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How Erectile Dysfunction Causes Heart Attack

How Erectile Dysfunction Causes
Heart Attack
A new study recently released from Australian National University has
been the first to link the risk of heart problems with the severity of ED.
Even after accounting for other lifestyle factors that would affect both
conditions separately, their findings were alarming.
Researchers studying men who had varying severities of both heart
disease and erectile dysfunction have found that the more severe the
ED, the higher the risk of heart disease and stroke.
The connection was clear. Men with mild erectile dysfunction were 25%
more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and those with
severe ED had 35% risk increase.
The reason for this connection is just as clear. Cardiovascular health
problems that lead to heart attack and stroke usually begin with
hardening of the arteries and plaque buildup.
The first arteries to be blocked are the smallest once like the ones in
the penis. Lack of blood flow into the penis is obviously the main
physical cause of ED. However, it may also be an indicator of an even
bigger problem down the road.
While the news could be grim for many men, doctors see it as a new
opportunity to gauge risk for one condition when a patient seeks
treatment for the other. For example, if a man complains to his doctor
of ED, he should-without exception – be tested for cardiovascular
In the same way if a man has long lasting high blood pressure, high
cholesterol or other cardiovascular problems, a sensitive doctor will
inquire about any sexual problems the man may be hesitate to address
on his own.
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