How Fat Loss Really Works

How Fat Loss Really Works (98% of
experts answer this wrong)
Q: How can 150 doctors, dieticians, and personal trainers be wrong?
A: When one Australian scientist, Ruben Merman, asked them what
happens to the fat when you lose weight, their answers indicated
something was wrong.
In addition, yes, most of them wrongly answered something like “It
burns and changes into energy.”
It is because of this lack of knowledge that most people struggle with
their weight loss. It is like trying to get rid of the trash from your
backyard without knowing the route to the dumpster.
Body fat is, simply described, when triglycerides fill up your fat cells.
When you lose fat, you do not lose any fat cells. Instead, triglycerides
leave the cells and change into carbon dioxide and water.
That is called burning fat.
However, the next step is just as important. How to get rid of what
used to be fat (now carbon dioxide)? If you do not do that, it builds up
in your body, causing a poison and preventing further fat loss. This is
what happens when weight loss plateaus.
To figure out how the fat leaves the body, Merman, calculated the
journey of the triglyceride molecule after it leaves the fat cells.
So what happens to the fat? You exhale 85% it!
Therefore, 85% of weight loss happens through your breathing.
Only 3 out of 150 doctors, dieticians, and personal trainers knew this
important fact. In addition, none of them put a big emphasis on
breathing regarding weight loss.
However, here is another well-known fact: Most people do not breathe
effectively enough.
Just think about it. We can live for over a month without food, for days
without water, but only minutes without breathing. Yet, almost nobody
pays any attention to his or her breathing.
You may say it is an automatic response, so
you do not have to pay attention to it; just
like your heartbeat. However, unlike your
heartbeat, you can control your breathing
(and with it, your heartbeat).
Breathing is negatively affected by so many
factors, such as stress, bad body position
(sitting all the time), lack of exercise, and
worst of all, belly fat.
Belly fat presses on the diaphragm, making it
more difficult to breathe deeply. Most
overweight people, therefore, take shallow
breaths and only use about 20% of the lung’s
What would happen if you only ate or drank
20% of what your body needed? You would
starve to death within a few months. Right
now, you are starving your body of oxygen by
not breathing properly.
Improper breathing is one of the main causes
of weight gain. How can it be?
Because, the process of triglycerides leaving
the fat cells (turning into carbon dioxide) is
similar to burning fire (this first part the
“experts” answered rightly). Moreover, for
this process, you need a lot of oxygen.
Therefore, to trigger weight loss, you need to load your body with
oxygen (inhaling). In addition, to remove the fat, you need to get rid of
the carbon dioxide (exhaling).
However, the process is not as simple as taking a few deep breaths.
Because you need to train yourself to breath effectively 24/7. Only with
that, will you put your weight loss on autopilot.
I have been teaching my clients these easy Autopilot Weight Loss
Techniques for years. Thousands of people have completely
transformed their body using these techniques, without much diet or
If you are interested in putting your weight loss on autopilot, learn
these simple Weight Loss Breeze techniques here and try them out for