Call for Papers
Special Issue on
Soft OR and Complex Societal Problems
It is really troublesome to show how mathematical-based planning support tools can
contribute to deal with large scale public problems that appear in education, health,
safety, human development and infrastructure services. Despite being problems as serious
and urgent as a war, quantitative analysts find great difficulties to construct exhaustive
and yet parsimonious models to help making decisions about public problems. To the
point that either quantitative or social and political analysts are sceptical about the
possibility and efficacy of formal models implementation.
Complex societal problems permeate the society as a whole; they present as common
elements the uncertainty and complexity, and generally require a multidisciplinary and
multiagency approach for understanding, structuring and treatment. Behind the scenes,
subjective, almost intangible phenomena manifest, involving covert agendas and
underlying motives, waiting for new methods that dare to uncover evidences for
understanding their operational processes, making explicit the issues of subjectivity and
internal perception.
This issue of Pesquisa Operacional is intended to meet a demand on methods to help
thinking and modelling such severe and critical societal problems and still allow for
methods that can deal with subjectivity, like computational epistemology and coherence
models. The following topics will be considered for submissions, among others:
1. Complex Societal Problems.
2. Problem structuring and PO Soft.
3. Public Planning and Management regarding health, education, safety and
4. Large scale problems, social and technical sustainability.
5. Cognition, coherence models, dialogical thought, systems thinking and decision
We hope to highlight, strengthen and enhance the need for care of this important social
demand, in addition to encouraging participation, interaction and the engagement of the
scientific community in such a purpose.
All the submitted papers should be written in English and sent to Marcos Estellita Lins at
the e-mail [email protected] and [email protected].
The submitted papers will be refereed and should adhere to the format instructions of
Pesquisa Operacional, available on SOBRAPO Web page.
Editor-in-chief: Horacio Hideki Yanasse
Guest Editors:
Marcos Estellita Lins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Jonathan Rosenhead, The London School of Economics and Political Science, GB.
Dorien DeTombe, Chair Operational Research International, Euro, West-Euro, &
Dutch Working Group Complex Societal Problems & Issues. NL.
René Victor Valqui Vidal , Technical University of Denmark, DK.
Associate Editors:
Fran Ackermann, Strathclyde Business School, GB.
Per Sigurd Agrell, Ekelöw Infosecurity AB, SE.
Roberto dos Santos Bartholo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Denis Bouyssou, CNRS-LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine., FR.
Alberto Gabbay Canen, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Hubert J.M. Hermans, University of Nijmegen, NL.
Keith Hipel, University of Waterloo, Vice President of the Academy of Science, Royal
Society of Canada. CA.
Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, BR
John Mingers, Kent Business School, GB.
Basílio de Bragança Pereira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Submission deadline: January 30, 2009
First review results: May 28, 2009
Editorial decision: August 28, 2009
Final copy deadline September 04, 2009