(Shortened version)
June 2010
Name: Marcia Cristina Consolim
Institutional affiliation: UNIFESP – Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Guarulhos
Professor of Sociology at the Social Sciences Program at UNIFESP — Campus
Guarulhos. Assistant Professor I at this institution, under regime of exclusive
dedication, since May 2009. Graduated in Social Sciences from the University of São
Paulo (1990), M.A. in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo (1997 – CAPES
fellowship holder), and PhD in Sociology from the University of São Paulo (2007 –
CNPQ fellowship holder). Visiting PhD student at the École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales - Paris from December 2004 to July 2006 (CAPES fellowship
holder). Experience in the area of Sociology, with emphasis on the Historical
Sociology of Intellectuals and on the Sociology of the Social Sciences, concentrating
on the following topics: French intellectual history, social psychology and sociology,
and French intellectuals in the late nineteenth century. Currently conducting research
abroad (in Paris) at the invitation of CSE — the Centre de Sociologie Européenne at
the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS-Paris) —, with a FAPESP
research fellowship.
I. Full articles published in periodicals:
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Gabriel Tarde e Émile Durkheim: aspectos teóricos de
um debate histórico (1893-1904)”. História Questões e Debates, 2011 [prelo].
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Gabriel Tarde e as Ciências Sociais Francesas:
afinidades eletivas”, Revista Mana (RJ), v. 14, p. 269-298, 2008.
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Florescimento e Degeneração do “Espírito das
Nações”: um estudo da historiografia de Voltaire”, História, Questões e
Debates, Curitiba, PR, v. 19, n. 37, p. 159-182, 2000.
II. Book chapter
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Psicologia e Sociologia: embates entre wormsianos e
durkheimianos em fins do século XIX”. In OLIVEIRA, Márcio e WEISS,
Raquel (org.). Curitiba: Editora da Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2011
III. Other forms of bibliographical publication:
1. Book afterword
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Gustave Le Bon e a crítica da razão
acadêmica”. In Le Bon, Gustave, Psicologia das Multidões, São Paulo,
Martins Fontes, 2008, p. 193-219.
2. Book preface:
CONSOLIM, Marcia. “Émile Durkheim: Sociologia e Ciências
Sociais”. In Durkheim, Émile, Sociologia e Ciências Sociais, São
Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2010 [prelo].
IV. Full articles published in conference proceedings:
“Raça e História na Obra de Gustave Le Bon”. XIX Encontro Regional de
História, 2008, São Paulo.
“Psicologia Social e Campo Intelectual na França do Século XIX: o caso de
Gabriel Tarde”. XXIV Simpósio Nacional de História, 2007, São Leopoldo.
“Gustave Le Bon e a reação conservadora às multidões”. XVII Encontro
Regional de História, 2004, Campinas.
V. Translations and Technical Proofreading:
1. Translation
PINTO, Louis, “Não Multipliquem os Indivíduos Inutilmente”. Revista Lua
Nova, São Paulo, 77: pp. 205-225, 2009
DURKHEIM, Émile, Sociologia e Filosofia, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2009
2. Technical Proofreading
LE BON, Gustave, Psicologia das Multidões, São Paulo, Martins Fontes,
VI. Current Research Project (2010-2011):
Title: “The Field of Social Studies in France – 1890-1914”
The project focuses on the existing relationships between specific social sciences that
are already institutionalized (political economy, history, anthropology), Durkheimian
sociology, and “collective psychology.” The purpose is to understand in what
intellectual milieus psychology, and particularly “collective psychology,” came to be
considered the legitimate foundation for the social sciences, and in what ways the rise
of Durkheimian sociology to university changed its dissemination and reception. In
addition, one intends to identify the intellectual and social positions of the supporters
of “collective psychology” through its dissemination by the following institutions:
scientific reviews — the Revue Internationale de Sociologie and the Revue de
Synthèse Historique — and “free” schools — the Collège Libre des Sciences Sociales
and the École des Hautes Études Sociales.
Sponsor: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Fellowship