______, I _______.
3) Siga o exemplo abaixo:
Ex.: drive/ ride a bike She can’t drive, but she can ride a bike.
a) play tennis/ play soccer ___________________________________________________
b) swim/ ride a horse _______________________________________________________
c) write/ draw _____________________________________________________________
d) sing/ dance ____________________________________________________________
e) surf/ skate _____________________________________________________________
f) read/ paint _____________________________________________________________
g) use Word/ surf the net ____________________________________________________
h) type/ write _____________________________________________________________
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Oficina de Gramática
i) dive/ swim _____________________________________________________________
j) cook/ prepare a lemonade _________________________________________________
k) play the piano/ play the guitar ______________________________________________
4) Outras maneiras para expressar o que você sabe fazer bem:
Ex.: - soccer/ play soccer I’m good at soccer. I can play soccer very well.
a) tennis/ play tennis
b) surfing/ surf
c) horseback riding/ ride a horse
d) swimming/ swim
e) cycling/ ride a bike
f) jogging/ jog
g) diving/ dive
h) painting/ paint
i) dancing/ dance
j) acting/ act
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- O Present Continuous é usado para descrever uma ação que está acontecendo agora. É um
tempo verbal que expressa ações (atividades, situações) que estão ocorrendo no momento em
que se fala, ou se estendem por um período de tempo limitado. Geralmente vem acompanhado
da expressão now (agora) ou at the moment (no momento).
Para formar o Present Continuous utilizamos o presente do verbo to be (estar) junto ao verbo
principal da sentença na forma do gerúndio (Verbo + ing).
- As formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do present continuous são feitas de acordo com
o verbo To Be.
Forma afirmativa
Sujeito + to Be + verbo +ING + Complemento
Ex.: - She is studying now.
- You are playing soccer.
- Jonny is sleeping right now.
- Jonny and Wilson are talking on the phone.
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Forma Negativa
Sujeito + to Be + not + verbo + ING + Complemento
Ex.: - She is not dancing. -He’s not playing the guitar now. - They are not singing at school.
Forma Interrogativa
To Be + Sujeito+ verbo + ING + Complemento + ?
Ex.: - Is she studying now?
- Are you playing soccer?
1) Responda as sentenças abaixo de acordo com o exemplo:
Ex.: - Is Lisa playing the piano? (play the guitar)
No, she is not playing the piano. She is playing the guitar.
a) Is Rudolph surfing the internet? (sleep)
b) Are Josh and Pete skateboarding? (roller blade)
c) Is Sophia reading? (draw)
d) Is Mr. Brook reading the newspaper? (take pictures)
2) Complete as frases com verbos no Present Continuous.
a) The children _____________________________________ (play) on the street.
b) I __________________________________ (listen) to my favorite song.
c) Paulo ______________________________ (read) the newspaper now.
d) Maria and I _______________________________ (work) on a project now.
e) I ________________________________ (do) my homework at the moment.
f) Fernanda and Ronaldo ____________________________ (talk).
g) We ______________________________ (eat) a sandwich.
h) Your taxi ______________________________ (come).
i) She ___________________________ (ride) a horse now.
j) They _____________________________ (play) soccer now.
3) Faça orações negativas com as palavras abaixo.
a) watching/ we/ TV/ not/ are
b) is/ at/ not/ Mark/ home/ working
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
c) New York/ it/ in/ not/ raining/ is
d) dinner/ now/ cooking/ not/ Mom/ is
e) washing/ not/ Dad/ is/ car/ the
f) Peter/ playing/ and/ not/ Paul/ are/ soccer
g) not/ eating/ is/ a/ David/ sandwich
h) a/ reading/ I / not/ good/ am/ book
i) are/ house/ not/ painting/ they / their
4) Passe para a forma interrogativa.
a) You are watching TV. ____________________________________________________
b) She is going to Rio de Janeiro. _____________________________________________
c) They are dancing Flamenco. _______________________________________________
d) It is raining now. ________________________________________________________
e) Joe and Clark are running in the park. _______________________________________
f) We are studying Math. ____________________________________________________
g) He is writing an e-mail. ___________________________________________________
h) Beth is reading a magazine. _______________________________________________
i) Diane is working in a hospital. ______________________________________________
j) You are using the computer. _______________________________________________
Basic 1 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Usamos o ‘there to be’ para indicar a existência de pessoas, situações e objetos. Tem o mesmo
significado do verbo ‘haver’ ou ‘ter’ no sentido de existir, em Português.
I Atenção:
- Perceba que em Inglês, não se pode utilizar o verbo ‘to have’ para indicar existência. Pois o
verbo ‘to have’, significa ‘ter’, apenas como posse ou uma obrigação que ‘temos de fazer’.
Ex.: - There is a bank near here. (affirmative)
-There is not (or There isn’t) a bank near here. (negative)
- Is there a bank near here? (interrogative)
Ex.: - There are schools near here. (affirmative)
-There are not (or There aren’t) schools near here. (negative)
- Are there schools near here? (interrogative)
1) Complete as frases abaixo usando there is/ there are (forma afirmativa) ou Is there?/ Are
there? (forma interrogativa) :
a) ……………….. a post-office near my house.
b) ………………… a good movie on TV tonight.
c) ………………. two universities in this city.
d) ……………….a drugstore near here? Yes, ……….………..
e) …………..…… three people from China in my class.
f) ………………… ten students in class today: three boys and seven girls.
g) ………………….. many countries in Asia? Yes, ………………..
h) ……………..….. a car in front of my house.
2) Faça orações sobre a sua cidade.
There is a Mc Donald’s.
Burger King
There isn’t a Burger King.
a) a five-star hotel _________________________________________________________
b) a water park ___________________________________________________________
c) an airport ______________________________________________________________
d) a train station __________________________________________________________
e) a shopping mall _________________________________________________________
f) a zoo _________________________________________________________________
g) a theater ______________________________________________________________
h) a drugstore near CNA ____________________________________________________
i) a subway station _________________________________________________________
Basic 1 2010