Lista de Exercícios de Gramática em Inglês

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Lista de Exercícios de Gramática em Inglês
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A partir desse momento, iremos fixar o que vimos sobre interrogative form. Afinal de contas,
também devemos saber como perguntar, questionar, indagar, para que possamos aprender
sempre mais.
Antes disso, dvemos lembrar que o verbo to be não necessita do verbos auxiliares do e
does do presente simples. Para isso, basta que façamos as devidas alterações no mesmo de
acordo com o pronome empregado. Preencha as lacunas abaixo:.
1. ______ Helen and Barbara drink milk every day?
No, they ______drink milk every day.
2. ____ you speak English?
Yes, I _____.
3. _____ Carol speak English?
Yes, she _____.
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4. _____ Samantha have English classes on Mondays?
No, she ______.
5. _____ you know Peter?
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Yes, I ____.
6. _____ they know São Paulo?
Yes, they ____.
7. ______ she speak French?
No she _____not.
8. _____ we watch soap operas every night?
No, we____.
9. ______ Paul and Harry know each other?
Yes, they _____.
10. ____ Jimmy and Dawn at school?
No, they _____.
11. _____Gustavo at home?
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Yes, he _____.
12 ____ you ok?
No, I _____ OK.
13. ____ Patricia sick?
No, she _____ OK.
14. _____ you a fan of The beatles?
Yes, I ____ definitely a big fan of The Beatles
15. ____ you from Brazil?
Yes, I ____ from Brazil.
16. _____ Victor a teacher?
No, he ____ a teacher.
17. _____ I an idiot?
No, you _____ not an idiot.
18. ______ you stressed out?
Yes, I ___ stressed out.
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19. ____ they firefighters?
Yes, they ____ firefighters.
20 _____ she a vampire hunter?
Yes, she _____ a vampire hunter.
No próximo texto estarei disponibilizando as respostas!
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