Filmes :
Computadores e
Prof. Jefer - jefer@u
1984 (1956)
Hackers (1995)
Hackers 2 : Takedown (2000)
Hackers 3 - Antitrust (2001)
E-Dreams [2001]
War Games [1983] / War Games-The Dead
Code [2008]
● Control Alt Delete (2009)
● We Live in Public (2009)
Filmes Computadores e Sociedade
BBC - The Virtual Revolution (2010)
Reboot (2012)
We Are Legion (2012)
The Fifth Estate (2013)
TPB AFK (2013) - The Pirate Bay Away
from Keyboard movie
● Downloaded (2013)
● Her (2013)
Filmes Computadores e Sociedade
● We Steal Secrets: The Story of
WikiLeaks (2013)
● Jobs (2013)
● Algorithm: the hacker movie (2014)
● BBC Horizon (2014) - Inside the Dark
● Pesadelo Social.(2014)
Filmes Computadores e Sociedade
● The Internets Own Boy: The Story of
Aaron Swartz (2014)
● The Imitation Game (2014)
● Citizenfour (2014)
● Blackhat 2015
● Unfriended (2015)
● War for the web (2015)
Filmes Computadores e Sociedade
Outros Relacionados
Tron (1982) / Tron Legacy (2010)
Exterminadores do Futuro
The Startup Kids (2012)
Pi (1998)
Triumph of the nerds
Reboot (2012)
Outros Relacionados
Welcome To Macintosh (2008)
DEFCON The Documentary (2013/2014)
Game Over Kasparov and the machine
N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdos
breaking the code 1996
Outros Relacionados
Documentário Good Copy, Bad Copy
Roube Este Filme (Steal This Film) (2006)
Java Linux - O filme
ImProprietário - O mundo do software livre
The Linux Code