CETIP S.A. - MERCADOS ORGANIZADOS Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ) No. 09.358.105/0001-91 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE): 33.300.285.601 CALL NOTICE ORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING APRIL 16, 2015. The shareholders of CETIP S.A. – MERCADOS ORGANIZADOS (“Cetip” or “Company”), are hereby called to meet the Ordinary General Shareholders’s Meeting on April 16, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. in the second floor auditorium of its headquarters at Edifício Presidente Castello Branco, located at Avenida República do Chile, no. 230 in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State to resolve on the following Agenda: 1. Take the management accounts, examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014; 2. Resolve on the allocation of net income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014; 3. Establish the Management Global Compensation for the 2015 fiscal year; and 4. Election of a new Independent Member of the Board of Directors. Clarifications: In compliance with applicable legal and statutory provisions, copies of the documents to be discussed at the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, including those required by CVM Instruction no. 481/2009 will be available to the shareholders at Cetip’s headquarters, located at Avenida República do Chile, n.º 230, 11th floor, Rio de Janeiro, at its branch, located at the at Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 1663, 1st floor, Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo, on its investor relations website (www.cetip.com.br/ir), as well as on the websites of Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM (www.cvm.gov.br) and the BM&FBOVESPA (www.bmfbovespa.com.br). Shareholders may participate in the General Meeting hereby called personally or through their legal representatives or proxies as provided by Article 126 of Law no. 6,404/76, with the following documents: Individuals: photo ID (RG, RNE, CNH or officially recognized professional identification cards). Legal Entities: authenticated copy of the most recent bylaws or consolidated charter and corporate documentation granting power of attorney (minutes of the election of executive officers, certificate (s) of possession and/or power-of-attorney), photo ID(s) of legal representative(s). Investment Funds: authenticated copy of the most recent consolidated regulation of the fund and the bylaws or charter of its manager, in addition to the corporate documentation granting power of attorney (minutes of the election of executive officers, certificate (s) of possession and/or power-of- attorney), photo ID(s) of legal representative(s). All shareholders should provide proof of their ownership of Cetip shares with documentation issued by the custodian financial institution and/or agent not more than 5 (five) days prior to the Meeting. Therefore, the documents mentioned above are requested to be presented by April 25, 2014 at CETIP’s headquarters or offices located at the addresses mentioned above, in both cases care of the Legal Department. Shareholders may be represented by powers-of-attorney named not more than one year ago as long as this proxy is a Shareholder, Cetip manager, lawyer or financial institution, and investment fund managers shall represent their investors, as permitted by CVM Instruction 522, and since observed voting policy of the fund. Powers-of-attorney in languages other than Portuguese should be translated to this language before being sent to Cetip. Rio de Janeiro, March 16, 2015. CETIP S.A. - MERCADOS ORGANIZADOS Edgar da Silva Ramos Chairman of the Board of Directors