ARTIGO 1 Formação dos substantivos Os substantivos são para identificar ou dar nome às pessoas, coisas e qualidades que nos circundam. Ex: student, man, house, sky, Monday, France, hope, information. Um substantivo sempre responde a perguntas como: “Who is it?” ou “What is it?”. Às vezes precisamos usar várias palavras com um substantivo para identificar que pessoa, coisa ou que qualidade estamos nos referindo. Esses grupos de palavras são chamados de “noun phrases”. Ex: A foreign student The student at the back of the class The student who asked the question A) Acrescenta-se sufixos para formar algumas profissões: VERBO + ( E ) R: bake baker, build builder, design designer, manage manager, speak speaker, teach teacher SUBSTANTIVO + (E) R: engine engineer, football footballer, garden gardener, law lawyer, photograph photographer, trumpet trumpeter Outros: butcher, carpenter, grocer, plumber, usher - OR: actor, author, director, doctor, editor, professor, solicitor, surveyor, tailor - IST: cello cellist, piano pianist, violin violinist, trombone trombonist, geology geologist, physics physicist, economics economist, science scientist, telephone telephonist chemistry chemist, art artist -IAN: mathematics mathematician, music musician, politics politician, statistics statistician, history historian, library librarian, technique technician - ANT: account accountant, assist assistant, attend attendant, consult consultant and other words like: dependant, informant, inhabitant - ENT: resident, superintendent B) Algumas terminações são acrescentadas a substantivos, verbos e adjetivos para formar substantivos abstratos: - TION: inform information, situate situation, solve solution, define definition, promote promotion and other words like: nation, station. - SION: verbos terminados em –de formam substantivos com o sufixo –sion explode explosion, persuade persuasion, invade invasion, conclude conclusion, decide decision - SION e – SSION: verbos terminados em –vert formam substantivos com -version convert conversion, pervert perversion - SSION: formam substantivos com verbos terminados em –d ou –de succeed succession, proceed procession, recede recession - MENT: na maioria das vezes forma substantivos a partir de verbos amuse amusement, judge judgement, excite excitement, argue argument, state statement, arrange arrangement - NESS: forma substantivos partindo de adjetivos. sad sadness, ready readiness, useful usefulness, red redness, busy business - ANCE, - ENCE, - ANCY,- ENCY independent independence, attend attendance, account accountancy, efficient efficiency. Também: nuisance, conscience, emergency - ABILITY OR - IBILITY: formam substantivos de adjetivos terminados em –able or ible respectively. probable probability, respectable respectability, possible possibility, responsible responsibility - ISM: used to describe all sorts of philosophies and other systems of belief. Adjetivo classical communist conservative defeatist liberal optimistic realistic romantic socialist Pessoa classicist communist conservative defeatist liberal optimist realist romantic socialist A crença classicism communism conservatism defeatism liberalism optimism realism romanticism socialism C) Outros: - AL: arrival, committal, denial, dismissal, proposal, refusal, withdrawal - DOM: kingdom, wisdom - HOOD: likelihood, neighborhood - T: high height, weigh weight - TH: broad breadth, deep depth, long length, wide width Substantivos terminados em drum - drummer engine - engineer physics – physicist economics – economist survey - surveyor violin - violinist law - lawer chemistry - chemist drama - dramatist telephone - telephonist supervise - supervisor attend - attendant technology - technologist cello- cellist trumpet – trumpeter –ist, -er, -or, ian atribuindo qualificações às pessoas : football - footballer science – scientist organize – organizer library - librarian comedy- comedian type – typist trombone - trombonist photograph –photographer music – musician instruct - instructor accounts - accountant flute – flautist democracy - democrat athletics- athlete gymnastics – gymnast Substantivos abstratos terminados em –tion, -(s)sion, -ance, -ence,-ure, or –ment a partir dos verbos: arrive- arrival add - addition agree - agreement amuse - amusement appear – appearance associate - association assume - assumption authorize - authorization attend- attendance complete -completion conceive – conception concentrate- concentration conclude – conclusion confer- conference confuse -confusion deceive- deception decide - decision declare - declaration defend - defense judge - judgment observe - observation permit - permission prefer - preference provide - provision refer- reference simplify- simplification solve -solution refuse – refusal compare – comparison defy - defiance differ-difference disappoint- disappointment distinguish -distinction divide-division employ- employment endure -endurance enjoy -enjoyment entertain -entertainment explain- explanation explode- explosion explore -exploration fail -failure inform- information imitate -imitation interfere- interference intervene -intervention irritateirritation multiply- multiplication offend- offence persist -persistence proceed- procedure receive- reception repeat -repetition sign -signature revise- revision depart -departure Formação dos Adjetivos Os adjetivos em inglês são usados geralmente antes dos substantivos. Ex: right side, wrong place, big house, small room, nice girl, tall man, thin boys, black cars. Há, no entanto, alguns sufixos, que acrescentados ao final da palavra, podem nos ajudar a identificar o significado de certos adjetivos. -y acrescentado a substantivo: air → airy health → cloud → cloudy hunger → dirt → dirty luck → ease → easy mist → fog → foggy noise → fun → funny rubber → grease → greasy silk → hair → hairy thirst → -ly acrescentado a substantivo: healthy hungry lucky →misty noisy rubbery silky thirsty brother → coward → father → friend → man → woman → mother → home → brotherly cowardly fatherly friendly manly womanly motherly homely leisure → life → shape → earth → day → week → fortnight → month → leisurely lively shapely earthly daily weekly fortnightly monthly -like adicionado a substantivo business → businesslike child → childlike god → godlike life → lifelike workman → workmanlike -ish acrescentado a substantivo child → childish fool → foolish man → mannish snob → snobbish Britain → British Denmark Danish Spain red green white fat young -ful adicionado a substantivo beauty → beautiful care → careful doubt → doubtful faith → faithful hope → hopeful play → playful shame → skill → truth → use → wonder → harm → shameful skilful truthful useful wonderful harmful -less acrescentado a substantivo aim → aimless care → careless hope → hopeless life → lifeless meaning → point → tact → use → meaningless pointless tactless useless → → → → → → Spanish reddish greenish whitish fattish youngish -able acrescentado a substantivo ou verbo accept → acceptable eat → eatable adapt → adaptable laugh → laughable admire → admirable love → lovable answer → answerable memory → memorable avoid → avoidable read → readable bear → bearable reason → reasonable believe → believable recognize → recognizable change → changeable regret → regrettable consider → considerable rely → reliable debate → debatable respect → respectable deny → deniable tax → taxable depend → desire → drink → dependable desirable drinkable -ive acrescentado a verbo administer administrative attract → attractive construct → constructive destroy → destructive digest → digestive exceed → excessive extend → extensive sale → value → wash → saleable valuable washable explode impress → intend → possess → progress → respond → succeed → explosive impressive intensive possessive progressive responsive successive -ing ou –ed alguns particípios são usados como adjetivos amazing → daring frightening → shocking amusing → embarrassing interesting → surprising boring → entertaining pleasing → thrilling charming → exciting promising → tiring confusing → fascinating satisfying → worrying amazed → conceited excited → reserved amused → disappointed fascinated →satisfied well-built → embarrassed relaxed → worried Exercício: 1) ( FATEC ) Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo é composto por dois substantivos, como na palavra "weight-loss". a) low-cholesterol meals. b) high-fat intake. c) western-style boots. d) well-known people. e) ice-cream flavors. 2) ( UFSM ) As palavras "independence" e "independent" são, respectivamente, um substantivo e um adjetivo. O mesmo ocorre, respectivamente, em a) reconciles - reconciliation. b) united - unity. c) suggestion - suggested. d) freedom – free. e) practical - practically. 3) ( UERJ ) Nouns In English can be preceded by words of various grammatical classes. The construction which does Not contain a typical instance of adjectival modification is: a) ... Comeback Album ... b) ... German Director ... c) ... Successful Attempt ... d) ... Charming Documentary ... 4) ( ITA ) Os sufixos usados nas palavras nervousness, actually e surprising são formadores, respectivamente, de: a) substantivos, advérbios, adjetivos b) substantivos, adjetivos, advérbios c) adjetivos, advérbios, substantivos d) adjetivos, substantivos, advérbios e) advérbios, adjetivos, substantivos 5) ( EFOMM ) ___________ events are important for ___________. a) Culture, educate b) Cultural, education c) Culture, educational d) Cultural, educated e) Cultures, education 6) ( EFOMM ) The ________ in the supply of oil at a time of increasing consumption resulted in a severe energy crisis. a) reduction b) reducible c) reductive d) reductively e) reduce 7) ( PUC – PR ) The baseball game was so _______ that the spectators were shouting and jumping out of their seats. a) excited b) excitable c) excitement d) exciting e) excite 8) ( UEL ) Um antônimo para a palavra “careful” é: a) carefully b) careless c) carelessly d) prompt e) cherish 9) ( EFOMM ) When the police investigated the Bank robbery they discovered the $ 10,000 had been stolen. After the __________ the Bank employees were very upset. a) discovered b) discover c) discovery d) discoverable e) to discover 10) ( EFOMM ) You can trust Henry to take care of your health, for he is a very good__________. a) professor b) sailor c) servant d) musician e) physician Gabarito: 1) E, 2) D, 3) A, 4) A, 5) B, 6) A, 7) D, 8) B, 9) C, 10) E