Microsoft Office Outlook - Estilo de memorando

Renato Conteiro
Enviado em:
Renato Conteiro [[email protected]]
quarta-feira, 8 de Maio de 2013 00:02
'[email protected]'
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
RES: #1196292 ENC: #1187521 ENC: Rechnung 2013-2-0083528
Dear sirs,
Another three days have passed and still no answer from you.
As it can be seen in the images below, you have misspelled my address.
In the image on the left, is my correct address – which I entered in your online shop form. In the image of the right is
the address to where you have sent my order.
Because of this, my order was misplaced and got lost.
I have addressed you 3 times. This is 4th.
In the first 2 times, you have denied your mistake – incomprehensively, as it is at plain sight of everyone.
In the 3rd time, I got no answer.
I believe this is no way to treat a customer – and I am not some lousy customer. I have shopped from you 9 times,
spending some hundreds of EUR so far.
I would like to keep clear that I like your company and I consider doing business with you in the future.
Look that I’m not expecting you to give me any refund or voucher for the next order (although it would be nice,
considering the situation); I'm just expecting you to acknowledge that you have shipped the items to a different
address. 1º C is not the same thing as 1º C.
It would be nice, at least, to get some excuses and not some denial.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards
Renato Conteiro
De: Renato Conteiro [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 2 de Maio de 2013 10:37
Para: '[email protected]'
Cc: '[email protected]'
Assunto: RES: #1196292 ENC: #1187521 ENC: Rechnung 2013-2-0083528
Dear Max Reichert,
Once again, I believe you didn't see the attachment, so I resend it again.
On your online shop, I entered the address:
"Renato Conteiro Rua da Juventude 11 - 1º C 2615-121 Alverca Portugal "
You have shipped it to:
"Renato Conteiro Rua da Juventude 11 - 1º C 2615-121 Alverca Portugal "
(as it can be seen in the invoice in attachment)
I'm not expecting you to give me any refund or voucher for the next order (although it
would be nice, considering the situation); I'm just expecting you to acknowledge that you
have shipped the items to a different address. 1º C is not the same thing as 1º C.
It would be nice, at least, to get some excuses and not some denial.
I would like to keep clear that I like your company and I consider doing business with you
in the future.
Please look at the attachment.
Best regards
Renato Conteiro
-----Mensagem original----De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 2 de Maio de 2013 06:04
Para: [email protected]
Assunto: Re: #1196292 ENC: #1187521 ENC: Rechnung 2013-2-0083528
thank you for your request.
We have already checked this out.
The entered Adress at our onlineshop is:
"Renato Conteiro Rua da Juventude 11 - 1º C 2615-121 Alverca Portugal "
At this adress we shipped your items. We don't change any adress.
Yours sincerely
Max Reichert
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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Wegner, Oliver Dahms, Timm Langhorst
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Christoph Braun
momox_outbound_case #1196292
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