Erectile Dysfunction Even More Common Than Previously Thought

Erectile Dysfunction Even More
Common Than Previously Thought
Whether it is because more men are
experiencing it or it is finally being
more accurately reported, higher and
higher numbers of men are being
diagnosed with Erectile Dysfunction.
New research suggests, however, that
diagnoses among a particular demographic is on a startling increase.
However, the good news is that in most cases Male ED can be
completely reversed without using the blue pill.
A new study out of Switzerland has revealed that men between the
ages of 18-31 are among the most diagnosed with erectile dysfunction.
In fact, the study says, almost a full third of men in this age group are
reporting problems attaining and maintaining an erection.
The many stressors that come as a natural part of this stage of life can
have a lot to do with the increasing frequency of the problem. College,
work, a new marriage, young children, poor economy- all these and
more contribute to the stress that can and does have an effect on a
man’s ability to perform.
The Swiss study also revealed that young men suffering from ED are
becoming increasingly likely to self-medicate, a trend, which is
troubling, doctors considering the very dangerous side effects and lack
of data on the long-term use of drugs like Viagra.
The sad part is that while men of all ages are putting themselves in
danger using dangerous drugs to gain temporary erection, it can be
permanently cured using nothing more than simple home exercises.
Check out these simple exercises guaranteed to cure erectile
dysfunction from the privacy of your own home…