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Decolonisation: Knowledge, Power, and
Short Course
https://www.aku.edu/events/pages/event-detail.aspx?EventID=1462&Title=Decolonisation: Knowledge, Power, and Politics
Short Course
Events | The Aga Khan University
September 28-30, 2020
Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
In the twentieth century, anti-colonial and anti-racist movements in Asia, Africa, and
the Americas appeared to be radically remaking the modern world. Yet the creation
of new and politically independent nation-states was only one stage of
decolonisation. The con guration of global power is still unequal. The ways in which
we think and engage in the world continue to be marked by a colonial past and
present. Yet alternative possibilities have been and are being imagined and
Situated across the disciplines of Politics, History, and Sociology this introductory
course examines the un nished business of decolonisation. The course will:
1. Introduce students to key ideas in decoloniality, post-colonialism, Marxism,
gender, and ecological studies.
2. Analyse the historic contexts of political decolonisation.
3. Ask how are our everyday lives impacted by colonial legacies using the example
of race, gender, and desire?
Download the Course Structure.
Learning outcome
To understand how the current world system has developed over a period of 500
years of colonialism, slavery, and exploitation, making modernity and coloniality two
sides of the same coin.
Course Convenor
Dr Sanaa Alimia is interested in analysing structures of power and how they play out
in our everyday lives. Her rst manuscript reconstructs microhistories of refugees,
undocumented migrants, and low-income groups in Pakistan. An Assistant
Professor of Political Science at the Aga Khan University's Institute for the Study of
Muslim Civilisations, Sanaa Alimia holds a PhD from the Department of Politics and
International Relations at SOAS, London where she also taught (2011-2014). She was
a Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of
Peshawar (2013-2017) and a Research Fellow at the Berlin Graduate School for
Muslim Societies, Freie Universität, Berlin (2014-2016) and Leibniz Zentrum
Moderner Orient, Berlin (2014-2019).
https://www.aku.edu/events/pages/event-detail.aspx?EventID=1462&Title=Decolonisation: Knowledge, Power, and Politics
Events | The Aga Khan University
Some of the courses she has taught include:
Understanding Frantz Fanon
Global Racialised Migration in the 20th-to-21st Centuries
The Politics of Modern Muslim Mobility
Social Movements and Political Protest
Urban Housing in the Global South
Comparative Politics
International Relations
One-on-one Sessions
Interested participants are invited to arrange two individual one-on-one online
sessions (each for 45 minutes). These can be used up to 8 weeks after the course
has been delivered. Students can discuss key texts, pieces of writing, or re ections
in those sessions. These sessions must be booked in advance.
Course preparation
Participants will be asked to listen to a 10-minute pre-recorded lecture before
attending each session. Participants will also be asked to read a mixture of
academic texts, poetry, political speeches, and news articles. Participants will also
be asked to listen to and/or watch songs, performances, and short visual clips.
Date and Time
28, 29 and 30 September 2020 (09:00 – 11:30)
£75.00 for professionals | £45.00 for students, AKU alumni, and AKU sta . Book
your tickets soon.
*The course will be delivered via Zoom and further details will be provided
later upon registration.
Knowledge, Power, and Politics
Events | The Aga Khan University
[email protected]
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https://www.aku.edu/events/pages/event-detail.aspx?EventID=1462&Title=Decolonisation: Knowledge, Power, and Politics