Name : Monica de Andrade Morraye Profession: Date of Birth: Biologist November 3th, 1967 Nationality: Brazilian Membership of Professional/Academicals Societies/Research Centres: Ecohealth, IUPHES (International Union for Health Promotion and Education Key Qualifications: Experience in analyzing social-ecological systems and in ecological and epidemiological studies, a commitment to connecting research to real-world issues. Initiative. Educational Background: PhD in Ecology, Federal University of São Carlos (1999). Master's in Ecology, Federal University of São de São Carlos (1994) Biologyst Federal University of São de São Carlos (1990), Has experience in Ecohealth and Health Promotion. Complementary Education 2011 - 2011 Short Term Course Summer Institute Climate Change and Public Health. Columbia University, COLUMBIA, New York, United States Scholarship from : Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo 2008 - 2008 Short Term Course in INTERNATIONAL HUMAN DIMENSION WORKSHOP, New Deli, IHDP. Professional Background 1. Universidade de Franca SP Brazil 2006 – Current Position: Professor , Working hours (weekly): 40, Schemes of job: Fulltime 2. São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP SP Brazil 2004 - 2006 Position: Professor, Working hours (weekly): 24, Schemes of job: Part-time 3. Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCAR SP Brazil 2003 - 2005 Position: Professor, Working hours (weekly): 40, Schemes of job: Full-time 4. Univesity of São Paulo SP Brazil 2000- 2003 Pos-Doc Position, SP Brazil Duties/responsibilities Classes to Graduation and Undergraduation, Advisor of Master and PhD, Development of Research Projects, Management and Admnistrative Position, Coordination of Graduate Program. Publications and Working papers: Articles Published in Scientific Journals CESARIO, M., CESARIO, R. R., ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. Environmental Change and Health Impacts IHDP UPDATE, 1, 2011, p. 28 - 36 FURTADO, M. A., ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. A Hantavirose e as Unidades de Conservação In: 1o Simpósio Internacional Saúde Ambiental e a Construção de Cidades Saudáveis, Uberlândia, Anais do 1o Simpósio Internacional Saúde Ambiental e a Construção de Cidades Saudáveis, 2010. Brasil/Portuguese. CESARIO, MANUEL, CESARIO, R RANGEL, ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. The impacts of climate change on ecosystem services: The case of disrupted disease regulation in SouthWestern Amazonia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6, 2009, p. 302007 FURTADO, M. A., RIBEIRO, M. D., ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. A influência das mudanças climáticas e ambientais sobre a expansão dos casos de Hantavírose In: IV Conferência Regional sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais: O Plano Brasileiro para um Futuro Sustentável, São Paulo, Anais IV Conferência Regional sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais: O Plano Brasileiro para um Futuro Sustentável, 2011. Brasil/Portuguese. CESARIO, M., ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes and the (Re) Emergence of Diseases in Brazil. SOURCE. , v.11, p.61 - 68, 2008. Chapters published 1. ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M., ROCHA, G. M. ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES OF LOW VISION In: Saúde Ocular e Prevenção da Cegueira.1a ed.Rio de Janeiro : Cultura médica, 2009, v.1, p. 244-250. Brasil/Portuguese. ISBN: 9788570064578 Articles published in annals of events (complete) 1. Furtado, M. A., ANDRADE-MORRAYE, M. THE MAP OF ESPACE AND TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION OF HANTAVIROSIS IN SÃO PAULO STATE, FROM 1993 TO 2008 In: II Congresso Internacional & IV Simpósio Nacional de Geografia da Saúde, 2009, Uberlândia. Anais do Congresso Internacional & IV Simpósio Nacional de Geografia da Saúde, 2009. Brasil/Portuguese. Languages: English Understanding Fluent , Speaking Fluent, Writing Fluent, Reading Fluent Spanish Understanding Fluent , Speaking Functional, Writing Basic, Reading Fluent French Understanding Functional , Speaking Basic, Writing Basic, Reading Functional Awards 2009 Travel Award. DIVERSITAS, South Africa; 2008 Travel Award - INTERNATIONAL ECOHEALTH FORUM, INSP, IDRC, IAEH, PAHO, IPE, Mexican Government 2008 Travel Award to participate on 6th IHDP workshop on New DELHI, India, IHDP 2007 Travel Award: Towards Sustainable Global Health, IHDP - International Human Dimension Project 2006 Travel Award: Open Science Conference, Earth System Science Partnership, Beijing, Earth System Science Partnership (WCPR, IHDP, Diversitas, IGPB) 2005 Travel Award: Integrating biodiversity science for human well-being, First Open Science Conference, Oaxaca, Mexico, DIVERSITAS 2000 Travel Award: 8th Conference of Paleolimnology, University of Kingstone, Canada Other Academic Advisories Academic Advisory - concluded (Master´s thesis - primary advisor) 11 Academic Advisory - concluded (Master´s thesis - secondary advisor) 02 Academic Advisory - concluded (undergraduation) 12 Academic Advisory - concluded (other kinds) 03 Academic Advisory - current (Master´s thesis - advisor) 04 Academic Advisory - current (PhD´s thesis - advisor) 01