ENGLISH Conjugação dos verbos & Pronomes Pessoais (Personal Pronouns) Na primeira linha das duas próximas tabelas, temos verbos no infinitivo: Personal to drink to eat to like pronouns (beber) (comer) (gostar de) I drink eat like you drink eat like he drinks eats likes she drinks eats likes it drinks eats likes we drink eat like you drink eat like they drink eat like Obs.: Perceba que somente na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) ocorre uma variação na conjugação do verbo. Geralmente essa variação ocorre colocando-se um s no fim do verbo. Mas em alguns casos isto pode variar. Personal pronouns I you he she it we you they to have (ter) have have has has has have have have to study (estudar) study study studies studies studies study study study to do (fazer) do do does does does do do do Vocabulary Referentes ao verbo to drink water (água), juice (suco), beer (cerveja), wine (vinho), pop (refrigerante), coffee (café), milk (leite) Referentes ao verbo to eat meat (carne), chicken (frango), fish (peixe), rice (arroz), beans (feijão), salad (salada), fruits (frutas), pie (torta), barbecue (churrasco), bread (pão), sugar (açúcar), cheese (queijo), ham (presunto), egg (ovo), cake (bolo). Referentes ao verbo to play basketball, volleyball, football, baseball, handball, chess, games, soccer, the piano, the guitar, the battery Referentes ao verbo to study math (matemática), portuguese (português), physics (física), science (ciências), biology (biologia), chemistry (química), english (inglês) Making phrases I drink. Eu bebo. She eats. Ela come. She eats cake. Ela come bolo. She likes to eat cake. Ela gosta de comer bolo. I want to drink coffee. Eu quero beber café. You need to drink water. Você precisa beber água. They want to play soccer with you. Eles querem jogar futebol com você. Vocabulary the (o,a,os,as), and (e), a (um,uma,uns,umas), with (com), without (sem), this (este,esta,isto), that (aquele,aquela,aquilo), these (estes, estas), those (aqueles, aquelas), that (que), here (aqui), there (lá, alí, aí), about (sobre, a respeito de), to (para, em direção a), for (para, por), to the (para o, para a, pro, pra), or (ou), more or less (mais ou menos), so-so (mais ou menos), but (mas), of (de), from (de, vindo de) Negative form (don’t / doesn’t) I don’t want to drink wine. Eu não quero beber vinho. They don’t want to know. Eles não querem saber. You don’t need to play the piano. Você não precisa tocar o piano. She doesn’t like you. Ela não gosta de você. He doesn’t understand English. Ele não entende Inglês. It doesn’t drink juice. Ele não bebe suco. Interrogative form (do / does) Do you study English? Você estuda Inglês? Do I know you? Eu conheço você? Do they like to play with you? Eles gostam de brincar com você? Does he want to play the guitar? Ele quer tocar guitarra? Does she like to dance? Ela gosta de dançar? Obs.: Na terceira pessoa do singular, na forma afirmativa, o verbo muda sua forma, porém, quando é colocado na forma negativa ou interrogativa, ele volta ao seu estado original. She plays the guitar. (terceira pessoa SHE o verbo ganha s) Ela toca guitarra. She doesn’t play_ the guitar. (usando o DOESN’T some o s) Ela não toca guitarra. Does she play_ the guitar? (usando o DOES some o s) Obs.: Ache palavras que se relacionam com os verbos abaixo: to find (encontrar, achar) to see (ver) to watch (assistir) to go (ir) to buy (comprar) to sell (vender) to think (pensar) to take (levar) Exercises: 1) Traduza as frases para o Português; depois escreva-as em Inglês na forma negativa: a) He likes to eat pizza there. b) We want to go with you tonight. c) They need it now. d) You have to stay here today. e) She enjoys this music. f) Helena dances with me everyday. g) Raph and George live in Washington and Imbiriba lives here in Brazil 2) Responda as perguntas abaixo usando respostas afirmativas simples e negativas simples: a) Do you like to drink juice in the morning? b) Does it drink water or milk? c) Do they need to go there in the afternoon? d) Does Michael want to eat pizza tonight? e) Do Henry and Nesha watch TV at night? Vocabulary - Greetings Hi (oi), good morning (bom dia), good afternoon (boa tarde), good evening (boa noite), good night (boa noite), hello (olá, alô), bye-bye (tchau), see you later (até mais tarde), see you tomorrow (até amanhã), see you soon (até logo), see ya (até), good bye (adeus), thank you (obrigado), thanks (obrigado), thank you very much (muito obrigado), be at ease (fique à vontade) Present Continuous (TO BE) É um verbo diferenciado, devido sua conjugação (usando as formas am, is e are), e devido ser comum o uso da forma gerúndio em algumas frases que possuem a forma TO BE. Assim se refere a eventos que estão ocorrendo no momento da comunicação. I am you are he is she is it is we are they are Conjugation eu sou / eu estou tu és / tu estás / você é / você está / vocês são / vocês estão ele é / ele está ela é / ela está isto é / isto está / ele(a) é / ele(a) está nós somos / nós estamos eles(as) são / eles(as) estão I’m you’re he’s she’s it’s we’re they’re Making phrases I am trying to study. Eu estou tentando estudar. She is waiting for you. Ela está esperando por você. They are communicating with you. Elas estão comunicando-se com você. I am thinking about that. Eu estou pensando a respeito daquilo. Negative form Helena is not here. Helena não está aqui. It isn’t working well. Isto não está funcionando bem. Mikaella and Suzy aren’t going to the stadium, they are going to the museum. Mikaella and Suzy não estão indo pro estádio, elas estão indo ao museu. Kayle and I are not studying for the test, we are palying PS5. Kayle e eu não estamos estudando para o teste, nós estamos jogando PS5. Vocabulary – Wh question and How What (o que, que, qual), When (quando), Where (onde), Why (por que, o por que), because (porque), who (quem), how (como, forma definida). Segue abaixo uma tabela com verbos Irregulares: Verb (Irregular) Simple Past Participle arise arose arisen awake awoke awoken be was, were bear bore been born, borne beat beat beaten become befall became befell beget begot become befallen begotten, begot sua, seus, suas), his (dele), her (dela), its begin began begun (dele, dela, disso, disto, deste, desta), our (nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas), their (deles, delas) behold beheld beheld bend bent bent bet bet bet bid bid bid bind bound bound bite bit bitten bleed bled bled blow blew blown break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought broadcast broadcast broadcast build built built buy bought bought cast cast cast catch caught caught choose chose chosen cling clung clung come cost came cost come cost o quão), which (o qual, a qual, qual) Interrogative form Are you Mr. lionel? Você é Sr. Lionel? Is Diego using the computer now? O Diego está usando o computador agora? Is she leaving? Why is she doing this? Ela está partindo? Porque ela está fazendo isso? Are you thinking about that day? Você está pensando naquele dia? Vocabulary – Possessive Adjective my (meu, minha, meus, minhas), your (seu Vocabulary – Object Pronouns me (migo, eu), you (tigo, você, vocês), him (ele, -o), her (ela, -a), it (ele, ela, -o, -a), us (nosco, a gente), them (eles, -os, -as) Exercises: 1) Reescreva as frases abaixo na língua inglesa: a) Estou partindo porque ela está precisando de mim. b) O que eles estão fazendo com nossas sacolas? c) Onde Lasha está? d) Ela está estudando Inglês na casa do amigo dela. e) O que você está fazendo aqui? f) Sou seu amigo, mas estou aqui para pegar meu livro. g) Eles estão me explicando o que está acontecendo com nossos amigos. Diga a ela que estou pensando em ficar aqui esta noite. Simple Past Usamos o Simple Past para comunicarmos sobre eventos que ocorreram no passado e não ocorrem mais. Os verbos no passado podem ser organizados em dois grupos: Regulares (resumindo, são os verbos que terminam com –d ou –ed) e Irregulares (verbos que não tem Translation into Portuguese surgir, erguer-se despertar, acordar ser, estar suportar, dar a luz bater, espancar tornar-se acontecer procriar, gerar começar, iniciar contemplar curvar, dobrar apostar oferecer, concorrer unir, encadernar morder, engolir a isca sangrar, ter hemorragia (as)soprar, estourar quebrar, romper procriar, reproduzir trazer irradiar, transmitir construir, edificar comprar arremessar, lançar pegar, capturar escolher aderir, segurar-se vir custar creep crept cut cut deal dealt dig dug do did draw drew drink drank drive drove eat fall ate fell feed fed feel felt fight fought find found flee fled fling fly forbid forget forgive flung flew forbade forgot forgave freeze froze get got give gave go grind went ground grow grew have had hear heard hide hit hold hid hit held hurt hurt keep kept know knew rastejar, gatinhar cortar; cut reduzir negociar, dealt tratar cavar, dug cavoucar done fazer sacar, drawn desenhar drunk beber dirigir, ir de driven carro eaten comer fallen cair alimentar, fed nutrir sentir, sentirfelt se lutar; fought batalhar achar, found encontrar fugir, fled escapar flung arremessar flown voar, pilotar forbidden proibir forgotten esquecer forgiven perdoar congelar, frozen paralizar obter, gotten, got conseguir dar, given conceder gone ir ground moer crescer, grown cultivar ter, beber, had comer ouvir, heard escutar hidden, hid esconder hit bater, ferir held segurar machucar, hurt ferir guardar, kept manter saber, known conhecer crept lay lead leave laid led left laid led left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met overcome overcame overcome overtake overtook overtaken pay put paid put paid put quit quit quit read read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run saw say see seek sell sawed said saw sought sold sawn said seen sought sold send sent sent set set set shake shook shaken shine shone shone shoot shot shot show showed shown shrink shrank shrunk shut shut shut sing sang sung sink sank sunk pôr (ovos) liderar, guiar deixar, partir dar emprestado deixar, alugar deitar(se) perder, extraviar fazer, fabricar significar encontrar, conhecer superar alcançar, surpreender pagar colocar, pôr abandonar, largar de... ler andar, cavalgar tocar (campainha) subir, erguer-se correr, concorrer serrar dizer ver; entender procurar vender mandar, enviar pôr, colocar, ajustar sacudir, tremer brilhar, reluzir atirar, alvejar mostrar, exibir encolher, contrair fechar, cerrar cantar afundar, submergir sit sat sat sentar matar, slay slew slain assassinar sleep slept slept dormir deslizar, slide slid slid escorregar atirar, sling slung slung arremessar speak spoke spoken falar gastar, spend spent spent passar (tempo) girar, spin spun spun rodopiar spit spit, spat spit, spat cuspir espalhar, spread spread spread difundir spring sprang sprung saltar, pular ficar de pé, stand stood stood agüentar steal stole stolen roubar, furtar cravar, stick stuck stuck fincar, enfiar cheirar mal, stink stank stunk feder golpear, strike struck struck bater encordoar, string strung strung amarrar esforçar-se, strive strove striven lutar jurar, swear swore sworn prometer sweep swept swept varrer swim swam swum nadar balançar, swing swung swung alternar tomar, pegar, take took taken aceitar ensinar, dar teach taught taught aula rasgar, tear tore torn despedaçar contar (uma tell told told história) think thought thought pensar atirar, throw threw thrown arremessar pisar, trilhar, tread trod trodden seguir entender, understand understood understood compreender vestir, usar, wear wore worn desgastar win won won vencer, write wrote written ganhar escrever, redigir Obs: Esta lista de verbos Irregulares não está completa, porém possui a maioria desses verbos. Já os verbos Regulares que não estão nesta lista, serão revelados com o tempo, já que se trata da grnde maioria dos verbos da Língua Inglesa. Peça ao seu instrutor que lhe dê exemplos de verbos Regulares e pesquise alguns deles. Negative Form She didn’t like to know about them. Ela não gostou de saber a respeito deles. I didn’t mean that. Eu não quis dizer aquilo. They didn’t understand what you tried to do. Eles não entenderam o que você tentou fazer. We didn’t come here to lose. Nós não viemos aqui para perder. Interrogative Form Did you understand? Você entendeu? Did you see what I saw? Você viu o que eu ví? Did you go to my house three days ago? Você foi à minha casa há três dias atrás? Did you watch the news yesterday night? Você assistiu ao noticiário ontem à noite? Obs: To Be é um verbo Irregular (was / were). Simple Future and Future Continuous (TO BE GOING TO) I will play chess with him. Eu jogarei xadrez com ele. I am going to play chess with him. Eu vou jogar xadrez com ele. They will pick one number and bet tomorrow night. Eles pegarão um número e apostarão amanhã à noite. They are going to pick one number and bet tomorrow night. Eles vão pegar um número e vão apostar amanhã à noite. Você encontrará uma maneira de notar o que ele vai desenhar? He will talk to her next week. Ele conversará com ela semana que vem. He is going to talk to her next week. Ele vai conversar com ela semana que vem. Verb TO GO Obs: Basicamente, quando usamos Will praticamos a ‘linguagem formal’ e quando usamos To Be Going To podemos entender como ‘linguagem informal’. Negative Form I will not spend the night here. Não passarei a noite aqui. drugstore supermarket snack bar movies theater She won’t forget the rules. Ela não esquecerá as regras. We won’t disobey their orders. Não desobedeceremos as ordens deles. I think he is not going to challenge us. Eu acho que ele não vai nos desafiar. They aren’t going to let you build that thing again. Eles não vão deixar você construir aquila coisa novamente. Nothing is going to change next time. Nada vai mudar na próxima vez. Obs: Quando usamos TO BE GOING TO, podemos abreviar usando TO BE GONNA. Exemplo: Nothing is gonna change / I’m gonna kill you / They’re gonna tell us Interrogative Form Will you believe on it? Você irá acreditar nisso? Will he find a way to solve this problem? Ele encontrará uma maneira de resolver este problema? Are you going to drive her car tomorrow? Você vai dirigir o carro dela amanhã? museum university hotel airport zoo sidewalk police department port train station bus stop park bank library bookstore gym Is he going to survive? Ele vai sobreviver? church Will you find a way to notice what he is going to draw? hospital stadium to buy medicines and pills to find many products (foodstuffs, food) to have a drink and tidbit to watch a movie eating popcorn and drinking pop to have fun watching a show to see plants, animals… to study to reserve a room to spend the night to show the passport, to buy the ticket and take a flight to know the animals to walk to the bus stop to denounce a crime to take the ship or boat to get the train that passes at nine o’clock to take the bus and go home to go out with my boyfriend/girlfriend to get money and change it and talk to the manager to search information about history stuffs to find some books and take them home to work out to fit in the clothes to pray and find peace to visit somebody or realize a treatment to watch a game to have gasoline gas station and watch over the car to take the children playground to have fun to inform that I fire department know about a dangerous fire ice cream parlor to take an ice cream to buy stuffs and shopping mall clothes to buy shoes, toys shoe/toy/clothes/lottery clothes and bet on store the lottery to find bread and bakery cheese to fix the hair or cut beauty salon the hair to cross under the cross walk traffic light restaurant to have dinner to find plants, botanical garden flowers and vegetables to take money in ATM cash at any time to make plan to travel agency travel to other countries to get some red flower shop roses to offer to my darling to cross the avenue overpass safely to take the elevator building to go up to the fourth floor to have a lunch and food court drinks to get a hot dog hot dog stand with my friends parking lot to park the car porque amanhã tenho que ir ao centro da cidade e tenho que ir pra escola amanhã à noite). Para dizermos, por exemplo: Diego irá ao restaurante amanhã a noite, usamos go to the (Diego will go to the restaurant tomorrow night). Isso ocorre na maioria dos casos do verbo to go. Mas para as palavras home (casa, lar), downtown (centro da cidade) e school (escola) (assim como alguns outros casos que veremos à frente) não usamos o to the. I need to go home now, because tomorrow I have to go downtown and I have to go to school tomorrow night. (Preciso ir pra casa agora, Numbers numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Numbers Daily schedule (hours) In the morning and In the afternoon I wake up and get up. I at six o’clock a.m. try to stand up too. I take a shower and I six fifteen to six thirty dry myself with the towel I shave myself with a six and a half to six shaver trying to be forty five beautiful six forty five to seven I change my clothes a.m. and I go downstairs I warm the milk and I seven o’clock to seven make coffee, then I twenty a.m. have breakfast I check the car and I seven twenty to seven turn it on and I open thirty the garage I drive the car and go seven thirty a.m. to work (from eight a.m. to six p.m.) at night I close the doors of the store where I work and I drive until a store six ten p.m. where I find films. Then I take some ones to watch at home I arrive home, take a seven o’clock bath and put on a pajama I go to bed and I turn half past seven (seven on the TV to watch the and a half) news and a film I start reading a book ten to eleven (ten fifty) and I read it until I sleep (about midnight) cardinals one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ordinals first, 1st second, 2nd third, 3rd fourth, 4th fifth, 5th sixth, 6th seventh, 7th eighth, 8th ninth tenth 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21 twenty one 22 twenty two 23 twenty three 24 twenty four 25 twenty five 30 31 32 33 34 40 50 60 70 80 90 thirty thirty one thirty two thirty three thirty four forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 100 one hundred eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty first, 21st twenty second, 22nd twenty third, 23rd twenty fourth, 24th twenty fifth, 25th thirtieth thirty first thirty second thirty third thirty fourth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth, 110th Days of the week (in …) Monday day of the moon Tuesday day of Tyr (god of war) day of Wodin (god of Wednesday Nordic people) day of Thor (son of Thursday Wodin and god of the thunder and battles) day of Frigga (Wodin’s wife, god of the Friday weddings and mother of all the beings) day of Saturnus (god Saturday fo agriculture in Rome) Sunday day of the sun Months of the year (on …) January July February August March September April May June October November December Dates (on …) Write the dates below into English: 4 de Julho de 1776 (USA independence day) 7 de Setembro de 1822 (Brazil independence day) 12 de Abril de 2009 (Easter) 31 de Outubro de 1998 (Halloween) PREPOSITIONS at (em) He is waiting for me at the bus-stop. behind (atrás de) My house is behind the supermarket. in front of (em frente de) I am waiting for you in front of the bookstore. before (antes de) Go there and talk to her before she leaves. far from (longe de) My house is far from here. close to = near (perto de) Don’t sit so close to me. Is your house near here? of (de) She’ll be rich for the rest of her life. from (de - procedência) I am from Belém and this book is from 1994. to (para) The plane flew from Los Angels to San Francisco. Now, I have to go to the airport. in (em, dentro de) The students are in the classroom. into (em, para dentro de – usado com verbos que indicam movimento) Translate into English. among = amongst (entre – mais de dois elementos) My son likes to play among his friends. Sign your name into this book. Fred fells very happy among his real friends. out of (para fora de) Please ... get out of here! between (entre – dois elementos) I won’t be at home between nine and ten o’clock. on (em, sobre) He put his hand on her head. I always have to stay between you and him. over (por cima de, por sobre) The plane is flying over São Paulo. under (sob, de baixo de) When people are in love, they can find roses under snow. around = round (ao redor de, em volta de) The Earth moves around the sun. before (antes de – tempo / perante, diante de lugar). Don’t eat candies before dinner. He’s eating everything right before my eyes. about (sobre, cerca de, aproximadamente) He’ll be back at about six o’clock. above (mais de, superior a, acima de) There will be above three hundred people at his party. Sign your name above mine. below (abaixo de) The temperature is below zero. across (através de, do outro lado de – de um lado ao outro) Let’s walk across the street. after (depois de, após – tempo / perante, diante de, atrás de - lugar) We can go for a walk after dinner. beneath (sob, abaixo de, inferior a) The boy hide his tooth beneath the pillow. The viruses are beneath my skin. beside (ao lado de) Let me sit beside you. besides (além de) There will be many other important people besides him. beyond (além de, mais longe que) They live five miles beyond Hollywood. but = except (exceto, a não ser, senão) I can’t give you anything but love. She doesn’t have anything except this. Don’t run after that poor little boy. against (contra, junto a, de encontro a) Men are always against women. by (perto de, junto a / de – meios de transporte / de, por – indicado, autoria) Stand by me. He left his bicycle against the wall. She goes to school by bus. along (ao longo de, por) He met her as he was walking along the street. I watched a good movie by Clint Eastwood. The two lovers are taking a walk along the river. along (junto) Please, come along with me. down (abaixo, para baixo) Put the gun down. up (acima, para cima) He was so nervous that he walked up and down the street. Don’t go along with them. during (durante) During the war many people died. for (para, por – indica a duração de uma ação) How can I show my love for you? He has studied English for two years. inside (dentro de, do lado de dentro) Inside the building there were many people eating a lot. Although this is not my house, I’ll invite you to come in. Although he was a very popular writer, he didn’t feel happy. as (como, enquanto) As he was very tired, he went to bed. As you know, I’m a very rich man. outside (fora de, do lado de fora) Outside a man was asking for food. as if = as though (como se) The leaf is changing its color as if it is going to die. like (como) There is no one like you. The machine was moving up as if it was a cyborg. off (de – indicando afastamento, desligamento) Turn off the radio, please. furthermore (além disso) He wrote me a letter furthermore he sent me flowers. since (desde – refere-se ao momento inicial de uma ação) I am blond since I was a child. I won’t rob them because they are my neighbors, furthermore, they are my friends. He has studied English since 1986. hence (consequentemente) I didn’t study, hence I won’t pass on that test. through (através de, por) He saw you through the binoculars. The insects are reproducing, hence, they will be seven times more than this they are today. Don’t look through the key-hole. if (se) If you don’t study hard, you won’t know enough to talk to him. throughout (por todo) Travel throughout the world is troublesome. I’ll go with you if you say that you want it. towards (em direção a) She leaned towards the little boy. until = till (até – referente a tempo) I can wait for you until ten o’clock. upon (sobre, em) The child threw the flower upon the floor. with (com) She heard the news with great satisfaction. in spite of (apesar de) I didn’t work hard to win that game, in spite of this I deserved the victory. He deserves to be happy in spit of his offenses against me. like (como) That boy walk like a pig. You’re like that old man across the street. within (dentro de) The train will leave within an hour. without (sem) I can’t do it without your help. Although = though (embora) moreover (além do mais) I really tried to take your hand, moreover I tried to stole your wallet. I’m not her friend moreover she is the friend of my unfriend. nevertheless (contudo) I trained hard nevertheless he trained much more than me. I knew what happened to you nevertheless I am not guilty. only (só, único, única) She cries only when I cry. That’s the only way to forget everything that happened between me and you. therefore (portanto) The teacher told us to follow the rules, therefore this is what we are going to do. That’s her problem therefore not mine. until = till (até) I go with you ‘till the heaven. I shall study until I die. but (a não ser) Nowhere but my house makes me feel so happy. Vocabulary - curiosities Like vs. As Este like não é o verbo gostar, mas o conectivo “como”, tornando sua tradução para nossa língua parecida com a tradução do conectivo as. Porém vale notar que, like é usado em frases nas quais há comparação entre dois elementos “vivos”, onde buscamos estabelecer laços comuns entre estes elementos (é o gerador de “apelidos”). Ex: You’re like a dog ou You are screaming like a pig. Já o As é usado quando estabelecemos conexão entre dois elementos, sendo pelo menos um deles abstratos (é o que acontece quando lemos o elenco de um filme, por exmplo). Ex: In this movie we have Bruce wills starring as the bad guy and Madonna as the lost beautiful girl. But (mas) vs. but (a não ser) Na verdade não há conflito de interpretações, pois o but pode ser mas, para causar idéia de adversidade, assim como pode ser usado para dar a idéia de uma condição contrária à primeira já exposta. Ex: I don’t love anyone but you (idéia de contrariedade); I love you but I love her more than I love you (idéia de adversidade). Still vs. Yet A única diferença entre eles é que still entra no meio da frase (I still love you) e o yet aparece no final (He loves you yet). Too / as well vs. also vs. either I love no one but you. It looks like I have no choice but staying here and wait for him. unless (a não ser que) I will be there right today unless the airplane falls down. I’ll keep training unless you order me to stop it immediately. while (enquanto) He was studying while you were sleeping. They were doing that while you were trying to find the other animal. Instead of (ao invés de) They prefer to work instead of sleeping. You should read some new magazines instead of reading old books. Obs: Most of the verbs that come along with prepositions get gerund form. Ask for some exemples!!!! Todos eles significam “também”, porém suas posições variam nas frases. Ex: I like you too (aparece no fim, é igual ao as well); I like you as well; I also like you (aparece no início) ; I don’t like you either (vem na frase negativa). chase vs. go after Significam respectivamente “perseguir” e “ir atrás de”. Ex: He is chasing my car (perseguindo) ; He is going after my car (indo atrás para encontrar, está fazendo uma busca). a lot vs. much / a lot of vs. many Na verdade, estas expressões são iguais, porém a lot e much se referem mais a intensidade (sentido singular) enquanto que a loto f e many se referem mais a quantidade (sentido plural). Ex: I love you so much/a lot ; He has many/a lot of friends. So much vs too much / so many vs. too many So much (tanto/a): I love you so much ; too much (demais): Too much whisky isn’t good for health ; so many (tantos/as): There were so many objects falling to Earth / too many (demais): There are too many people here. Obs: Peça pro instructor reviser many/much e how many/how much. Little vs. few Little é usado para determinar tamanho (também é usado para causar diminutivos) e few determina a quantidade. Ex: This little boy is very smart ; This is just a little part of the work / I only know some few people ; These few problems can cause our fallen.