RESEARCH PROJECTS International "Circuitos de Comercialização de alguns produtos agrícolas. Perspectivas para o desenvolvimento do Sector Agroalimentar das regiões", as project coordinator. Partners: Conselho Superior de Investigacion Cientifica, Departamento de Economia e Geografia, Madrid; Universidade do Algarve, Unidade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Faro JNICT/CSIC Acordos de Cooperação Luso Espanhola “Circuitos de Comercialização de alguns produtos hortícolas do Algarve”, as project coordinator. FCT, 30.000.000 PTE "Innovation in the small and very small enterprises and dynamics of the local development", as project coordinator. Partners: Universidade do Algarve; Technical University of Lisbon; University of Gent; University of Warsaw; University of Bath; ENSA, Montpellier, France; TEAGASC, Ireland EC Socio Economic Knowledge Base, 994.000 Euros “Formation d’Economistes pour les agroactivités” , as participant Partners: University of ReimsChampagne Ardennes; University of Gembloux; University of Algarve, Pedagogical University of Oriel, Russia EC préPEC TEMPUS Tacis, 200.000 ECU's “Formation d’Economistes pour les agroactivités” , as participant Partners: University of ReimsChampagne Ardennes; University of Gembloux; University of Algarve, Pedagogical University of Oriel, Russia União Europeia PEC TEMPUS Tacis, 500.000 ECU's "Towards the setting up of a lasting partnership for regional scientific, technological and innovation knowledge management in the Atlantic area", as participant Partners: LABEIN, Bilbao; Governo Basco, Junta de Andaluzia; Junta de Galiza; Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia; Bretagne Innovation; University of the Algarve; INESC Porto; Advantage West Middlands; Border, Midland and Western Regional Assembly National; University of Ireland; Comissão de Coordenação da Região do Norte INTERREG 3 B : 2.806.581 Euros "CATIM – Creation of a technological centre for honey industry”, as participant Partners: Instituto de Desenvolvimento Social; NORMEL; Universidade do Algarve; Confederação dos Agricultores de Huelva, Câmara Municipal de Tavira INTEREG 3 A: 628.000 Euros CREA-BUSINESS-IDEA, PO SUDOE 2007-2013, as participant - Partners: Agencia de Desarrollo Económico Regional de la Rioja. National “Innovation Networks in Portugal: Flow Intensity, Knowledge Spillovers and Firm Performances”, FCT granted: PTDC/CS-GEO/102961/2008 - Partners: Universidade Nova de Lisboa e ISCTE Monitorização do PROT Algarve Monitorização da construção do parque industrial de Sta Margarida - Tavira Networks European Human Resources Development Network; European Employment Observatory Network and Mutual Learning Support Services. Observatory PASCAL – Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions 2