Filosofia do Direito Bibliografia

Professor José de Sousa e Brito
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01. OBRAS GERAIS (por ordem cronológica da 1ª edição):
Radbruch, Gustav - Filosofia do Direito, trad. L. Cabra1 de Moncada, 6ªed., Coimbra, A. Amaro,
1979 (1ª edição alemã: 1914).
*Kelsen, Hans - Teoria Pura do Direito, trad. João Baptista. Machado, 4ªed. Coimbra, A. Amaro,
1979 (1ª edição alemã: 1934).
*Hart, H. L.A.- O Conceito de Direito, trad. Armindo Ribeiro Mendes, 3ª ed., Lisboa, Fundação
Calouste Gu1benkian, 2001 (1ª edição inglesa: 1961).
*Moncada, Luís Cabral de - Filosofia do Direito e do Estado I - Parte Histórica, 2ª ed., 1955; II Doutrina e Crítica, Coimbra, A. Amado, 1966; reimp. Coimbra Editora, 1995.
Engisch, Karl – Auf der Suche nach der Gerechtigkeit. Hauptthemen der Rechtsphilosophie,
München, Piper, 1971.
Villey, Miche1 - Philosophie du droit I – Définitions et fins du droit, II – Les moyens du droit, Paris,
Da11oz, 1975, 1979.
Kaufmann, Arthur; Hassemer, Winfried (eds.) – Introdução à Filosofia do Direito e à Teoria do
Direito Contemporâneas, trad. Marcos Keel, Manuel Seca Oliveira, António Manuel Hespanha,
Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2002 (1ªedição alemã: 1976).
Finnis, John – Natural Law and Natural Rights, Oxford, C1arendon, 1980.
*Dworkin, Rona1d – Law’s Empire, London, Fontana, 1986.
Kaufmann, Arthur – Filosofia do Direito, trad. António Ulisses Cortês, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian, 2004 (1ª edição alemã: 1994).
*Dworkin, Ronald – Justice for Hedgehogs, Cambrdge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press,
*Brito, José de Sousa e – False e vere alternative nella teoria della giustizia. Lezioni napoloitane dei
filisofia del diritto. Napoli, Rditoriale Scientifica, 2011.
Moncada, Luís Cabral de – Filosofia do Direito e do Estado I (supra 01).
Truyol y Serra, António - História da Filosofia do Direito e do Estado, I, II, Lisboa, Instituto de
Novas Profissões, 1985, 1990.
Welzel, Hans – Naturrecht und materiale Gerechtigkeit, reimp. da 4ª ed., Göttingen, Vandenhoeck,
Verdross, Alfred, Abendländische Rechtsphilosophie. Ihre Grundlagen und Hauptprobleme in
geschichtlicher Schau, Wien, Springer,1958.
Voegelin, Eric – Order and History, I-V; History of Political Ideas, I-VIII = Collected Works, vols.
14-26, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press, 1999 – 2000.
The Cambridge History of Political Thought: The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political
Thought, eds. Christopher Rowe, Malcolm Schofield, 2000; The Cambridge History of Medieval
Political Thought,ed. J. H. Burns, 1988; The Cambridge History of Political Thought 1450-1750, eds.
J. H. Burns, Mark Goldie, 1991; The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought
(The Cambridge History of Political Thought), eds. Mark Goldie, Robert Wokler, 2006; The
Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought: eds. Gareth Stedman Jones, Gregory
Claeys, 2011; The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought, eds.Terence Ball,
Richard Bellamy, 2003. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Alexy, Robert – Theorie der juristischen Argumentation, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 1978.
- Begriff und Geltung des Rechts, Freiburg, Alber, 1992.
- Recht, Vernunft, Diskurs, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 1995.
Dworkin, Rona1d - Taking Rights Seriously, 2ª ed., London, Duckworth, 1979.
- A Matter of Principle, London, Duckworth, 1985.
- Laws Empire (supra 01).
- Sovereign Virtue. The Theory and Practice of Equality, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard
University Press, 2000.
- Justice for Hedgehogs (supra 01).
Hart, H. L. A.- O Conceito de Direito (supra 01).
- Law, Liberty and Morality. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.
- Punishment and Responsibility. Essays in the Philosophy of Law. Oxford, Clarendon, 1968.
- Essays on Bentham. Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory. Oxford, Clarendon,
- Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy. Oxford, Clarendon, 1983.
Raz, Joseph – The Concept of a Legal System. An Introduction to the Theory of Legal System, 2ª ed.,
Oxford, Clarendon, 1980.
- Practical Reason and Norms, London, Hutchinson, 1975; 2ª ed., Oxford U. P., 2002.
- The Authority of Law, Oxford, C1arendon, 1979.
- The Morality of Freedom, Oxford, Clarendon, 1986.
- Ethics in the Public Domain.Essays in the Morality Law and Politics, Oxford, Clarendon,
- Engaging Reason. On the Theory of Value and Action, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Value, Respect and Attachment.Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
The Practice of Value. Oxford, Clarendon, 2003.
Between Authority and Interpretation, Oxford, Clarendon, 2009.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis – Rights, Restitution, and Risk, ed. by William Parent, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1986.
The Realm of Rights, Cambridge, Massachusets,Harvard University Press, 1990.
Goodness and Advice, ed. Amy Gutmann, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2001.
Brito, José de Sousa (ed.) – Filosofia do Direito e do Estado, Lisboa, 1987.
Dworkin, R.M. (ed.) - The Philosophy of Law, Oxford University Press, 1977.
Coleman, Jules; Scott Shapiro (eds.) – The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of
Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.
1. Introdução
Aristóteles, Protréptico (Ingmar Düring - Der Protreptikos des Aristoteles, Frankfurt am Main,
Klostermann, 1969; Jonathan Barnes, ed.- The Complete Works of Aristotle. The Revised Oxford
Translation. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1984, 2403-2417).
Aristóteles, Metafísica, I, 980a21-983a23.
Tugendhat, Ernst - Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die sprachanalytische Philosophie, Frankfurt am
Main, Suhrkamp, 1976, 24-34, 107-124 (2ª e 7ª lições); trad. Ronai Rocha revista pelo autor: Lições
Intodutórias à Filosofia Analítica da Linguagem, Ijuí, Editora Unijuí, 2006.
Finnis, J. M. – "Scepticism, Self-Refutation, ans the Good of Truth”, P. M. S. Hacker, J. Raz (eds.),
Law, Morality and Society.Essays in Honour of H. L. A. Hart, Oxford, Clarendon1977, 247-267.
Harmann, Gilbert, Judith Jarvis Thomson – Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, Oxford,
Blackwell, 1996.
Ronald Dworkin – “Objectivity and Truth: You’d Better Believe It”, Philosophy and Public Affairs,
The replies of several writers to Dworkin's 1996 essay Objectivity and Truth: You'd Better Believe It.
Includes full text of Dworkin's original essay and his reply.
Alexy, Robert – “The Nature of Legal Philosophy”, Associations. Journal for Legal and Social
Theory,7, 2003, 1, 63-75.
Larenz, Karl - Metodologia da Ciência do Direito, trad. José Lamego, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste
Gu1benkian, 1978.
Bobbio, Norberto - Teoria de la scienza giuridica, Torino, G. Giapiche11i, 1950.
Wright, Georg Henrik von - Explanation and Understanding, London, Rout1edge, 1971.
2. Concepção tradicional da ciência jurídica
Aristóteles, Metafísica, 1025b18-1026a23.
Viehweg, Theodor - Topik und Jurisprudenz, 5ª ed., München Beck, 1974, 53-75 (Brito, supra 04).
Perelman, Ch. - Logique Juridique, Paris, Da11oz, 1976.
Savigny, Friedrich Car1 - System des heutigen Römischen Rechts, I, Berlin, 1840, § 33, 212-216.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg - Wahrheit und Methode, 2ª ed. Tubingen, Mohr, 1965, 290-323.
Kuhn, He1mut – „Aristoteles und die Methode der politischen Wissenschaft“, Manfred Riede1 (ed.) –
Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie, 2vols., Freiburg, Rombach, 1972,1974, II, 261-290.
Kriele, Martin - Theorie der Rechtsgewinnung,Berlin, Duncker & Humb1ot, 1967, 67-84, 114-156.
Larenz, ob. cit. (supra I), 9-18, 170-181.
**Brito, José de Sousa – “Hermenêutica e Direito”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Coimbra, 62, 1986, 183-213.
3. A concepção moderna de ciência
**Machiavelli - Il. Principe, cap. XV (ed. B. Richardson, Manchester University Press, 1979, 44-5).
Hobbes - De corpore, I, cap. 1, 6-10 (Opera Philosophica, ed. Mo1esworth, 5 vols., 1839-1845,
reimp. Bristol, Thoemmes Continuum, 1999, I, 6-11; trad. em Collected English Works, ed.
Mo1esworth, reimp. Routledge/Thoemmes, 1992, I, 7-12; Brito, supra 04).
Kelsen, ob. cit. (supra 01), 17-18, 93-162.
** Hume, David - A Treatise of Human Nature, III, E, 1 (ed. L. A. Se1by-Bigge, Oxford, C1arendon,
1888, 469-470.
Hempel, Carl G – Aspects of Scientific Explanation and other Essays in the Philosophy of Science,
New York, Free Press, 1965.
Wright, ob. cit. (supra I), cap. II.
Hart, H.L.A. – “El nuevo desafio al positivismo juridico”, Sistema, 36, 1980, 3-18 (Brito, supra 04,
**Brito, José de Sousa e - “O Positivismo Jurídico e a Lei de Hume”, Estudos em Homenagem à
Professora Doutora Isabel de Magalhães Collaço, Coimbra, Almedina, 2002, II, 895-919.
Larenz, ob. cit. (supra, I), 41-96.
4. Teoria aristotélica do raciocínio prático
Aristóteles, Ética a Nicómaco, VI (Gauthier,R. A., Jolif, J. Y. - L 'Éthique a Nicomaque, 4 vols.,
Louvain/Paris, Nawe1aerts, 1970, I, 1, 267-283; I, 2, 159-183; II,2, 435-578).
Wright, ob. cit. (supra I), cap. III.
Wright, Georg Henrik – Practical Reason, Oxford, Blackwell, 1983, 1-34.
Kenny, Anthony - Aristotle's Theory of the Will, London, Duckworth, 1979, 111-66.
- Will, Freedom and Power, Oxford, Blackwell, 1975, 70-96.
Hare, R. M. – Practical Inferences, London, Macmillan, 1971, 59-73.
5.Ciência e técnica na ciência jurídica
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “Science and Technique in Jurisprudence”, Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 10,
1986, 345-352.
Dworkin, Ronald – “Legal Theory and the Problem of Sense”, Ruth Gavison (ed.) – Issues in
Contemporary Legal Philosophy, Oxford, Clarendon, 1987, 9-20.
Hart, H. L. A. – “Comment”, Ruth Gavison cit., 35-42.
Bentham, Jeremy - Of Laws in General, ed. H.L.A. Hart, London, Ath1one, 1970.
*Kelsen, Hans, ob. cit.(supra, 01), 163-376.
Kelsen, Hans - Allgemeine Theorie der Normen,Wien, Manz, 1979.
Raz, Joseph - The Concept of a Legal System, 2ª ed., Oxford, C1arendon,1980.
Raz, Joseph - Practical Reason and Norms, London, Hutchinson, 1975.
6. Teoria da norma jurídica
Engisch, Kar1 - Introdução ao Pensamento Juridico, trad. J. Baptista Machado, Lisboa, Gu1benkian,
1965, cap. lI.
Kaufmann, Armin – Lebendiges und Totes in Bindings Normentheorie. Normlogik und moderne
Strafrechtsdogmatik., Göttingen, Schwartz, 1954, trad. Teoria da Norma Jurídica, Rio de Janeiro,
Bobbio, Norberto - Teoria della norma giuridica, Torino, Giappiche11i, 1958.
**Dworkin, Rona1d - "The Mode1 of Ru1es I", Taking Rights Seriously (supra 03), 14-45.
Raz, Joseph - "Legal Principles and the Limi ts of Law", The Yale Law Journal, 81 (1972), 823-854.
Honoré, A.M. - "Real Laws", Hacker - Raz, ob.cit. (supra 1), 99-119.
Alexy, Recht, Vernunft, Diskurs (supra 03), 177-212
Hart, ob. cit. (supra 01), “Pós-escrito”.
Coleman, Jules (ed.), Hart’s Postscript.Essays on the Postscript to the Concept of Law, Oxford,
Clarendon, 2001.
7. Teoria das situações jurídicas subjectivas
** Hohfeld,Wes1ey Newcomb - Fundamental Legal Conceptions, ed. W. W. Cook, Ya1e University
Press, 1964, 23-46.
Wright, Georg Henrik - Norm and Action, London, Routledge, 1963.
Hart, H. L. A. – Essays on Bentham (supra 03), 162-219.
**Brito, José de Sousa e - "Relire Bentham", Archives de Philosophie du Droit, 17,1972, 451-472.
Lindahl, Lars - Position and Change, Dordrecht, Reide1, 1977.
**Brito, José de Sousa e - "Hart's Criticism of Bentham", Rechtstheorie, 10, 1979, 449-461.
8. Teoria da ordem jurídica
Santi Romano - L 'ordinamento giuridico, Firenze, Sansoni, 1977.
Wengler, Wi1he1m – „Betrachtungen über den Zusammenhang der Rechtsnormen in der
Rechtsordnung und die Verschiedenheit der Rechtsordnungen", Festschrift für Rudolf Laun,
Hamburg, 1953, 719-743.
Bobbio, Norberto - Teoria del ordinamento giuridico, Torino, Giappiche11i, 1960.
Hart, H. L. A. - "Ke1sen's Doctrine of the Unity of Law", Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy
(supra 03), 309-342.
Raz, Joseph - "The Identíty of Legal Systems", The Authority of Law (supra 03), 78-102.
9. Direito positivo e direito natural
Welzel, Hans - Naturrecht und materiale Gerechtigkeit (supra 02; trad. Introduccion a la Filosofia
del Derecho, 2ª ed., Madrid, 1971).
Wolf, Erik - Das Problem der Naturrechtslehre, 3ª ed., Kar1sruhe, C. F. Mü11er, 1964 (trad.: El
Problema del Derecho Natural, Barcelona, 1961).
Brooks, Richard O., James Bernard Murphy (eds.) – Aristotle and Modern Law, Dartmouth, Ashgate,
10. Teoria da justiça
Kant, Immanuel – Grundlegung zur Methaphysik der Sitten, A 1785, B 1786 (trad.: Groundwork for
the Metaphysics of Morals, ed. Allen W. Wood, Yale University Press, 2002)
*Rawls, John - Uma Teoria da Justiça, trad. Carlos Pinto Correia, Lisboa, Presença, 1993.
- Liberalismo Político (trad.), Lisboa, Presença, 2003.
- Justice as Fairness. A Restatement, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press,
- Collected Papers, ed. Samuel Freeman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University
Press, 1999.
Ronald Dworkin – Sovereign Virtue. The Theory and Practice of Equality, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 2000.
Cohen, G. A. – Rescuing Justice and Equality,Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press,
Amartya Sen – The Idea of Justice, .London, Penguin, 2009.
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “A Democracia e o Fim da História”, Themis, 1, 2000, 127-136.
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “Teoria da Justiça e Ética”, Themis, 12, 2006, 7-13.
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “Falsas e Verdadeiras Alternativas na Teoria da Justiça”, Ars Iudicandi.
Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Castanheira Neves, I, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora,
2008, 289-334.
11. Razão ética e razão jurídica
Rawls, John – Liberalismo Político (supra 10), cap. VI.
Rawls, John – “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited”, Collected Papers (supra 10), 565-615.
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “O Direito como Conceito Limitado da Justiça”, Telos, 5, 1996, 2, 9-20.
**Brito, José de Sousa e – “Razão Democrática e Direito”, João Lopes Alves (ed.), Ética e o Futuro
da Democracia, Lisboa, Colibri, 1998, 143-150